
Submit Logic

144 bytes added, 13:26, 6 August 2014
Condition Construction: added numoffiles example
* '''"@level1.Proposal.filename@"!=""''' - Ensures you have a Proposal uploaded in the single file upload on the Level 1.
* '''"@level1.Plan Details.numofpages@"<=6''' - Ensures the number of pages for a PDF file upload field is not more than six pages
* '''"@level1.Multiple File Uploads.numoffiles@">0''' - Ensures the number of files uploaded to a Multiple Files upload field is greater than 0
* '''"@level1.type@"!="New Grant"||"@level1.xml.ExternalPeers.peer.peer.nodecount@">2''' - Ensures that the level 1 type is 'New Grant' and number of nodes/items entered in the XML worksheet is greater than 2 items.
* '''@level1.Amount Awarded.value@ <= 500000''' - Ensures that the ''Amount Awarded'' field is under $500,000. The ''.value'' is necessary when the ''Amount Awarded'' field is stored in currency format.