
Enhanced Custom Field Instructions Display

114 bytes removed, 19:57, 1 February 2016
no edit summary
==How to Implement this Feature==
# Select the desired '''[[UTA]]'''
# Select the appropriate Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 tab
# Click on the '''[[Custom Fields]]''' hyperlink, edit the desired (or create a new) ''Custom Field''.
# Add a checkmark to the '''Hide Caption''' option in the '''Caption Location''' field
# Add instructions text into the '''Instructions''' field
# Click on the '''Save''' button at the bottom of the screen
4. Edit the desired (or create a new) ''Custom Field''
5. Add a checkmark to the '''Hide Caption''' option in the '''Caption Location''' field
6. Add instructions text into the '''Instructions''' field
7. Click on the '''Save''' button at the bottom of the screen