
Report Builder Neo - Why

843 bytes added, 18:19, 24 September 2015
Created page with "{{WhyHeader}} Why use the '''Report Builder Neo'''? The updated report builder “Report Builder Neo” offers a more intuitive interface and makes it easier to build repor..."

Why use the '''Report Builder Neo'''?

The updated report builder “Report Builder Neo” offers a more intuitive interface and makes it easier to build reports. This updated feature will save system administrators time and effort when creating targeted, impactful reports.

Report Builder Neo replaces our former report builder and is a more streamlined approach to reporting. It improves how you find, select, and set up information. The updated report builder provides a better report building experience.

Please Note: Report Builder Neo can only be used to create brand new reports. Existing reports cannot be updated to the new format.

{| class="wikitable"
| Click [[Report_Builder_(Neo)|here]] for an overview of the Report Builder Neo.

[[Category:Why]] [[Category:Reports]]