
Advanced Search

377 bytes added, 19:00, 26 April 2016
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(April 2016) Advanced Search now has been enhanced with the following functionality:  1. The ability to '''search the attributes of associated objects''', these options were added to the '''Field Type''' field. The following associated objects were added:* The organization connected to the Level 1.* The branch connected to the Level 1.* The external person connected to the Level 1.* The internal person connected to the Level 1.  2. The ability to '''filter searches based on UTA role'''. The following search options were added for the Level 1s: 
* My Level 1 - Assigned in Role
* My Level 1 - Assigned in Companies
[[Image:Advanced_Search_New_Level_1_Filter_Options.png|link=|700px]]<br />
''Illustrated is the field dropdown option in Advanced Search with the new Level 1 filters included (above).''
''Illustrated is the field dropdown option in Advanced Search with the new Level 1 filters included (above).''