
Custom Field Type: Upload - Single File Storage

20 bytes added, 19:18, 17 February 2016
no edit summary
* '''Enable Annotation''' – allows users to add [[PDF Annotation|annotations]] to uploaded PDF documents from within the SmartSimple system.
* '''Disable Email Button''' - Removes the ability of users to e-mail the file directly from within [[SmartSimple]].
* '''No Deletion''' – suppress the [[User|user’s]] ability to delete any files stored in the field, and manager permission is required by the [[User|user]] to delete an '''Allow Delete Multiple Files Fields'''.{{FileTypeRestriction}}<br /> '''File Name Restriction''' - Allows you to enforce a file naming convention on files uploaded to SmartSimple. See the [[File Name Restriction]] page for more information.<br /> '''Workflow on Upload''' - Allows you to define a [[Workflow]] that will be triggered whenever a file is uploaded to this field.<br /> 