
UTA Settings - Settings

152 bytes removed, 13:20, 12 April 2023
UTA Settings
:{{UTASettingsTabs}} The main Settings page of the UTA consists of several sections.
The sections will be named differently than the examples below in your copy of SmartSimple, depending on the naming convention the [[system administrator]] has defined on the Terminology Settings on the [[UTA Settings - General|General Settings page]]. In the following examples, the UTA has been named "GMS360° - Grants," {{l1}}s are referred to as "Grants," {{l2}}s as "Activities " and {{l3}}s as "Sub-Activities."
==UTA Settings==
The UTA Settings section contains links to the following pages:
<!--* '''Model Viewer''' - ''This feature is currently in beta release''.-->
* '''Advanced Logic''' - Controls object visibility for this UTA only. See the [[Advanced Logic]] page for more information.
* '''Application Scope Access''' - See [[Application Scope Access]] page for more information.
* '''Arcadia Settings''' - See [[Arcadia Settings]] for more information.
* '''Field Permission Matrix''' - See [[Field Permission Matrix]] for more information.
* '''Janus Machine Learning''' - See [[:Category:Janus|Janus pages]] for more information.
The UTA Settings section also contains the following configuration options:
* The following five settings will '''hide''' the relevant [[tabs]] from all users from the [[Tabs#Menu_Bar_Tabs|Menu Bar Tab]]:
:* '''Hide My Activities Tab''':* '''Hide My Sub-Activities Organization Tab''':* '''Hide Organization Tab''':* '''Hide Contact Tab''':** '''Hide Report Tab'''
* The following two settings will '''show''' the relevant [[tabs]] for all users on the [[Tabs#Menu_Bar_Tabs|Menu Bar Tab]]:
:** '''Show File Search Tab''':** '''Show Resource Tab'''
* '''Group Tabs''' - See the [[Group Tabs]] page for more information.
==Level 1 Settings==
The {{l1}} settings section will be captioned with the terminology the [[system administrator]] has defined on the [[UTA Settings - General|General Settings page]]. In the above example, {{l1}}s have been named "Grants."
The Level 1 Settings section contains links to the following pages:
* '''Custom Fields - Create and manage custom fields for grants''' - A list of all baseline [[custom fields]] for your {{l1}} entity. See [[Adding a Custom Field to a Level 1]] for details on adding custom fields.
* '''List Views - Add/remove and set order of fields in role based grants List Views''' - The [[list views]] that pertain to lists of Level 1s in this UTA. See [[Configuring List Views]] for instructions on adding list views.
* '''Templates Types - Create and manage grant templatesL1 types''' - The page for managing your [[Level 1 TemplatesTypes]].
* '''Statuses - Define the statuses you wish to use for grants''' - The page for managing your Level 1 [[Status]]es.
* '''Organization Roles - Create and manage organization roles for grants''' - Roles that can be assigned to [[organization]]s associated with {{l1}}s. System-wide company roles can be configured on the [[Roles & Permissions|Roles & Permissions]] page.
* '''Organization List View - Create and manage organization list view for grants''' - The [[list views]] that pertain to lists of [[organization]]s in this UTA. See [[Configuring List Views]] for instructions on adding list views.
* '''Contact List View - Create and manage contact list view for grants''' - The [[list views]] that pertain to lists of [[contact]]s in this UTA. See [[Configuring List Views]] for instructions on adding list views.
* '''Contact Tabs - Create and manage contact tabbed view for grants''' - Allows system administrators to break groups of contacts into separate [[tabs]] by [[UTA role]]. * '''Organization Tabs - Create and manage organization tabbed view for grants''' - * '''Contact Restrictions - Create and manage UTA restriction for grants''' - * '''Copy {{l1}} Settings - Select {{l1}} custom fields to copy''' - This page defines the custom and standard fields that will be copied to the new record when the Copy button is used on a {{l1}}, and the roles that have permission to copy fields. See [[Copying UTA Records]] for additional information.
* '''Grant Duplicate Check Settings - Create and manage duplicate check for grants''' - See [[Duplicate Check]] page for instructions on configuration.
<!--14692 - duplicate check across L1-->
* '''Import Organizations''' - Associate existing [[organization]]s in your system with existing {{l1}} objects.
* '''Import Contacts''' - Associate existing [[contact]]s in your system with existing {{l1}} objects.
The Level 1 Settings section also contains the following configuration options:
* '''Enable Date Filtering''' - When this option is selected, users will have the option to filter records in the Level 1 [[list view]] by Start Date and End Date from the [[Basic Search]] Panel. The Start Date and End Date [[standard fields]] must be enabled for this configuration to have effect.
* '''Disable Default Date''' - When this option is selected, the Start Date will no longer default to the current date upon new record creation. See [[Disable Default Date]] for additional information.
* The following four settings will '''hide''' the relevant [[tabs]] from all users from the [[Tabs#Navigation_Bar_Tabs|Navigation Bar Tab]] on Level 1 records:
:** '''Hide Forms Tab''':** '''Hide Email Tab''':** '''Hide {{l1}} Chart Tab''':** '''Hide Import Tab'''
* The following two settings will '''show''' the relevant [[Quick Entry]] options on the New button on the [[Tabs#Navigation_Bar_Tabs|Navigation Bar Tab]] on Level 1 records:
:** '''Show Basic Quick Entry Tab''' - See [[Basic Quick Entry]] page for more information.:** '''Show Enhanced Quick Entry Tab''' - See [[Enhanced Quick Entry]] page for more information.
* '''Open Transaction in New Window''' - [[Transaction]]s will open a pop-up window when this option is enabled.
* '''Group Tabs''' - See the [[Group Tabs]] page for more information.
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==Level 2 Settings==
The Level 2 Settings section contains links to the following pages:
* '''Custom Fields - Create and manage custom fields for activities''' - A list of all baseline [[custom fields]] for your {{l2}} entity. See [[Adding a Custom Field to a Level 2]] for details on adding custom fields.
* '''List Views - Add/remove and set order of fields in role based activities List Views''' - The [[list views]] that pertain to lists of Level 2s in this UTA. See [[Configuring List Views]] for instructions on adding list views.
* '''Copy Activity Settings - Select Activity custom fields to copy''' - This page defines the custom and standard fields that will be copied to the new record when the Copy button is used on a {{l2}}.
The Level 2 Settings section also contains the following configuration options:  * '''Use Current Time for Activities''' - * '''Enable Time FilteringHide Email Tab''' - * '''Disable Default Date''' -
* '''Disable Default Assign''' - See [[Disable Default Assign]] page for information.
* '''Hide Recurring Activity Button''' - * '''Open Activity in Full Application Screen''' - * '''Open Activity in New Window''' - * '''Show New Activity Tab On List When Security Matrix Enabled''' - * '''Other Type Tab Terminology''' - <BRbr /><BRbr />
==Level 3 Settings==
The Level 3 Settings section contains links to the following pages:
* '''Custom Fields - Create and manage custom fields for Sub-Activities''' - A list of all baseline [[custom fields]] for your {{l3}} entity. See [[Adding a Custom Field to a Level 3]] for details on adding custom fields.
* '''List Views - Add/remove and set order of fields in role based Sub-Activities List Views''' - The [[list views]] that pertain to lists of Level 3s in this UTA. See [[Configuring List Views]] for instructions on adding list views.
* '''Copy Sub-Activity Settings - Select Sub-Activity custom fields to copy''' - This page defines the custom and standard fields that will be copied to the new record when the Copy button is used on a {{l3}}.
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==Email Settings==
* See [[Integrating Email with the UTA]] for instructions on configuration.
'''Note:''' Other sections will be visible on this page when various options are enabled on other Settings Pages.
Smartstaff, administrator