
Password Policy

1 byte removed, 16:55, 1 May 2014
Intruder Email Alert
These settings define who should be informed by email if an intruder alert is detected.
* '''Email From''' – the “from” address for the email. If you do not set this value, the address: '''''' will be used.
* '''Email To''' – select the [[Internal|internal]] person people to receive the email.
* '''Subject''' – the subject of the email. See below for the variables that you can use in the subject.
* '''Body''' – the body of the alert email. See below for the variables that you can use in the body.
'''Intruder Alert Email Variables''' – because the [[User|user]] in not logged into the system the amount of information available is limited to IP Address '''@ip@''', the attempted username '''@username@''' and time '''@time@'''.
==Intruder Log==