
Custom Field Type: Special – MS Word Merge

672 bytes removed, 12:46, 21 August 2013
Using Object [#...#] syntax
:::''Useful if you have several different versions of a document to be generated from the same underlying data''
* If you specify the File ID, that specific document will be created.
===Using Object [#...#] syntax===
* Used to pull in list of activities, contacts, users, companies, notes, associations, transactions, level-1, utaproviderL1, utaproviderL2, utaconsumerL1 or utacomsumerL2 into the Word Merge document.
:''For example: to include all Level 2 Activities related to a Level 1 entity you could use'':
* Be sure there are no spaces between the pipes (|) and variables.
* In the example below the first table (identified by position and referenced as table_1) is set to the records associated with the [[Entity|entity]].
==Generating the Document==