
SmartCheck Validation

5 bytes added, 15:24, 9 December 2015
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=Form Value vs Stored Value=
In the SmartCheck code builder there is a select where you choose between '''Form Value''' and '''Stored Value'''. The '''Form Value'''' is the value someone has entered into his or her application (form), this includes information that has not been saved. The '''Stored Value''' is the value from the server (information that has been saved). By using the Form Value you can validate based on information that the user has entered into the form even if they have not clicked save on their application.
Here is how it looks when you call the Form Value for a standard field.
if(form.getStr("sf_Application Name") == "")
Here is how it looks when you call the Stored Value for the same standard field.
if("@Application Name@" == "")
Notice the stored value calls the field using the variable syntax we learned in the variable processor lesson.