
Criteria Template

1,148 bytes removed, 14:35, 16 May 2014
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The Criteria Template section on the [[Report Template]] tab of the [[Creating a Basic Report|Edit Report Page]] defines the criteria section of a custom report template containing the prompt(s) for report [[parameter]](s) when [[criteria|report criteria]] are used.
The Criteria Template section accepts HTML code. When the Criteria Template is used, the report parameter prompt does not manifest as a pop-up when the report is run, but remains at the top of the page.
'''Example:''' A simple : Our report is built as follows that prompts the user for the first name of a contact when runtwo criteria:<br /><br />
[[Image:CriteriaTemplate-ReportBuilderCriteriaSetInReport.png|link=|400px]]<br /><br />The default prompt for the report will appear as follows, a concatenation of the recordset and field name specified in the [[Report Builder]]:<br /><br />[[Image:CriteriaTemplate-DefaultPrompt.png|link=|350px]]<br /><br />Right click on the page and choose the option in your [[browser]] that will expose the page HTML source. Then scroll down to and copy the section that contains the criteria table: <br /><br />[[Image:CriteriaTemplate-SourceTable.png|link=|450px]]<br /><br />Then go to your Edit Report page, select the Report Template tab and paste the HTML code for the criteria table into the Criteria Template section:<br /><br />[[Image:CriteriaTemplate-PasteIntoTemplate.png|link=|650px]]<br /><br />You can then edit the HTML code:<br /><br />[[Image:CriteriaTemplate-EditedTemplate.png|link=|650px]]<br /><br />The resultant report, when run, will contain the criteria section you have defined at the top of the report:<br /><br />[[Image:CriteriaTemplate-ResultantReport.png|link=|450px]]<br /><br />