

65 bytes added, 16:52, 18 April 2016
no edit summary
List views and search filters have been enhanced with the ability to dynamically filter lists based upon the current user. This allows the creation of a single list view that shows the current user all records they are associated to in a specific role.
<!--This enhancement adds the ability to filter a list view based on UTA roles and the ability to filter list views based on system variables such as @userid@ and @companyid@-->
:* [[Why?]] <!-- The system now allows list views to be filtered based on UTA role and system variables like User ID and Company ID. -->| [[How]]
<!-- 42404 - Dynamic List View Filtering -->
===Updated Reports Page With List Style and Search Functionality===
This enhancement extends the Arcadia list view page-style to the Reports page. This enhancement also adds search functionality.
<!--For organizations with many reports, or organizations who expect to generate many reports over time, this is a welcomed enhancement. The reports page now has search functionality giving you the ability to quickly filter reports by column name, role, status, and type.-->
<!-- [[Image:Search_functionality_on_reports.png|Link=|800px]]-->
:* [[Why?]] | [[How]]
<!-- 42000 - Search field on the Reports page -->
===Enhanced Password Policy Options===
This feature adds additional rigor to the password policy platform-wide. It ensuring ensures a user’s ID (in its entirety) cannot be part of the user's password, or the whole password.
:* [[Why?]] | [[How]]
<!-- 44147 - Platform password policy enhancement -->
===New Disable User Account After Inactive Period===
This enhancement adds the ability to configure enables user accounts to automatically become disabled after a specified period of inactivity. Controlled by the Password Policy settings, an account can become disabled , requiring a password reset to regain access.
:* [[Disable User Account After Inactive Period - Why?|Why?]] | [[Disable User Account After Inactive Period|How]]
<!-- 42897 - Disable Account (i.e. expire account if unused) -->
===New Font Weight and Color Settings Added to List View Columns===
This enhancement adds the ability to easily select a column font color and specify the column text font weight from the list view settings.
<!-- [[Image:List_view_font_weight_and_color.png|link=|700px]]-->
:* [[Font Weight and Color Settings for List View Columns - Why?|Why?]] | [[How]]
<!--46372 - Add Font weight and color settings to list columns-->
===Visual Enhancements for Arcadia Tabs and Captions===
Updated the style of Arcadia tabs and captions for improved look and feel. These include tab accent colors and additional white spacebetween tabs.<br /><br />
[[Image:Updated_style_of_arcadia_styles_1.png|link=]]<br />
* ''The Arcadia tab with updated styling (above)''<br />
<!--[[Image:Updated_style_of_arcadia_styles_2.png|link=|500px]]<br />
* ''The Arcadia tab look prior to new styling (above)''<br />
<!-- 46437 - Arcadia Tabs are boring and grey -->
<!--45946 - Arcadia Caption-->
==On-Demand System Upgrades==
The following features are also available immediately with the application of the upgrade, but must first be enabled or configured by a System Administrator:
===Enhanced Search and Filter Functionality Added to Provider / Consumer List View FilterViews===
This feature enhances the Consumer / Provider list views with the ability to search and filter results.
:* [[Why?]] | [[How]]
<!-- 44457 - Provider / Consumer List View Filter -->
New feature assignment panels Assignment Panels allows you navigate different list views simultaneously and easily search and bulk assign users to records. This first phase is limited to just the ability to assign users in one panel to Level 1 records in the other panel but this will be expanded to in the future to allow assignment to and from more record types.
<!-- 43318 - Stripe Integration -->
<!-- 42475 - Payment Form -->
==Notes for Admins==
===New Create Arcadia X Layouts Using Pre-Made Templates With the Layout Picker===
The Arcadia X layout picker enables the point-and-click configuration of portal sections using pre-made templates and the choice of Arcadia X themes and backgrounds. Arcadia X layouts built using the layout picker are responsive by default. <!--All Arcadia X sections built using the layout picker will be formatted for optimal viewing on a wide rage of devices. For novice users and those not familiar with html, the Arcadia X layout picker provides templates with various layouts eliminating the need for technical know-how. Arcadia X layouts built using the layout picker are responsive by default.-->
:* [[Why?]] | [[How]]
<!-- 37891 - Arcadia X Layout picker (template for section creation) -->
===Enhanced Record Lock Feature Added when Modifying Contacts and Companies===
The Record Lock feature gives the first person to access a record in Edit mode exclusive access to the record so that others cannot edit it until released. This enhancement extends the Record Lock functionality to include Contacts and Organizations and eliminates the possibility of two users concurrently editing these records.
<!--This optional feature locks a contact and company record when in edit mode. This eliminates any possibility of two users from modifying the same record at the same time. It is possible that two people could attempt to edit the same record at the same time. This scenario is not ideal as it could lead to data loss. This enhancement extends the existing record lock feature to include contacts and company records eliminating the possibility of two people editing the same record record simultaneously. This feature is optional and can be turned on and off from within Global Settings -> Organizations & Users -> Enable Record Lock (found under their corresponding section for companies/users)
===New Control Page Breaks and Page Orientation With SmartField PDF Options===
This enhancement enables greater control of PDF documents generated from SmartField Views by one-click control of page breaks and page orientation.
[[Image:Smartfield_pdf_options.png|link=]]<br />
:* [[Control Page Breaks and Page Orientation With SmartField PDF Options - Why?|Why?]] | [[Control Page Breaks and Page Orientation With SmartField PDF Options|How]]
:* [[Why?]] | [[How]]