
Configuring Fields to Export

1,416 bytes added, 20:40, 20 November 2007
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You now select the company and contacts fields that need to be exported. By default, '''NO FIELDS''' are selected.

1. Scroll below the '''Key Settings Section''' of the page.


A series of tabs are used to display the fields for each [[Entity|entity]] that you may wish to export. The only data that will be exported are those associated with the fields selected. These consist of:

* '''Contact Fields''' – the standard and [[Custom Fields|custom fields]] associated with contacts.

For contact fields the first name, last name and email address are always selected, as these fields are used to search for an existing contact in the receiving [[Instance|instance]].

* '''Company Fields''' – the standard and [[Custom Fields|custom fields]] associated with companies.

For company fields the name and address fields are always selected as these fields are used to search for an existing company in the receiving [[Instance|instance]].

2. Select the following fields in the '''Contact Fields''' tab.


3. Click the '''Save''' button.

4. Click the '''Company Fields''' tab.

5. Click the '''All Fields''' check box.


6. Click the '''Save''' button.

Next you will add detailing of the sending [[Instance|instance]] to the receiving [[Instance|instance]].

[[Category:Universal Tracking Application]][[Category:Object Synchronization Feature]]