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[[File:PlayingCard-DynamicData-4s.jpg|thumb|150px|Click [ here] to peruse our selection of custom fields.]]==Field Display=={{ Deprecated }}
==General Description==
This field type is used to create sets of fields that are dependent on a value selected from the Dynamic Control field. This field type is displayed as a combo box. Depending on the options selected, additional fields will be displayed. In the example above, selecting Yes as the value for the Legal Representation field displays all related fields.
This field type is used to create sets of fields that are dependent on a value selected from the ==Field Illustrated==[[Image:Cf_dcf_ex1.png|800px]]<br />''Dynamic Control field. This field type is displayed as a combo box. Depending on the options selected, additional fields will be displayed. Field - In this example the example above, selecting '''Yes as the value for ''' option displays the Legal Representation field displays all related fieldsInformation below.''  [[Image:Cf_DCF_gif.gif|800px]]<br />''Dynamic Control Field illustrated (this animation will replay 3 times. Refresh page to restart animation.)''
==Enhancements==This feature was enhanced (Apr 2016). The purpose of the enhancements were to update the design of dynamic control custom field for more consistent and improved behavior.<br /><br />Enhancements included: * Modified the dynamic control field so it renders as individual fields as opposed to divs of field sets* When a parent option changes, ajax is used to control the visibility of the sub fields* When sub fields are hidden, they are also disabled to support Smartcheck and also prevent data from posting 
{{AllowEmpty}}{{AppearMandatory}}* '''Values''' control the options displayed in combo box. For example: '''No;Yes'''{{Searchable}}{{TrackChanges}}{{ShowAsRadioButtons}}{{ShowDisplayValueInListViews}}{{EnableServerSideValidation}}{{EnableKML}}{{DisableQuickEdit}}{{LabelAboveField}}
==Special Field Options==  * '''Values''' control the options displayed in combo box. For example: '''No;Yes'''
Values are separated by semi-colons with no spaces. If the '''Allow Empty''' option is set to unchecked, then the first value will need to be a prompt for the [[User|user]] as the value will not be accepted as a valid selection. For example: '''Select from List;Yes;No'''
In this example, one set of [[Custom Field|custom fields]] can be displayed if '''Yes''' is selected, and an alternative set of fields displayed if '''No''' is selected.
'''Addition Custom fields''' – additional custom fields are added to the field.
[[Image:Cf23Cf_dcf_ex3.png|link=|900px]] The '''Tab''' name is used to control the sub-fields to be displayed. In this example, setting the tab name to '''Yes''' displays the fields when '''Yes''' is selected in the '''Dynamic Control''' field.  
{{VisibilityCondition}} ==Move to Parent Level==If a client wishes to convert Dynamic Control sub fields to [[Dynamic Field Visibility Control|Branching fields]] then there is now a button on both custom field list view and edit custom field page to '''Move to Parent level'''. It will automatically copy the [[Display order]] from the original parent field to the sub-fields when moving the sub fields. This means the sub-fields should continue to be displayed close to the original parent field when shown on screen.   
When using a dynamic control field beneath a '''Title bar''' field the number of columns of the title bar must be set to 1.
You can determine the fields to be displayed based on more than a single value. For example, if the field options are: '''Select From List;Less than 100;Between 100 and 200;Greater than 300'''. You could set the value for a given field to display in more than one selection. Setting the value to '''Less than 100;Greater than 300''' would display the field when either of these options was selected.
Smartstaff, administrator