→Comparison between Menu and Portal Interfaces
The following table outlines the key differences between the two interfaces.
{| border="1"[[Image:Menus5|'''Feature'''|'''Administration'''|'''Portal'''|-|Navigation|Left Panel contains menu items|Icons displayed in main panel and also optionally displayed in the left panel. Left panel icons can be suppressed.|-|Interface Title|''Not applicable''|Portal Title associated with the role is displayed next to the uploaded company image.|-|Home Button|Left navigation below uploaded company image|Top right of the window. Home button takes user back to Portal icons.|-|Logout button|Left navigation below uploaded company image|Top right of the window|-|Increase and Decrease Font Size buttons|Font size can be changed through Personal Settings > System Settings page.png]]|Top right of the window|-|Personal Settings Link|Above uploaded company image|Below uploaded company image|}
==Steps to Create a Portal==