

1,959 bytes added, 21:00, 30 November 2021
Type Settings
'''Types''' provide a method of delineating between different types varieties of [[Level 2 1 Types|Level 21]] and , [[Level 3 2 Types|Level 32]] items.:---> ''Types at Level 2 and Level 3 are the equivalent of [[Level 1 Templates3 Types|TemplatesLevel 3]] at Level 1 records.''
'''NOTENote: Level 3 Types are configured the same manner as Level 2 Types. Any differences are noted below.'''
 ==Creating and Editing Types==You can configure Level 2 Types via the '''Types''' link on the [[UTA Settings Page|Settings page]] of your [[UTA]].To navigate there# Navigate to your [[UTA]].# Select the [[UTA Settings Page|Configuration Settings Button]], signified by the gear icon.# For [[Level 1 types]], select the second tab from the left. For [[Level 2 types]], select the third tab from the left, and so on.# Select the '''Types''' link to view the types that have been created for this level entity.<br/>[[Image:Uta91Types Link.png]] * Here, you will see a list of all types that have been created for this level entity. To edit or copy an existing type, simply select the '''Existing TypesEdit''' are listed on icon, signified by the left of pencil icon, beside the pagetype.* To copy a type, click the '''Details of each typeSave As''' are displayed on button, enter the right '''Name''', '''Caption''' and '''Display Order''' of the page new type, and press '''Save'''. To create a new types are added to type, simply select the right of '''New Type''' button, signified by the pageplus (+) sign.[[Image:Uta92Types List.png|800px]] 
==Type Settings==
Each type of [[Level 2 Entity]] or [[Level 3 Entity]] has the following settings:
The Type Settings page has the following links to other configuration pages:<br /><br />[[Image:TypeButtons.png|link=|250px]]* '''Template Page''' - See [[Template Page]] for information.* '''Status Trigger''' - See [[Cascading Status Changes]] page for information.[[Image:EditTypePagePt1.png|thumb|500px|Top of Level 2 Type Edit Page]]Each type of [[Level 2 Entity]] or [[Level 3 Entity]] has the following settings:* '''Status ID''' - This is the unique identifier for this Type. See [[Typeid|Type ID]] for further information.* '''Language''' - Allows you to create a language-specific display name for the Type.
* '''Name''' - Unique name for the Type.
* '''Caption''' - Display name for the Type. See [[Caption]] for further information.
* '''Description''' - Any comments or notes you wish to include. '''Note:''' These don't manifest anywhere except on this page.
* '''Color Code''' - A color code used to display different types in the list view.
* '''Tab Label''' (Level 2 only) - Allows you to define a name for the tab if '''Display as Tab''' is selected. See [[Display as Tab]] article for details.
* '''People Workflow''' (Level 2 only) - Allows you to attach a '''Tracking Activity Assignment''' [[Workflow]] to this Type.
* '''Lock on Type''' (Level 2 and Level 3) - Allows you to lock this type after creation to prevent it from being changed.
* '''Is Default Type''' - Allows you to select which Type will be the default when a new Level 2 or Level 3 record is created.
:*:* '''Note:''' if you select more than one type to be the default this will not function.* '''Lock on Type''' (Level 2 and Level 3) - Allows you to lock this type after creation to prevent it from being changed.* '''Display as Tab''' - This Type will be displayed on a separate tab in the list of activities at the bottom of their parent record. See [[Display as Tab]] article for details.* '''Tab Label''' (Level 2 only) - Allows you to define a name for the tab if '''Display as Tab''' is selected. See [[Display as Tab]] article for details.
* '''Show External''' (Level 2 only) - This check box indicates whether or not this type of activity should be shown to external [[User|users]].
* '''Is Payment''' - allows the ability to use SmartSimple's [[Payment Integration]] features with this Type.
* '''[[Access Roles]]''' - Sets the [[roles]] able to access records associated with this Type.
* '''Creation Roles''' - Sets the [[roles]] that are able to create records with this Type.
* '''Available Status''' - Select the Level 2 [[Status]]es that can be selected for this Type.
* '''Calendar Enhanced Quick Entry Status''' - Select the Level 2 [[Status]]es in which records of this Type that will be displayed on [[Calendars]]when creating level 2s via Quick Entry.* '''[[Template / Type Formula|Level 2/Level 3 Formula]]''' - A set of expressions used to calculate values Only available when the Level 2 or Level 3 item is saved. Similar to the [[Template / Type FormulaEnhanced Quick Entry|Level 1 TemplateShow Enhanced Quick Entry Tab]] formula. ''(See [[Template / Type Formula]])''* '''Reminder Settings''' (Level 2 only) - The subject and content of option is activated on the Reminder messagemain settings page. These fields If no statuses are only applicable if you have included reminder standard fields defined then it will use the statuses defined in your [[Level the Available Status for the specific level 2 Entity]]type.* '''Follow Up Settings''' (Level 2 only) - The subject and content of If no statuses are defined there, then the '''Follow up''' message. These fields are only applicable if you have included follow up standard fields in your [[Quick Entry will show all Level 2 Entity]]statuses.* '''Restrict Contact Assignment by ContactCalendar Status''' (Level 2 only) - Allows you to restrict contact assignment for this Level 2 Type to named contacts. ::''For example, if Select the Level 2 Type is "Dissertation Review", and if there are 2 people [[Status]]es in your company that look after all dissertation reviews you would specify them here by name so that only they could be assigned to level 2 which records of this type''* '''Restrict Contact Assignment by Role''' (Level 2 only) - Allows you to define which contact Type will be displayed on [[RoleCalendars]]s can be assigned to this Level 2 Type. ::The option ''None''For examplecan be selected, if the Level 2 in which case this Type is "Legal Contract", you may wish to specify that only contacts with the role of "Lawyer" can will not be assigned to records of this typedisplayed on any Calendar.''* '''Enabled on Level 1 Templates''' - Currently only available against level 2 tasks. Allows you to define the level 1 templates that the current level 2 type is associated with.* '''Available to Level 2 Types''' - Currently only available against level 3 tasks. Allows you to define the level 2 types that the current level 3 type is associated with.
==Reminder & Follow-up ---* '''Associated Parent Settings==- Source''' - Currently only available against level 3 tasks. Provides ability to select between 2 level two entities in the same UTA or in related provider UTAs. Used in conjunction with the [[Standard Level 3 Field List|Associated Parent]] standard field.* '''Associated Parent Settings - Level 2 Activity Status''' - Currently only available against level 3 tasks. Allows selection of the level 2 statuses, based on the selected source, with the selected statuses controlling what is displayed in the [[Standard Level 3 Field List|Associated Parent]] standard field.* '''Associated Parent Settings - Level 2 Activity Type''' - Currently only available against level 3 tasks. Allows selection of the level 2 types, based on the selected source, with the selected types controlling what is displayed in the [[Standard Level 3 Field List|Associated Parent]] standard field.
----[[Image:Reminder_n_follow_upEditTypePagePt2.jpgpng|thumb|right|link=|500px|Middle Section of Level 2 Type Edit Page]]
* '''Disabled Transaction Types''' - See [[Attaching_Transactions_to_a_UTA_Level_1_Record#Restricting Transaction Types by Template|Disabled Transaction Types]] for detailed instructions.* '''[[Template / Type Formula|Level 2/Level 3 Formula]]''' - A set of expressions used to calculate values when the Level 2 or Level 3 item is saved. Similar to the [[Template / Type Formula|Level 1 Template]] formula. ''(See [[Template / Type Formula]])''* '''ID Used''' - Used in concert with Level 2/Level 3 Formula above. Only the custom fields with [[custom field IDs|field IDs]] entered into this section will be taken into account when running a Template/Type Formula. If this section is left blank, template formulas will run, but performance may be impacted.* '''Reminder Settings''' (Level 2 only) - The subject and content of the Reminder message. These fields are only applicable if you have included reminder standard fields in your [[Level 2 Entity]].** By ''default'', if there is no '''owner standard field''' - as is the case with calendar activities - then the last person to update the activity will be set as the owner.** If there is an '''owner standard field''' enabled, then the owner will be selected when creating reminders or follow-ups.* '''Follow Up Settings''' (Level 2 only) - The subject and content of the '''Follow up''' message. These fields are only applicable if you have included follow up standard fields in your [[Level 2 Entity]].
----[[Image:Reminder_n_follow_up_2EditTypePagePt3.JPGpng|thumb|right|link=|500px|Bottom Section of Level 2 Type Edit Page]]{{RestrictContactAssignment}}
See also [[Restrict Contact Assignment]].* If there is an '''owner standard fieldScheduling Prerequisite''' enabled, then the owner will be selected when creating reminders or follow-ups.
==Type Custom Fields==
You can define [[Custom Fields]] that will appear only on the Level 2 or Level 3 records of a given '''Type'''.
* To define these fields, click on the '''Fields''' button next to the relevant '''Type'''. Then create the desired custom fields in the normal fashion.
* The '''Display Order''' of the [[Custom Fields]] you create on a Type works in conjunction with the '''Display Order''' on any general Level 2 or Level 3 [[Custom Fields]] that have been defined.
:*:''For example, if you have a Custom Field on a Level 2 Type with Display order of 15, it would appear between the global Level 2 custom fields with display orders of 10 and 20.''*
==See Also==
** [[Restricting Level 2 Types to Specific Level 1 Templates]]** [[Template / Type Formula]]** [[List View]] 
{{PrevNextStart}} [[Level 2 Types]]
{{PrevNextMid}} [[Restricting Level 2 Types to Specific Level 1 Templates]] {{PrevNextEnd}}
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[[Category:Universal Tracking Application]]