
Custom Combined Sign-Up Page

158 bytes added, 20:31, 24 November 2014
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4. With a new '''Restrict Duplicate Emails''' functionality (May 2013 upgrade [[Upgrades]]) when enabled on system sign up page by selecting '''Do not update profile for existing user''' you can look at the compiled source code and take out the script that use to check the duplicate and paste it into your smart folder hybrid page. The part of the code that you will need is the following within the sb(frm) function:
var paramrs=new in_ssRecordSet();paramrs.addfieldnames("pageid,matchvalue"); var idx=paramrs.getnewrecnumber(); paramrs.addfieldvaluebyname(idx,"pageid",XXXXXX); paramrs.addfieldvaluebyname(idx,"matchvalue",XXXXXX); if (!SS_UTADuplicateCheck(false,'',0,XXXXXX,'0','0',paramrs)) { return false; }
var idx=paramrs.getnewrecnumber();
paramrspageid: can be found on the sign up page urlmatchvalue: field to validate. Ex. OR frm.cname.addfieldvaluebyname(idx,"pageid"valuerecord: 30 for company,90);40 for contact
if (!SS_UTADuplicateCheck(false,'',0,30,'0','0',paramrs)) {
return false;
Also, make sure you include the javascript file "/Ajax/uta/in_uta.js" on the page as well