
Translation Import/Export

559 bytes added, 19:17, 21 July 2016
Creating Translation File - Arcadia
== Creating Translation File - Arcadia ==
1. Go to the UTA, in this case we will go to the Submission Manager<br />
2. Go to Configuration Settings<br />
3. Go to Level 1 Custom Fields<br />
4. We want to Create a Translation File for all custom fields in this UTA.<br />
5. Select the check box at the top to Select All custom fields.
6. Click the "Create Translation File" button at the top.<br />
7. Select the file format, for this case we will use Excel 2010.<br />
8. Delete the first column of each Setting/Property as the second (duplicate) column will be what the translation will be.<br />
== Accessing the Translation Import/Export Tabs - Classic ==