
Workflow Task Type: Acknowledgement

26 bytes removed, 13:50, 23 September 2013
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Acknowledgement Tasks have the following settings:
* '''Name''' - Narrative name for the task.
* '''Task Number''' - A system generated number that determines the presentation order of the task in the [[Workflow|workflow]]. This number can be changed to display the step in a different location.
* '''Description''' - Detailed description of the task ''(optional)''.
* '''Expire After''' - Intended duration of the [[Workflow|workflow]].
* '''[[Workflow Request For Approval Required Respondents|Respondents]] ''' - The minimum number of respondents that are required to trigger the processing of this step.
* '''Move To''' - Provides the ability to move objects (files, companies or people) to another location at the end of the step.