
Create and Direct Users to Language Specific Login Pages

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{| class="wikitable"|-|See [[Image:How.png|50px|link=Signup_Page]]|This article will explain '''how''' you can implement this feature for use on your SmartSimple system.|}
==Overview== Based on the language parameter entered users can be directed to a language specific login page. Global Administrator privileges will be required to setup this feature.   ==How to implement it?==   1. Under the ‘’’Configuration’’’ tab, click on ‘’’Global Settings’’’.<br /> 2. In the ‘’’Branding and Visual Settings’’’ section, click on the ‘’’Login Screen Content’’’ hyperlink.<br /> 3. At the top of the ‘’’Login Screen Content’’’ page you will see the ‘’’Language’’’ drop down option.<br /> 4. Selecting the appropriate language from the list will generate a new login page builder for the selected language.<br /> 5. Configure the login page to your requirements (including text in the specified language)<br /> 6. Click on the ‘’’Preview’’’ button at the bottom of the page to review the content, and click ‘’’Save’’’ when finished to save the ‘’’Login Screen Content’’’.<br />  ==Notes==  * When linking to a language specific login page, add the appropriate language parameter to the login page url to direct the user to the appropriate page.* If no parameter is added the user will be directed to the English version.* Example:    ==Language IDs==  {| class="wikitable"|+ Language IDs|-|English|1|-|French (Canada)|2|-|Traditional Chinese|3|-|German|4|-|French (France)|6|-|Japanese|7|-|Finnish|8|-|Spanish (Ecuador)|9|-|Vietnamese|10|-|Russian|11|-|Turkish|12|-|Italian|13|-|Spanish|14|-|Korean|15|-|Portuguese|16|-|Swedish|17|-|Grorgian|18|-|XML Tag|99|} ==Also See==# [[Sso|SSO]] {| class="wikitable"|-|[[Image:Why.jpeg|50px|link=?]]|Click [[here]] to learn why this feature is a benefit to your organization.|} <!-- [[Category:How]] --> [[Category:Under ConstructionDeprecated]]
Smartstaff, administrator