
Arcadia Settings

2,586 bytes added, 19:25, 15 July 2019
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=Overview=Once Arcadia has been [[Enabling ArcadiaPermissions|enabled]] , then you can are able to configure the Arcadia settings specific to each {{UTA}} in your [[SmartSimple]] [[instance]], including the ability to have cross-tabbed standard views with drill -down options and [[KPI]]s for simplified presentation of important metrics.
Click on the =Configuration - Essentials===Accessing Arcadia Settings tab in ==To access Arcadia settings for a specific UTA, follow the relevant UTA. steps below: 
There should be a link within the overall Settings tab called Arcadia Settings 1. Click on this.[[Image:ArcadiaUTASettingsthe 9-square menu icon on the top right of your page.png|border|link=]]
* A number of additional options are now exposed to the end-user::* [[Arcadia {{Icon- KPI Settings|KPI Settings]]Menu}}:* [[Arcadia - UTA Custom Fields|2. Under the heading '''Applications''', select the relevant UTA Custom Fields]] :* [[Arcadia - Show Advanced Search|Show Advanced Search]]:* [[Arcadia - Level 1 Summary (matrix) Settings|Level 1 Summary (matrix) Settings]]:* [[Arcadia - Level 2 Summary (matrix) Settings|Level 2 Summary (matrix) Settings]]:* [[Arcadia - Tab Settings|Tab Settings]].
3. Click on the '''gear icon''' underneath the application name to go into '''Configuration Mode'''. 4. Under the '''General Settings''' tab is a subsection titled '''Arcadia Interface Options'''. :: [[File:Arcadia interface options.png|600px|border]]You are able to configure these additional options and expose them to the end-user based on their [[User Role|role]] within the instance.  {| class="wikitable"|-!|Arcadia Interface Option!|Function and Features|-||'''Summary and [[List View Overview|List View]] Options'''||Determine which [[User Role|user roles]] will have the ability to see summaries (for example, of {{L1}} grants in a grant-based [[UTA]] or of {{L2}}/{{L3}} activities associated with that UTA); determine which users will have [[KPI]] functionality, [[Reports]] as a tab view, and the [[Advanced Search]] feature within the UTA.|-||'''[[KPI]] Settings'''||Determine how the [[KPI]]s for that UTA will be displayed, and create new KPIs if applicable. |}===Summary and List View Options===The '''Summary and List View Options '''under '''Arcadia Interface Options '''in a specific UTA allows you to configure the summary and list view options for the Arcadia [[:Category:Interface|interface]] under that UTA.  <pre>Please note that the terminology associated with your Arcadia settings will be UTA-specific and may change based on your organization terminology. </pre>* See [[Organization hierarchy#Organization Terminology|General Terminology]]  :: [[File:Arcadia settings list view options 2019.png|thumb|none|655px|Settings available for Summary and List View Options.]] {| class="wikitable"|-!|Subsection of Settings!|Descriptions of Settings|-||'''General'''||'''Enable [[Advanced Search]] - '''Select which [[User Role|user roles]] will have the Advanced Search capability in this UTA, where they can filter [[List View Overview|list view results]] by [[Status]], [[Type]], etc, as well as customize and save their [[Filters]].  '''Enable KPI - ''' '''Enable Reports tab -''' |-||'''L1 Summary'''||'''Enable Summary View - ''' '''View Grant Group Status - ''' '''Grant Type to Omit for Summary - ''' '''Grant Status to Omit for Summary - ''' '''Grant Summary Options: ''' * Application Type* Branch* Organization* Applicant* Grant Staff |-||'''L2 Summary'''||'''Enable Summary View - ''' '''View Activity Group Status - ''' '''Activity Type to Omit for Summary - ''' '''Activity Status to Omit for Summary - ''' |} A number of additional options can be configured and exposed to the end-user based on role: * Summary and List View Options** Configure Summary and List View Options for Arcadia interface* [[Arcadia - KPI Settings|KPI Settings]]** Configure KPI (Key Performance Index) for Arcadia  [[Image:ArcadiaUTASettings2Grant_summary_settings.png|link=|border]] [[Image:Activity_summary.png|link=]] [[Image:Arcadia_tab_settings.png|link=]]
==See Also==
** [[Enabling Arcadia]] [[Category:Global Settings]][[Category:Interface]][[Category:Arcadia]][[Category:UTA Settings]]