

990 bytes added, 20:54, 15 April 2016
no edit summary
===Enhanced Record Lock Feature Added when Modifying Contacts and Companies===
The Record Lock feature gives the first person to access a record in Edit mode exclusive access to the record so that others cannot edit it until released. This enhancement extends the Record Lock functionality to include Contacts and Organizations.and eliminates the possibility of concurrently editing these records
<!--This optional feature locks a contact and company record when in edit mode. This eliminates any possibility of two users from modifying the same record at the same time. It is possible that two people could attempt to edit the same record at the same time. This scenario is not ideal as it could lead to data loss. This enhancement extends the existing record lock feature to include contacts and company records eliminating the possibility of two people editing the same record record simultaneously. This feature is optional and can be turned on and off from within Global Settings -> Organizations & Users -> Enable Record Lock (found under their corresponding section for companies/users)
<!-- 35842 - Assignment List View -->
===Enhanced Revamp Dynamic Control fields===
This enhancement changes the way Dynamic Control fields are rendered, however it retains the same functionality.
:* [[Custom_Field_Type:_Dynamic_Data_–_Dynamic_Control_Field#Enhancements|Why?]]
<!-- 37465 - Revamp Dynamic Control fields -->
===New Level 2 Fields Now Visible in Level 3 List Views===
===Enhanced Stripe e-Payment Integration===
This enhancement furthers the integration with contemporary payments service, Stripe, and builds on the initial beta release in November. The system Through the invoice module, payments can now generate a payment form from a Level2 invoice and collect a be accepted by credit card payment cards using the Stripe integration. 
<!--The system can now generate a payment form from a Level2 invoice and collect a credit card payment using the Stripe integration. -->
:* [[Why?]] | [[How]]
<!-- 43318 - Stripe Integration -->
<!-- 42475 - Payment Form -->
===New Create Arcadia X Layouts Using Pre-Made Templates With the Layout Picker===
The Arcadia X layout picker enables the point-and-click configuration of portal sections using pre-made templates and the choice of Arcadia X themes and backgrounds. All Arcadia X sections built using the layout picker will be formatted for optimal viewing on a wide rage of devices. For novice users and those not familiar with html, the Arcadia X layout picker provides pre-made templates with various layouts eliminating the need for technical know-how. Arcadia X layouts built using the layout picker are responsive by default, making them accessible on devices with different screen sizes and resolutions.
:* [[Why?]] | [[How]]
<!-- 37891 - Arcadia X Layout picker (template for section creation) -->
===New Role Permissions for Submit buttons===
Submit buttons can now be configured so that they are presented to users based on role and UTA role permissions reducing the need for visibility conditions. <!--If a Submit button is associated with both a role and UTA role, the UTA role permission will take precedence. Prior to this enhancement, Submit buttons could be associated with one or more Level One templates and visibility conditions controlled when the button was visible. This enhancement adds role and UTA role permissions to Submit buttons giving admins more flexibility when configuring them.-->
:* [[Why?]] | [[How]]
<!-- 40243 - Role Permission for Submit button -->
<!-- 44695 - SS Meta data exchange -->
===Batch create Level one from Create Records Based on ProviderDetails===77277This new feature enables the creation of consumer associated records in batch based on the contacts or companies associated to the provider record.<!-- This feature adds the ability to create level 1s based on based on a list of organizations attached to a level one or level two provider-->
:* [[Why?]] | [[How]]
<!-- 44779 - Batch create Level one from Provider -->
==Notes for Admins==
===New Style Sheet for XML Budgets and Defined Default Classes for Cells===
Updated the style of XML data custom fields with a new default style sheet. This enhancement eliminates the needs to hand code HTML styling when creating XML data fields.
:* [[Why?]] | [[How]]
<!-- 36544 - Create a new style sheet for XML budgets and define default classes for cells -->
===Enhanced Revamp of Dynamic Control Fields===
Updated the design of dynamic control custom fields for more consistent and improved behavior. The improvements were achieved through changes to the way Dynamic Control fields are rendered.
:* [[Custom_Field_Type:_Dynamic_Data_–_Dynamic_Control_Field#Enhancements|Why?]]
<!-- 37465 - Revamp Dynamic Control fields -->
==Enhanced Message Queue Functionality Enables Re-Sending of Failed Emails==
Updated the message queue list with the ability to re-send failed emails that did not previously send for any number of reasons.
<!-- 45566 - Emails Failing -->