

516 bytes added, 19:15, 16 March 2016
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===37465 - Enhanced Revamp Dynamic Control fields===
Global System Upgrades<br />
This feature enhancement changes the way Dynamic Control fields are rendered, however it retains the same functionality.
:* [[Why?]] | [[How]]
<!-- 37465 - Revamp Dynamic Control fields -->
===View L2 New Level 2 Fields Now Visible in L3 List View (Like L2 Level 3 List Views)===
Global System Upgrades<br />
This feature allows level 2 fields to be listed referenced from within a level 3 list views in Arcadia X portals. Level 2 fields will also appear in Level 3 advanced searches.
:* [[Why?]] | [[How]]
<!-- 43980 - View L2 Fields in L3 List View (Like L2 List Views) -->
===UTA Packaging Phase 2 (SmartExchange)New SmartSimple Meta Data Exchange===SmartExchange This enhancement is the first in a multi-year platform enhancement endeavor aimed at creating a single data exchange structure that can be used to package Instance configurations, UTA configurations, and other data. For the April 2016 upgrade, UTA packaging and unpackaging is available. This meta data exchange enhancement allows UTA data to be extracted from an instance, packaged, and then loaded / installed into another instance with minimal effort. The benefits of this feature is wide ranging including, quick and easy storage and archiving, the ability to easily restore UTA's data, sharing of configured UTA's between similar organizations, and much more.
:* [[Why?]] | [[How]]
<!-- 44695 - UTA Packaging Phase 2 (SmartExchange) SS Meta data exchange -->
===Platform password policy enhancementEnhanced Password Policy Options===
Global System Upgrades<br />
This feature adds an additional option to the password policy allowing for ensuring a user’s ID (in its entirety) cannot be a part of the passwordwhole, or part, of the whole user's password.
:* [[Why?]] | [[How]]
<!-- 44147 - Platform password policy enhancement -->