
Upgrades by Category

103,699 bytes added, 21:48, 3 July 2017
no edit summary
{{UnderConstruction}}This page lists the system enhancements/new features added in upgrade packages since May 2009. The descriptions are broken out by category and include the release date to the right.
===Security Enhancements===
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!Feature!!Upgrade Date
|May 2009
|[[Enable Logout]]
* The system can be configured to automatically logout the user and store the session end time in the user log whenever:
:* The '''Logout''' button is clicked.
:* The user navigates to a different website while logged into the [[SmartSimple]] system.
:* The browser is closed.
* A pop-up message can also be enabled to confirm that the user will be logged out.
:'''Note''' If this feature is enabled, any [[Record Lock]]s will be immediately released at the time of logout.
|May 2010
|[[Password Policy|Custom Password Policy]]
* You will be able to specify complex password requirements, such as a minimum quantity of upper case, lower case, numbers and/or symbols.
|May 2010
|[[Suppress E-mail Alert|Local Administrator E-mail Alert]]
* The e-mail that is sent to all current administrators when a contact is enabled as a Local User Administrator can be suppressed via [[Global Settings]].
|May 2010
|[[Primary Authentication Controller]]
* '''Note:''' this is only relevant to clients that use multiple instances of [[SmartSimple]].
* This feature allows one instance of [[SmartSimple]] to authenticate users to gain access to a separate instance (the [[Authentication Member]] instance) without having to log in separately (Single Sign-On)
* This access can be granted to all users, or limited to a subset of users.
|October 2010
|[[Reporting on User Type and Access Type]]
* The '''Access Type''' (Administration or Portal Interface, User Centric or Applicant Interface , Web Services User, No Access) and '''User Type''' (Global User Admin, Local User Admin, User) can be displayed in [[Reporting]].
|October 2010
|[[Password_Policy|Hierarchical Password Policy]]
A different password policy can be defined for each company which will automatically apply to all sub-companies in the hierarchy, unless they have defined their own password policy.
|May 2011
|[[Login_%26_Security_Settings|Persistent Login]]
* Rather than having to log in to SmartSimple each time you open your web browser, a "cookie" can be installed on your computer that will automatically authenticate you, allowing you to bypass the login screen. (This setting can be enabled or disabled by your system administrator).
|May 2011
|Email Restriction
* The ability to send e-mails from within SmartSimple can be restricted by user role.
|May 2011
|[[Data_Loading_%26_Backup|Backup Server Access]]
* Access to the backup server can be disabled for all non-Global User Administrator accounts.
|May 2011
|SSencrypt Command
* A new command called [[ssEncrypt]] allows object IDs to be encrypted manually
|May 2011
|[[Login_%26_Security_Settings|URL Parameter Encryption]]
* A new setting will encrypt object IDs such as userid, companyid, activity. This enhances security by making it impossible to guess URLs.
|May 2011
|The [[Password_Policy|maximum number]] of password changes a user can make within a 24 hour period can be defined. This is to prevent users bypassing the [[Password_Policy|password history restriction]] by changing their password repeatedly to return to a previously used password.
|November 2011
|A new Global Setting to prevent use of the '''exlogin''' [[Login_%26_Security_Settings#Disable_External_Login_Shortcut|external login]] short-cut.
|November 2011
|Enforce from address in password e-mail: When a user clicks '''Send Password''' by default is uses their e-mail address as the from address in the system e-mail. With the from address used will always be the one defined on the [[User Email Templates]] page.
|May 2012
|'''Challenge questions''': rather than e-mailing a randomly generated password when new contacts register or when users click the '''Forgot Password''' the system can be configured to e-mail a time-limited authentication link. When clicking the link the user will be presented challenge question that must be answered correctly before they are logged into SmartSimple and asked to create a new password.
|May 2012
|Support for Captcha on external pages such as registration forms.
|May 2012
|The [[Session Timeout]] feature automatically logs out any [[user]] when their session remains inactive for the defined number of minutes. With this upgrade, a [[Timeout Alert]] will be displayed 30 seconds before the session expires to alert the user to the fact that they will be logged out of the system. This feature can be disabled by selecting the "Disable Session Timeout Alert" option under [[Login & Security Settings]] on the [[Global Settings]] page.<br />
If a user's session has expired, they will have the option to re-enter their username and password to save any unsaved changes. <br />
|June 2013
|The [[User/Contact Security Audit]] feature allows the System Administrator to enable, through [[Manager Permissions]], a security audit log that tracks changes in user roles, [[Enabling_User_Access#Setting_the_Access_Level|user access levels]], [[Enabling_User_Access#Administrator_User_Types|user types]] and password resets. The audit log displays the date/time the change was made, the user that made the change, the old value and the new value.
|June 2013
|'''Intruder Alert Emails'''
*We've enhanced the feature that sends emails to alert system administrators of unauthorized login attempts. Now multiple recipients can be specified to receive intruder alert emails.<!--23413 - Intruder Email Multiple Users-->
|May 2014
|'''Enhancement to User Lockout Functionality'''
* System administrators can now define a custom message to display to users when a user is [[Password Policy|locked out]] due to too many failed login attempts.
* This message will only display when a user has been locked out, and attempts to log in again with the correct password. Therefore, no information will be divulged to users that fail their login.<!--15276 - Message when user enters incorrect password-->
|May 2014
|'''Updated System Security and System Visibility Permissions'''
*The previously named [[Manager Permissions]] and [[Advanced Logic]] have been reworked into System Security Permissions and System Visibility Permissions. These can now be found under the [[Business & System Configuration]] section of [[Global Settings]].
*The settings pages have been updated and organized for more intuitive use. Some of the familiar permission names may have changed to more intuitive descriptions as well.
*Visibility Permissions have been enhanced with the ability to select user roles in addition to custom logic.
<!--29177 - Organizing Manager Permissions and Advanced Logic-->
|July 2014
!Feature!!Upgrade Date
|''[[UTA Standard Field Settings#Visibility Condition|Standard Field Visibility Control]]''
* You can now set visibility logic on standard fields at all levels in the same manner that you set these conditions on custom fields.
* To set the visibility logic, navigate to the appropriate standard field screen and enter the condition into the Visibility Condition column.
|April 2009
|''[[Relating Contacts and Accounts to the Universal Tracking Application#Tabs for Contact and Account Lists|Level 1: Tabs for Contact and Account Lists]]''
You can now associate template formulas with Level 3 items in the same manner as Level 2 and Level 1 items.
|April 2009
|[[Status#Status Settings|Submitted URL Redirect]]
* A '''Submitted URL''' option is now available within the submit settings for each Level 1 Status, which will implement an automatic redirect to the specified URL based on status when the record is submitted.
* ''For example, you may want the user to be returned to their standard Portal View whenever a record is closed.''
|May 2009
|[[Advanced Logic|Suppress New Level 2 or Level 3 Buttons]]
* On the '''Batch Update''' tab you will now be able to change the '''Owner''' of many records as a batch. This is done in the same way that you can batch update the '''Status''' of a number of records all at once.
|May 2009
|[[Cross-UTA Transactions]]
* UTA Transactions can bridge 2 different UTAs, either at Level 1 or at Level 2.
|May 2009
|[[Status#Submit Button Script (Level 1 Only)|Level 1 Submit Button Script]]
* Allows you to define a script that is run when the '''Submit''' button is pressed. The normal Submit button functions are not executed (validation and status change).
* This will allow you to create a [[Custom Field Type: Special – Browser Script|Browser Script]] that will perform custom validation of the data on the page, and can then optionally change the [[status]] or execute the submit function as part of the script.
|July 2009
|[[Status#Status Settings|Level 2 and Level 3 Submitted URL]]
* When the Submit button is pressed for a given [[Status]], instead of remaining on the view of the current record the [[User|user]] will be redirected to the [[URL]] defined in this section. If no [[URL]] is entered the current record will stay in view.
* This was introduced for Level 1 in the last upgrade, and now has expanded to include Level 2 and Level 3.
|July 2009
|[[Types#Type Settings|Level 2 Type Tab Label]]
* You can now define formulas on the Application Configuration page that apply to all Level 1 Templates. These formulas will run prior to any that are defined on the Template pages.
* Similarly you can define formulas that apply for all Level 2 Types or all Level 3 Types.
|October 2009
|[[Advanced Logic|Advanced Logic to Suppress Public Notes]]
* Using [[Advanced Logic]] you are now able to suppress Public Notes at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.
|October 2009
* As with Level 2, you will be able to define a Level 3 Type to be the default when creating a new Level 3 record. Currently the first Level 3 Type in the list is selected by default.
|October 2009
|[[Batch Update]]
* The [[Batch Update]] feature has been expanded to include Level 2 and Level 3 as well as Level 1. The fields that can be updated have also been expanded:
:* '''Level 1''': [[Status]], Owner and Person can all be batch updated.
:::[[Relating Contacts and Accounts to the Universal Tracking Application|Contacts]] can assigned to records with a given [[Role]]
:::UTA [[Configuring UTA Provider/Receiver (Consumer) Relationships|Consumer/Provider]]
:::Level 1 records can be [[Archiving Records|archived]] (see below)
:* '''Level 2''': [[Status]] and Owner
:* '''Level 3''': [[Status]] and Owner
:* '''Time & Expenses''': [[Status]]
* Whether or not the [[Batch Update]] tab is available to users can now be controlled on a per-[[Role]] basis for each [[UTA]] using [[Manager Permissions]].
|May 2010
|[[Archiving Records|Archive Level 1 Activities]]
* Level 1 activities can now be archived (via the [[Batch Update]] tab) so they no longer appear in the Level 1 list view.
* Reports can also be filtered based on whether or not the object has been archived.
|May 2010
|[[Filter Person Based on Customer]]
* The contacts available to be selected in the '''Person''' standard field can be restricted to those belonging to the organisation (and it's sub-organisations) selected in the Company Standard Field at Level 1
|May 2010
|[[Disable Default Assign|Level 2: Disable Default Assign]]
* When a new Level 2 is created the current user is normally added to the '''Assigned''' standard field. A new setting will disable that behaviour.
|May 2010
|Focus Highlight
* The field being edited will be highlighted.
* This feature only applies to the [[Universal Tracking Application]], but will be expanded to other system areas in future upgrades.
|May 2010
|[[Record Lock|Record Unlock]]
* The [[Record Lock]] will automatically release all records that have been locked by a user when they log out. This can be used in association with the [[#Automatic Logout|Automatic Logout]] above.
|May 2010
|[[List View|Role-Based List Views]]
* The [[List View]] of [[UTA]] records can now be defined separately for each user [[Role]] within the system.
* User with multiple [[Roles]] will be able to select from each [[List View]] that is configured for their assigned Roles. The sequence these will be listed in the combo box can also be defined.
* This feature is available at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.
|October 2010
|[[List View|Level 2 & 3 List View Colour]]
* The List View at Level 2 and Level 3 can now be configured to be colour coded based on the [[Type]] instead of the [[Status]]
* This is controlled within the [[List View]] setting at Level 2 and at Level 3, and can be set separately for each [[List View|Role-Based List View]].
* If the Calendar is enabled (Application Configuration page - Level 1 settings section) you can determine if the Level 2 activities are colour coded by Status or Type.
|October 2010
|[[Level 3 Activity List Batch Update]]
* The '''Level 3 Activity List Batch Update''' feature allows the [[status]] of one or more Level 3 Activities to be changed directly from the Level 3 [[List View]].
* This includes both the [[List View]] of all Level 3 activities (if enabled) and the list of Level 3 activities at the bottom a Level 2 record.
|October 2010
|[[Master Schedule Template]]
* A Level 1 record can be configured to be a Master Schedule. When using the Level 1 Copy function on a Master Schedule, the Level 1 record will be copied along with all attached Level 2 records. A new Level 1 start date is selected, and the start and end dates on the new record will be offset to the same scheduled date ranges defined on the Master Schedule template and its Level 2 records.
|October 2010
|[[Level 2 Assign By Role]]
* When using the '''Restrict Contact Assignment by Role''' setting on Level 2 [[Types]], you can now automatically assign the contacts on a Level 1 to the associated Level 2 records based on their roles assigned at Level 1 and the contact Role assignment restrictions in place on the Level 2 Type.
* A manager permission controls the visibility of this feature.
|October 2010
|Level 2 Side Scrolling
* You can now use the navigation bar to move sideways between Level 2 records, the same way you can with Level 1 records.
|October 2010
|[[Batch Update|Transaction Batch Update]]
* Within a [[UTA]] you can use the [[Batch Update]] function to find Transactions that are not linked to a record within the UTA (orphans) and attach them to a selected Level 1 record.
|October 2010
|[[Status Indicator|Level 1 Status Indicator]]
*A graphical indicator can be enabled which will appear at the top of the Level 1 record to show the status pathway and indicate the position of the current record along the path.
|May 2011
|Default Contact Role
* '''--Select Role--''' can be set as the default role in the Level 1 contacts section to ensure a role is selected and not left at the first role listed.
|May 2011
|Level 1 Template Branch Restriction
* Level 1 templates can be restricted to any number of internal branches, rather than just one.
|May 2011
|Quick Entry
* The Quick Entry method of creating multiple Level 2 items has been enhanced. Up to ten records can be created at once with any combination of Level 2 Types, and the custom fields that appear on the quick entry page can be selected. Additionally, an auto-number can be assigned to all records at the time of creation.
|May 2011
|List View Heading
* The column headings in the list views can be defined on the list view settings page. This applies to Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Invoices, Contacts and Companies.
|May 2011
|"Is Empty" Search
* Standard and custom fields and Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 records can be searched to find empty values using the "Is Empty" search option.
|May 2011
|[[Types#Type_Settings|Lock on Type]]
* Level 2 and Level 3 records can have their type locked after creation to prevent it from being changed.
|May 2011
|Creation Roles
* The user roles that are permitted to create each Level 2 and Level 3 record type can be configured separately.
|May 2011
|Available Statuses
* The statuses that are available to each type of Level 2 or Level 3 record can be defined.
* Similarly, you can define which other statuses are available from each status. This is for Level 2 and Level 3.
|May 2011
|Recurring Activities
* Recurring activities can be scheduled weekly on multiple days of the week.
|May 2011
|Level 2 Contact Calendar Status
* When displaying Level 2 records on the contact calendar, the records that are shown for each Level 2 type can be controlled by status.
|May 2011
|Assign By Role Expansion
* Can now be done from Level 2 to Level 3, or Level 1 to Level 3
* Controlled by Manager Permission
|May 2011
|Invoice Status Batch Update
* Invoice status can now be changed using batch update.
|May 2011
|Void Invoice
* A button to automatically void invoices has been introduced. Visibility of the button is controlled by Advanced Logic.
|May 2011
|UTA Role Custom Fields
* UTA Role Custom Fields at Level 1 and Level 2 as well as Associations can be defined to appear for all user roles.
|May 2011
|Group Contact Assignment
* When the multiple contact list is enabled, groups of contacts can now be assigned at Level 2 and Level 3 in the same manner as they are at Level 1. Advanced Logic has been introduced to allow this feature to be suppressed at Levels 1, 2 and 3.
|May 2011
|Multiple Contact/Company List
* When the Level 2 multiple contact or company lists are enabled they can now be re-positioned below the custom fields, in the same relative location as they appear at Level 1.
|May 2011
|Aggregation UTA
* Creating an aggregation UTA will facilitate creating reports that span multiple related UTAs by defining the association between equivalent fields in each UTA.
|May 2011
|UTA Connection List View
* The fields to be shown in the UTA connection list view can be selected when the consumer/provider relationship is enabled.
|May 2011
|Template Pages
* Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 Template pages now go through the variable processor. This means you can include variables directly on the template page.
|May 2011
|[[Track Changes]] setting on the '''Contacts''' standard field to audit addition and removal of contacts on a Level 1 record.
|November 2011
|When copying a Level 2 the contacts and/or companies in the multiple contact/company lists (if enabled) can now be copied with the record.
|November 2011
|Deleted Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 records can be restored by Global User Administrators
|November 2011
|Batch Update can now be used to remove contacts or companies by role. Additionally a given contact (or company) can be replaced in batches with a new contact (or company).
::This will allows reassignment of records from one contact to another if a team or staff member changes.
|November 2011
|'''Disable Default Date''' setting at Level 1 so the startdate, starttime, enddate and endtime will be blank on new records
|November 2011
|Level 1 branch standard field can be configured to manifest as an Ajax search with a lookup button instead of a combo box.
|November 2011
|Open Level 1 records in Edit mode: When defining the [[List View]] at Level 1 there is a new setting to determine whether the Level 1 records should open in Edit mode rather than View Mode.
|November 2011
|UTA Consumer/Provider Enhancements
:* Level 2 records can act as Providers
:* UTA Consumer records can be accessed as variables
:* When adding a UTA Provider to a Level 1 record, the Provider can be associated with a defined Role, in the same manner as Contacts and Companies are assigned to a Level 1 record. Similarly custom fields can be added to record the properties specific to the association of the Provider and Consumer.
|November 2011
|'''Level 1 Copy''': Specify which Custom Fields will be copied when a Level 1 is copied, including specifying which are mandatory. Can also define a Level 1 Status to be the default copy status.
|May 2012
|'''UTA Consumer/Provider'''. Full support for Level 2 to act as both consumers and providers. Can now define a '''Role''' for Consumer/Provider relationships, including the ability to have role base custom fields to track attributes of the association between specific consumer and provider records.
|May 2012
|A new [[UTA]] setting will allow you to define a '''template''' for the browser to use when the user '''deletes''' the record that they are currently on, rather than being brought back to the parent record. This can be applied to all UTA Levels (1, 2 & 3) under UTA Entity settings.
|October 2012
|New Duplicate Check Settings tab added on Level 1 templates.
<!-- 14692 - duplicate check across L1 -->
|November 2012
|New caption setting introduced for the configuration of type/status of objects, allowing you to change the default display name of a type/status. New variables @statuscaption@ and @typecaption@ have been introduced to retrieve these captions.
<!--17980 - Captions in English-->
|February 2013
|New language translation setting introduced for the configuration of types and statuses for the UTA at Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. New variables @type_lang@ and @status_lang@ introduced to retrieve the relevant translation based on the current user.
|February 2013
|New field visibility matrix introduced allowing you to configure a complex combination of view/edit permissions for custom fields based on user roles and UTA statuses in bulk.
|February 2013
|Enhanced the UTA batch update feature to open directly off your current list view results instead of directing to a separate search page.
|February 2013
|Enhanced the UTA batch update feature with the ability to update multiple contacts/group for UTA Level 1.
|February 2013
|An "Available Templates" setting on the [[Level_2_Types|level 2 type]] page has been added. When a new level 2 type is created, this setting allows the user to select the [[Level_1_Templates|level 1 templates]] for which the new level 2 type should be available.
<!--19144 - Setting to Batch Update Template Level 2s-->
<!--19145 - Setting to Batch Update Template Statuses -->
|April 2013
|On the Security tab of the [[UTA]] settings, a new setting has been added that, when enabled, will hide the user name on the [[Record_Lock|Locked Record alert]] from the selected roles. The name of the user who has checked out a given record will be replaced with the text "another user" on the Locked Record alert. The setting caption is "Anonymize Record Lock Owner Role Settings."
<!--18111 - Do not display the name of the person who has the record open for EDIT ACCESS to external users-->
|April 2013
|'''Level 1 Templates''' – [[Level 1 Templates]] have been enhanced to include the ability to set “Access Roles” and “Creation Roles.”
<!--10816 - Access Roles feature for L1 Statuses and Types. -->
|May 2013
|'''Filter Owner Based on Organization''' – A new [[Standard_Level_1_Field_List|setting]] has been added at level 1 of the UTA Settings page to filter the selection of the Level 1 Owner and restrict the available owners to those contacts that reside under the Level 1 organization.
<!--20113 - Filter Owner Based on Organization-->
|May 2013
|'''Hide Notification of Locked Record''': A new setting has been added to the [[Global Settings]] page labeled "Hide record lock from user who has the record locked." When enabled, this setting will prevent the system from displaying the message notifying a user that they have checked out a record for editing purposes. See [[Record Lock]] for further information.
|August 2013
|'''Simplified Owner Assignment Configuration'''
*The ability to restrict the assignment of contacts to the {{l2}} "Owner" [[standard field]] to a given set of roles has been added to the system.
<!--25029 - Level 2 owner lookup roles-->
|January 2014
|'''Simplification of Settings Pages'''
*The [[UTA Settings page]]s have been streamlined by reorganizing certain settings options to the standard field configuration pages:<br />
''From the [[UTA Settings - Settings|main Settings page]]:''
#"Filter People Based on Company"
#"Filter Owner Based on Company"
#"Enable Branch Lookup"
#"Enable External company for Level 1 Branch Standard Field"
''From the [[UTA Settings - Security|Security Settings page]]:''
#"Default Contact Lookups based on Level One Company"
#"Default Company Lookup Category"
#"Contact Assignment Role Settings"
#"Company Assignment Role Settings"
#"Standard Contact Lookup Role Settings"
#"Level one Company Lookup Category Settings"
''From the [[UTA Settings - Entity|Entity Settings page]]:''
#"Enable External Owners"
These settings can now be configured by configuring the relevant [[standard fields]] ("Branch," "Owner," "Person," etc.).
<!--25029 - Level 2 owner lookup roles-->
|January 2014
|'''Enhancements to Copying Records'''
* The permissions for copying {{UTA}} records have been enhanced.
* System administrators can define, by role, the permissions for parts of a record that will be copied. See [[Copying_UTA_Records#Setting_Copy_Restrictions|Setting Copy Restrictions]] for more information.
* The user interface for the Copy Record page is also simplified.<!--26973 - Copy Enhancements-->
|May 2014
|'''Updated UTA Settings Pages'''
*The settings pages for the {{UTA}} have been reworked with various settings moved and consolidated into their appropriate pages. Some of the familiar settings names may have changed to more intuitive descriptions.
*The UTA [[Advanced Logic]] setting has been renamed to Visibility Permissions, and have been enhanced with the ability to select user roles in addition to custom logic.
*This update is focused on consolidating settings, while the settings interface itself will be updated in the near future for greater ease of use.
<!--21123 - UTA Settings Pages-->
|July 2014
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!Feature!!Upgrade Date
|[[Autoloader|Autoloader Support for XML Files]]
* You can now Autoload [[Transactions]] from XML files.
|October 2010
|'''Autoloader Encoding''' When autoloading from CSV files you can now specify if the CSV file is encoded as UTF-8 or UTF-16 to facilitate special characters.
|November 2011
|Contact Autoloader: Match a field on the contact with a field on company records so the contacts will be created/moved under the relevant company. Similarly with company autoloader.
|May 2012
|Company Autoloader: Match company field to find parent company, allowing new/updating companies to be managed within a hierarchy.
|May 2012
|Disable users with the autoloader (expose the Access Type)
|May 2012
|Setting to specify 'Append' role defined on autoloader rather than replace it if the user already exists in the system
|May 2012
|Allow addition of multiple roles (select many list box instead of combo box)
|May 2012
|[[Contact]] and [[Company & Account Settings|Company]] '''events''' can now be uploaded using the [[Autoloader|autoloader]].
|October 2012
|Ability to load to "Owner" or "Person" standard field and match to a custom field on the contact.
|October 2012
|'''[[Transactions]]''' can now be autoloaded and attached to Level 2 records.
|October 2012
|The autoloader is being enhanced substantially as part of this upgrade, including features such as:
:* Strict CSV - ability to autoload data that contains line breaks within the content.
:* Pre-processing files - ability to combine multiple columns into a single field value.
:* Retrieval from external sources - ability to schedule automated workflows to retrieve data from external sources via Web Services, FTP, SFTP, HTTP file access.
:* Workflow triggering – ability to trigger user or company workflows on every record upon autoloading.
<!-- 16233 - Autoloader - option to run Workflow against all records -->
|November 2012
* You will now be able to configure calendar events to recur bi-weekly.
|May 2009
|[[Custom Defined Holidays]]
* Instead of using the holidays that are built-in to [[SmartSimple]] it is now possible to define which dates should be considered holidays.
* When using the ''[[Calculated Value - busdateadd Function|busdateadd()]]'' or ''[[Subtract business days from a given date|isHoliday()]]'' functions, a new variable called ''ssvar_holidays'' can be used to override the system defined holiday dates on that level.
* The ''ssvar_holidays'' variable must be included in a [[Browser Script]] custom field on the same level as the ''[[Calculated Value - busdateadd Function|busdateadd()]]'' or ''[[Subtract business days from a given date|isHoliday()]] function.
|May 2010
|[[:Category:Calendars|List Calendars by Company]]
* The list of Calendars that you can view will be grouped by internal and/or external entity. Your calendar (and your Company/Account/Branch) will always be on top.
|October 2010
|'''New Calendar Format''':
* The style of the SmartSimple [[:Category:Calendars|Calendar]] has been updated and enhanced, allowing new functionality such as the ability to click-and-drag to move events.
* The option to revert back to the classic Calendar style is available by enabling the "Use Classic Calendar" setting on the [[Global Settings]] page.
<!--24352 - enable new calendar-->
|October 2013
|'''Enhanced Calendar Event Coloring'''
*The calendar has been enhanced with the ability to switch to event-based coloring. Users will be able to switch between event coloring based on [[Event Types|Event Type]] or the current calendar-based coloring on the fly.
*System [[Event Types]] have also been enhanced to allow the setting of custom colors to denote these.
*Event highlighting allows for Event Types to be differentiated by colors e.g. vacation events associated with one color, while meeting events associated with another.
<!--14834 - Calendar switch to event type colouring-->
|July 2014
|'''New Calendar Event Preview Template'''
*The calendar event preview has been enhanced to allow System Administrators the ability to fully personalize its contents. The event preview can be personalized to display any details from the event.
<!--26090 - Personalizable Calendar event preview pop-up-->
|July 2014
|'''Enhanced UTA Calendar Interface'''
*The UTA calendar has now also been updated to the same modern look and feel as the personal calendar.<!--30422 - update UTA calendar to new calendar-->
|September 2014
|'''Enhanced calendar functionality checks for scheduling conflicts'''
*You can now enable alerts for scheduling conflicts when creating an event through the SmartSimple calendar.
*When enabled, potential conflicts for anyone associated to a new event will trigger an alert to warn users of the conflict.
*The feature can be enabled on the [[Business_%26_System_Configuration|Global Settings]] page.<!--24746 - Calendar duplicate check-->
|September 2014
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!Feature!!Upgrade Date
* The chat window (accessed via the [[Image:Chaticon.png]] icon located next to the Logout button) will now open as a layer on top of your current window instead of opening in a new window.
|May 2010
|[[Sending an Email|Email Attach from Smart Folder]]
* When sending an e-mail to a contact you can now select one or more files from [[Smart Folders]] to be attached to the e-mail, in addition to attaching files from your local disk.
|October 2010
|[[SMTP Settings]]
* The outgoing mail port can be configured (uses 25 as default)
* TLS can be enabled.
|October 2010
|A new setting in email broadcast to choose a user custom field as email address instead of user standard field (e.g. alternate e-mail address)
|May 2012
|A new version of SmartSimple's '''Add-In for [[SmartSimple Outlook Synchronization|Microsoft Outlook]]''' has been released an will be available in the '''Downloads''' section. The Outlook Add-In will synchronize [[Contact|Contacts]] / [[Company & Account Settings|Companies]] and Calendars, as well as the ability to attach emails to either contacts or Level 1 records. '''This version replaces all previous versions'''.
|October 2012
|There is now a '''[[Using Group Email in Applicant Tracking|Group Email]]''' button at the bottom of [[List View|UTA List Views]] when enabled in [[Advanced Logic]]. By filtering using the [[Search Panel|List View Search]], a specific set of records can be included in the Group Email recipient list. The "[[Owner]]" and "Person" [[Standard Field|standard fields]] are also available as recipients for Group E-mails.
|October 2012
|When using the '''"Forgot Password"''' option on the [[Login Page]], the e-mail will now be sent out immediately.
|October 2012
|The "From" address in workflow emails can now be configured using variables.
<!-- 16880 - Variables in E-Mail From Address -->
|November 2012
|'''Email Template Categories''': When creating an email template, a new feature, "Categories" has been added. You can select one of the following options:
* General – ''Email Template will be available in all contexts''
* UTA Level 1 – ''Email Template will only be available when sending an email from a [[UTA]] {{l1}}''
* UTA Level 2 & 3 – ''Email Template will only be available when sending an email from a [[UTA]] {{l2}} or {{l3}}''
* Contact – ''Email Template will only be available when sending an email from a contact record''
<!--20088 - Email Templates-->
|August 2013
|'''Sending Emails from {{l2}} Records''': System Administrators can now configure {{UTA}}s to allow end users to send emails directly from a {{l2}} record. See [[Integrating_Email_with_the_UTA#Configuring_Level_3_Types_as_Emails|this page]] for instructions.
|October 2013
|'''Email Addressing'''
*New functionality allows for the generation of a unique email address for an object or record.
*Emails sent to the address are parsed and attached to the specific object or record. <br />
:[[Image:Email_anything.png|link=|600 px]]
<br />
:[[Image:Email_anything_2.png|link=|600 px]]
* If this [[Manager Permissions|manager permission]] is enabled, a new section will appear on the user's [[Personal Settings#Additional Personal Settings|System Settings]] page that will allow them to select the contact roles they wish to include in the synchronization.
|July 2009
|[[:Category:Variables|Unique Contact Identifier]]
* Each contact in the system will now be issued a unique contact identifier code. This code can be accessed and displayed using '''@uuid@'''.
|May 2010
|[[Contact and Account Standard Fields|Primary Contact]]
* The Primary Contact [[Standard Field]] can now be renamed and have it's visibility controlled via the [[Contact and Account Standard Fields|Standard Field Visibility Settings]] page.
|May 2010
|[[List View|Accounts List View]]
* The [[List View]] for Contact and Accounts (both internal entities and external entities separately) can now be defined via the [[Global Settings]] page.
* This affects the [[List View]] of contacts and accounts everywhere within the system, except within UTAs other Applications where the [[List View]]s are defined within those Applications.
|May 2010
|E-mail From Address
* You can now define one or more alternate addresses as your '''From''' address via your personal System Settings page.
* When sending e-mail from within [[SmartSimple]] you can select which address will be on the e-mail as the From address.
|May 2010
|[[Advanced Logic]]
* '''Hide View Tab on User Profile''' allows the '''View''' tab on user and account profiles to be suppressed.
|October 2010
|Contact/Company Ajax Search
The fields that are searched and displayed when using the Ajax Lookup can be defined for Contacts and Companies. The column headings can also be personalized.
* User can also specify how many matching records are displayed as Ajax results on their system settings page. (10, 15, 20 or 30)
|May 2011
|Edit Contact Logic
* Global Advanced Logic has been added to allow control of who is permitted to edit contact records.
|May 2011
|Contact/Account List View
* The column headings in the standard Contact and Company list views can be defined on the[[List View]] settings page.
|May 2011
|Global Advanced Logic to control View/Edit on contact records
|November 2011
|A new setting to flag a role as a '''UTA Role only'''. Enabling the setting will hide the role from '''Able to Set''' and '''Roles & Access''' page where it is not required.
|November 2011
|New variable syntax to use '''role name''' instead of [[roleid]] to determine if a contact has a given role: '''@'''''object'''''.[[inRole]](Rolename)@'''
::Example: ''@owner.inRole(Researcher)@''
::DO NOT use quotes around the role name in brackets.
|November 2011
|Ability to initiate a '''duplicate check''' while viewing a contact or company record. This can be enabled via [[Advanced Logic]]
|November 2011
|'''Group e-mail''' Ad hoc e-mail broadcasts can be sent from the contact search list view using this feature, enabled via [[Advanced Logic]]
|November 2011
|Sign-up pages can be configured to '''Use Internal Formatting''', so the formatting and functionality of the sign-up page will reflect the display and operation of the internal pages.
|November 2011
|<nowiki>The pipe (|)</nowiki> can now be used as a column delimiter when importing contact or accounts.
|November 2011
|Ability to define the new contact as the primary contact for the new company created when using a hybrid signup page
|May 2012
|A Manager Permission has been added to enable a "Save Draft" button on company and contact records.
<!-- 11582 - Need a Save Draft button on contacts and accounts -->
|November 2012
|A setting has been added to the [[Contact_Sign_Up_Page_Settings|user]] and company sign up pages that disables updating the user or company if an existing match is found. <!--MOVED TO MAY UPGRADE: A text box has also been added so that that administrators can enter in a personalized alert message that displays when a user tries to update an existing user or company.-->
|April 2013
|The ability to easily configure a [[Custom_Combined_Sign-Up_Page|hybrid signup page]] has been enhanced. A drop-down select box has been added to the company sign-up page configuration that allows you to choose an existing contact sign-up page template to use. In the HTML template of the company sign-up page, the @USER_INPUT_FORM@ SmartSimple [[Web_Page_View_Field_Variables#Miscellaneous_Variables|variable]] can be added to retrieve the user sign up form.
<!--18748 - company contact signup page enhancements-->
|April 2013
|'''No Duplicate Email''' - New Global Setting added captioned “No Duplicate Email - Do not allow multiple contact records with the same email address.” When selected, this setting will prevent a contact from updating an email address to an email address matching one already saved in the system.
<!--19461 - Need an email duplicate check on contact profile-->
|May 2013
|'''Duplicate-Prevention Enhancement for Contact/Company sign-up pages''': When the "Do not update profile for matching contact (or company)" option is selected, an additional setting on the Contact/Company Sign Up Page configuration screen will appear. This setting is captioned "Update Restriction Message" and the text entered in this setting will be presented in a Javascript alert box if details matching an existing contact/company are entered into the Contact/Company Sign Up page.
<!--20017 - Block sign-up of duplicate contact/company-->
|May 2013
|A list of the Mexican states will be automatically made available as a dropdown list from the State/Province standard field when "Mexico" is selected as the country on a company profile.<br>
(the "Enable State / Province Combo-box" option must also be selected on the [[Company & Account Settings]] page.)
|June 2013
|'''Assign Multiple Contacts''': When using the Lookup button ({{LookupButton}}) to select contacts to be assigned to a [[UTA]] record, you can now search by the values of [[custom fields]] on the contact records. In this way, groups of contacts that meet a certain criteria can be added as contacts on a UTA record more efficiently.
<!--21889 - User Picker Search options-->
|July 2013
|''Simplified Auditing of Contact/Company Records''
*Two new [[standard field]]s, "Created By" and "Created Date," have been added to [[contact]] and company records. Now system administrators can more easily configure their system to stamp a contact or company record with the creator and creation date of the record.
<!--25990 - created timestamp for users and companies-->
|January 2014
|System administrators can now pre-define lists of prefixes and suffixes for user names in multiple languages.
<!--25192 - How to translate prefix/suffix combo box options-->
|January 2014
|'''Updated Listing Level 2 on Company Record'''
*Previously, {{UTA}} {{l2}} activities were shown on company [[profile]]s based upon the assigned users on the Level 2. This has now been extended to also show UTA Level 2 activities on company profiles when the company itself is associated to the Level 2 activity.
<!--17106 - Show L2s on Company Record-->
|July 2014
|'''[[Adding_Custom_Fields_to_Company_and_Contact_Information#Field_Availability|Additional Visibility Options]] on Company/Contact Custom Fields (Field Availability)'''
* New ability to control which company [[category|categories]] and user [[roles]] global custom fields will be attributed to and visible for.
* Using this method, custom fields can be used by multiple categories and roles, and hidden from others, without recourse to complex configuration.
* The following settings will be displayed when configuring global user or company type custom fields:
:[[Image:Category.png|link=|400px]]<br />
<!--28795 - Company/Contact Custom fields: Add role/contact picker-->
|November 2014
|'''Multiple Sign-Up Pages per Company'''
* New functionality allows for the creation of multiple [[:Category:Sign-Up Features|signup pages]] per company.
* This can be used to support sign-up pages in different languages, which associate new users to the same company.
<!--32652 - Ability to create multiple signup pages to one company-->
|November 2014
===Data Exchange===
''Note: The Data Exchange feature is primarily used by our Medical Claims Management clients to track Assessments conducted pursuant to Insurance claims.''
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"
!Feature!!Upgrade Date
|[[Automatically Unpack Incoming Packages|UTA Data Exchange Automatic Unpack]]
* The data exchange can now be configured to automatically unpack incoming packages.
|May 2010
|Data Exchange
* Settings have been added to specify "preserve template", "preserve type", "reject new template" and "reject new type" (Level 2 and Level 3). Additionally there is a new setting to prevent the exchange of new Level 2 records.
|May 2011
|[[Data Exchange]]
The [[Data Exchange]] has 3 new features:
* The data exchange can now be configured to exchange Level 3 activities, restricted by [[Status]].
* [[Data Exchange Contact Creation]] can be enabled and configured to automatically create a contact upon unpack. For example the contact record for a Claimant can be created based on the First Name, Last Name, Phone Number and other details send as part of a Level 1 record.
* The [[Roles]] permitted to exchange records, notes and view the Exchange History can now be controlled with a Manager Permission. (Everyone will be selected by default)
|October 2010
|The Data Exchange feature includes an exchange history for [[Level 2 Entity|Tracking Activities]]. There is now an exchange history page on each individual Tracking Activity (sometimes named "Assessments" or "Services") that shows the entire history of when a specific Tracking Activity was exchanged and the individual that sent/received that specific Tracking Activity.
|July 2013
===Document Management===
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"
!Feature!!Upgrade Date
|''[[Custom Field Type: Special - MS Word Merge|MS Word Merge Custom Field]]''
* This new [[Custom Fields|Custom Field]] type provides the ability to dynamically create an MS Word document from underlying SmartSimple data.
* The MS Word document can also include tables that will list details of Level 2 or Level 3 activities associated with a given record.
* The [[Installing SmartDoc for MS Word|SmartDoc for MS Word Template]] also allows you to easily upload the resulting MS Word document back to SmartSimple to be stored in a specified [[Custom Field Type: Link – Single File|Single]] or [[Custom Field Type: Link – Multiple Files|Multiple]] file field.
|April 2009
|''[[Custom Field Type: Link – Multiple Files#PDF Document Options|Allow Merging of PDF Documents]]''
* If you are using a Multiple File field to store PDF documents then you can enable a "Merge" button.
* Clicking the Merge button displays a list of all the PDFs document stored in the [[Custom Field Type: Link – Multiple Files|Multiple File]] field and you select which documents you wish to merge into a single PDF document.
* The resultant document will also be stored in the Multiple File field. The original documents will not be changed.
* This feature will provide for easier printing of "sets" of documents.
|April 2009
|''[[Display Additional File Attributes for PDF Documents|Multiple File Field: Display Additional File Attributes for PDF Documents]]''
* This feature allows you to display extra information (called Meta Data) extracted from each PDF file stored in a [[Custom Field Type: Link – Multiple Files|Multiple File]] field, and display it as extra columns in the list view.
* The additional attributes that can be extracted and displayed are: author, creator, producer, keywords, subject, title, number of pages, creation date and modified date.
* Only PDF files stored in the [[Custom Field Type: Link – Multiple Files|Multiple File]] field will display this information. The added columns will be blank for all other document types.
|April 2009
|''[[Display Additional File Attributes for PDF Documents|Single File Field: Display Additional File Attributes for PDF Documents]]''
* This feature allows you to extract extra information (called Meta Data) from a PDF stored in a [[Custom Field Type: Link – Single File|Single File]] field and store it in a [[Custom Field Type: Read Only – System Variables|Read Only - System Variables]] field.
* The additional attributes that can be extracted and displayed are: author, creator, producer, keywords, subject, title, number of pages, creation date and modified date.
* Only PDF files stored in a [[Custom Field Type: Link – Single File|Single File]] field will display this information.
|April 2009
|''[[PDF Annotation]]''
*SmartSimple now allows you to add annotations to uploaded PDF documents on the fly. When the "Enable Annotation" option is selected on a multiple-file upload field, PDF documents uploaded to that field can be commented and marked up. Comments, drawings, text strike-throughs and highlights can be added to any PDF without any downloads or browser plug-ins required.<!--24791 - PDF annotation-->
|January 2014
|'''PDF Annotation''':
*You may now add annotations to uploaded PDF documents on the fly. When the "Enable Annotation" option is selected on a [[Custom Field Type: Link – Multiple Files|multiple file upload field]], PDF documents uploaded to that field can be commented and marked up. Comments and drawing mark-ups can be added to any PDF without any downloads or browser plug-ins required. The annotated PDF can then be saved at any stage as a new file. See the [[PDF Annotation]] article for further details. <!--24791 - PDF annotation-->
|March 2014
|'''Enhancement to PDF Writer'''
* {{WPV}}s can now be configured to specify the filename for a PDF file generated from that Web Page View. See [[PDF_Writer_Custom_Tags#Specify_PDF_File_Name|this page]] for additional information.<!--22632 - Ability to specify file name for PDF's generated using pdfwriter-->
|May 2014
|'''New Enforced Naming for Single and Multi-File Uploads'''
*The [[Custom Field Type: Link – Single File|single]] and [[Custom Field Type: Link – Multiple Files|multi-file]] upload custom fields have been enhanced to allow the enforcing of file names on uploads to SmartSimple. This will allow System Administrators to enforce various naming conventions for uploaded files.
<!--29759 - Enforced Custom file naming for Multi and single file upload field type-->
|July 2014
===Geocoding / Mapping===
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"
!Feature!!Upgrade Date
* The latitude and longitude of an address can now be automatically stored as a property of the user or company.
* This will allow calculation of the distance between 2 addresses. For example you could generate a report which indicates how far a given client is from each of your branch offices, listing the nearest first.
|October 2009
|'''Google Map / StreetView''': On a company or contact [[profile]], users can directly open a Google Maps/Street View of the company's or contact's street address.
<!--22498 - Google Map and StreetView-->
|October 2013
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"
!Feature!!Upgrade Date
|Enhanced PubMed service with the additional ability to search on publication date.
|February 2013
|Introduced integration with GuideStar service and ability to search their database.
|February 2013
|'''IRS/CRA/OFAC Automated Checking''':
*The system can now be configured to perform automated verification of [[contact]] records, as well as [[organization]] records, against the OFAC database.
*The settings page to configure the automatic verification of records against the IRS/CRA/OFAC online databases has been simplified.
<!--21591 - IRS/CRA/OFAC Automated Checking-->
|September 2013
|'''Addition of NTEE Code to IRS Database Search'''
*A new column for NTEE code has been added to the [[Organization Search Page|IRS database search form]]. This column can also be mapped back to the organization when it is created.<!--26473 - Retrieval of the NTEE code from the IRS database-->
|May 2014
|'''Improved OFAC checks against contacts'''
*OFAC checks can now be run on demand against an organization and its contacts. This will return the status of any matching organization or contact and give you the ability to clear incorrect matches.<!--28798 - OFACS check against contacts-->
|September 2014
===[[Administration Interface|Interface]]===
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"
!Feature!!Upgrade Date
|'''Report Interface''' - The format of the Report list view in the [[Report Management window]] has been upgraded to show icons in place of buttons as follows:
<!--20226 - report list reformatting-->
|May 2013
|'''SmartFolders Interface''' - The format of the [[SmartFolders]] list interface has been updated. The {{InternetEnabledIcon}} icon will display to indicate that the SmartFolder is Internet Enabled.
<!--20224 - SmartFolder folder list cleanup-->
|May 2013
|'''New Sample Login Page Template''' - A new sample template for the login page is available in Global Settings > Login Screen Content.
<!--10598 - New Login Page Template-->
|May 2013
|'''New File Upload Format''' – A new HTML 5 format for the file upload feature on [[Custom Field Type: Link – Multiple Files|multiple file]] fields has been implemented. The new uploader obviates the need for a Java applet plug-in; end users are no longer required to install anything in order to upload multiple files. Note that HTML 5 is available on the following [[browsers]]:
** Internet Explorer [ download]: version 10.0 and higher<br />
** Firefox [ download] <br />
** Chrome [ download] <br />
<!--18861 - HTML5 File upload-->
|May 2013
|'''Manager Permissions Page Redesign''': The [[Manager Permissions]] page has been re-designed in order to streamline system administration. The different categories of Manager Permissions (system-wide, on-demand application-specific, [[UTA]]-specific, [[Arcadia]]) have been broken out into separate tabs.
<!--22195 - Filter Manager Permissions and Move Arcadia Permissions to Roles & Permission page -->
|July 2013
|'''Portal Design Enhancements''': When designing a [[Creating a Portal Interface|portal interface]], system administrators can choose SmartSimple's "Classic" style with a left navigation bar and shortcut icons, or choose the new "Contemporary" portal design style. Web designers can create custom HTML to personalize the "Contemporary" portal design to match the look and feel of your organization's website. A new section has been added to the Portal Design page, titled "Body Introduction," which allows portal designers to add instructions, report statistics and [[System Variables|system variables]] above the user's portal.
<!--21857 - New Portal Design-->
|August 2013
|'''Revisions to User Interface''': Users of SmartSimple's next generation interface - [[Arcadia]] - may notice minor revisions to the user interface, such as new tab bars and changes to the title bars on records.
<!--23277 - Minor UI changes - Sept. 2013-->
|September 2013
|'''Arcadia - Basing Summary Cross-tab on Standard Fields''':
* One of the key features of SmartSimple's next-generation [[Arcadia]] interface is its [[Summary Matrix]], which displays a cross-tabbed view of the records in a SmartSimple application.
* The default display of the cross-tabbed view is to break out an application's [[status]]es as column headings and its [[templates]] as the row headings:
* The September 2013 upgrade allows system administrators to configure the Arcadia interface to enable the Customer, Branch, Person and Owner standard fields as row headings as alternate methods of displaying data summaries.
<!--19468 - Arcadia. Summary cross tab based on standard fields-->
|September 2013
|'''New Icon Sets for Portal pages'''
*New icon sets have been added to the [[Creating_a_Portal_Interface|portal configuration page]], enabling administrators to give their copies of SmartSimple a more contemporary look. The icons can now be chosen directly from the icon preview page. <!--26674 - New Icons-->
|March 2014
|'''Update to Rich Text Editor'''
*The [[Custom Field Type: Text – Rich Text|Rich Text editor]] has been updated and has a new look and feel. This feature allows you to easily add formatting to text input.<!--25735 - Rich Text custom field issue-->
|March 2014
|'''Updated Icon Styles for Mobile Devices'''
*New sets of icons are available to personalize the [[Portal design|user portals]].
*Users on mobile devices will be automatically detected and their portal interface optimized for mobile useability.<!--23845 - Update portal icon style-->
|May 2014
|'''Arcadia X Interface'''
*An easy method of building custom user interfaces is now available.
*''Arcadia X'' allows System Administrators build role-based portals with features such as tab-based navigation, and personalized list views with enhanced filtering and searching options.<!--27977 - Arcadia X Interface-->
|May 2014
|'''Enhanced Date Selection'''
*The date selection window has been updated with a new look and feel.
<!--29540 - enhanced date/time selection-->
|July 2014
|'''Enhanced Arcadia Interface'''
The Arcadia interface has undergone several updates to enhance its usability as well as look and feel.
*All tab bars in the Arcadia interface have been updated with a new look and feel.
<!--30106 - Arcadia UI - Tab bar consistency-->
*The header and menu options have been modified to better utilize screen real estate.
<!--30096 - Arcadia UI - changes to Arcadia header-->
*Changes have been made to the button and input styling for improved consistency, look and feel.
<!--30099 - Arcadia UI - Field alignment and style updates-->
*Changes have been made to the display and location of list view action buttons (i.e. delete and batch update) for ease of use and look and feel.
<!--30104 - Arcadia UI - update list view floating action buttons-->
*Modifications to button styling for better look and feel.
<!--30105 - Arcadia UI - Update Button styles for consistency-->
|September 2014
|'''Enhanced ability to open web page views with a lightbox'''
*Enhanced the {{WPV}} custom field with the ability to open up in a [ lightbox] window instead of a pop-up window.<!--30102 - Arcadia UI - Add open in a light box setting to web page views-->
|September 2014
|'''Enhanced Arcadia Interface'''
The [[:Category:Arcadia|Arcadia interface]] has undergone UI improvements for object pages and behaviour.
* The left-hand menu tabs have been moved to the top of the page for ease of navigation and greater real estate. When one of these menu tabs is selected the main section of fields will be hidden (currently this main section is persistent and remains).
* Similar tabs will be grouped together for ease of navigation and greater real estate.
* Custom fields grouped as tabs will now open up into a lightbox window as opposed to on the page itself.
:[[Image:Old.png|link=|650 px]]<br />
:[[Image:New.png|link=|660 px]]
<!-- 31423 - Move Arcadia Left (list) tabs to below custom fields in the object -->
|November 2014
|'''Multiple Aliases per Copy of SmartSimple'''
* New functionality allows for the creation of virtual aliases. This feature allows clients to mask the instance URL through the Content Manager.
* For clients with a varied user base that require their own landing page or URL for branding purposes, multiple URLs (example: '''', '''') can now be set to bring users to the same copy of SmartSimple.
<!--32304 - Allow multiple aliases per instance-->
|November 2014
===List Views===
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"
!Feature!!Upgrade Date
|[[List View|Company and Contact Role-Based List View]]
* The [[List View]] for Companies/Accounts and Users/Contacts can be configured by role, just as the UTA Level 1, 2 and 3 List Views.
|October 2010
|User defined List views: users can create their own personal list views for any entity (organizations, contacts, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3). They can select the fields they wish to use in each view, the display orders of the fields and sort order of the data and the colour of each column in the list view.
|May 2012
|Administrators can choose to make List Views public to be shared with other users.
|May 2012
|Any List View (system, public or private) can be copied, renamed and saved.
|May 2012
|The contents of a List View can be exported to MS Excel, MS Word or PDF though an Export feature
|May 2012
|The List view contents can also be used to create a set of MS Word letters though a Merge feature. When this feature is used an MS Word Merge Word custom field is assigned to the list view to allow bulk merging. (All selected records will be merged into a single document for printing)
|May 2012
|The System will remember the last list view used by a user and reapply that list view when the user next accesses that part of the system
|May 2012
|Multiple fields can be displayed within the same column in a "stacked" configuration.
|May 2012
|The [[List View]] for Associates/Associations can be personalized via the [[Global Settings]] page.
|May 2012
|Loading a list view now defaults to last set of search criteria used.
<!-- 16751 – basic search allows you to search based on type now, also loading the list view automatically runs the last search you used. -->
|November 2012
|Enhanced the current saved search filters to also include your currently selected template/type and status options as well.
|March 2013
|Enhanced the ability to create multiple system [[List_View|list views]] per user role (previously limited to one system list view per user role).
|March 2013
|New ability to attach a saved search filter to system list views so they can be pre-filtered.
|March 2013
|New ability to manifest a list view as a menu tab. This can be used to update the UTA menu in addition to the current tabs for all Level 1 and all Level 2 objects.
<!--18863 - List View Enhancements-->
|March 2013
|'''[[Exporting List View Results to Microsoft Word|Export List View to MS Word]]''' - A new setting has been added to [[List View|list views]] which allows the user to export the results of a list view to Microsoft Word, using the Mail Merge functionality of Word. This new feature works in conjunction with the [[Custom Field Type: Special - MS Word Merge|Special - MS Word Merge]] field type.
<!--19825 - List View MS Word export never implemented -->
|May 2013
|'''New Feature: [[Quick Edit]]''': This new feature allows users to edit fields on a record directly from the [[list view]]. The [[system administrator]] determines which fields display in the [[Quick Edit]] pop-up from the list view [[Configuring List Views|configuration page]].
|July 2013
|When you assign an organization to the Organization [[standard fields|standard field]] using the Lookup button, the organization details shown in the list view can now be configured by System Administrators.
|July 2013
|'''Improvements to Arcadia List Views''':
* In SmartSimple's next-generation [[Arcadia]] interface, the column widths of [[list view]]s can be defined.
* List view headings can also be made static, or in other words always be visible at the top of the page when scrolling through a long list of records on a [[list view]].
<!--23751 - Add option for enabling static header for Arcadia list views-->
|October 2013
|'''Simplified List Views for Companies and Contacts'''
*The configuration of [[list views]] for companies and contacts has been simplified, combining the list view settings pages for external and internal companies and contacts. As well, the setup page for [[Configuring Ajax List Views|Ajax Lookup list views]] has been consolidated for external and internal companies and contacts.<!--26075 - Employee Ajax List View is referenced in the Assigned and Contacts fields of Activities instead of the Contact Ajax List View-->
|March 2014
|'''Update to List View Status Colours'''
*The status colour for each row within a UTA List View has been moved to an indicator at the start of the row as opposed to highlighting the entire row.<!--27976 - Arcadia X List View Enhancements-->
|May 2014
|'''List View Improvements'''
* [[List view]]s can now be built so that the entire row is clickable, allowing an easier user experience for accessing individual records.
* As well, list views can be configured to be pre-filtered, so that switching to a list view applies the filter and initially shows only the relevant records.<!--27976 - Arcadia X List View Enhancements-->
|May 2014
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"
!Feature!!Upgrade Date
|'''Recent-Viewed Objects List Now Enabled by Default''':
* The [[Recently Viewed]] panel, a right-hand panel containing a hyperlinked list of the most recently-viewed records, was introduced in the [[September 2013 Upgrade|last month's upgrade]]. With this upgrade, this feature has been updated to be auto-enabled for all roles.
* For roles which should not have access to the [[Recently Viewed]] panel, this feature can be disabled using [[Manager Permissions]].
<!--24356 - auto enable recent list-->
|October 2013
|'''Recent Searches'''
*The system will now store a user's last five sets of search criteria, making it easier to switch between lists of records.
*Select the dropdown under the "Apply Filter" heading of the [[Basic Search]] panel, or the "Saved Filter" heading of the [[Advanced Search]] panel, to see a list of the last five searches performed, under the heading "Last Searches." <!--22590 - Last Searches - List View Enhancement-->
|May 2014
|'''Update to Advanced Searching on Dates'''
*When using date fields as search criteria in [[Advanced Search]], users can now easily specify whether they want records from "Last Year" or "This Year."<!--26618 - Advanced Search Date functions-->
|May 2014
|'''New Ability to modify search query filters'''
*Users now have the ability to make modifications to filters after they have been created. See [[filters]] for further information.<!-- 26362 - ability to update search query of filters-->
|September 2014
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"
!Feature!!Upgrade Date
|[[Advanced Logic|Advanced Logic to Suppress Public Notes]]
* Using [[Advanced Logic]] you are now able to suppress Public Notes at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.
|October 2009
|'''Enhancements to Notes Functionality''':
* [[Notes]] can now be added to the configuration pages for [[Templates]], [[Types]], [[Status]]es and [[Custom Fields]]. This will allow system administrators to keep track of changes to their system configuration.
<!--22531 - Add NOTES linkage to Templates, Types and Custom Fields-->
* [[Notes]] are also now available for viewing and editing when a record is in [[Edit mode]].
<!--22587 - Notes on Edit Mode-->
|August 2013
|'''Enhanced notes functionality'''
*The [[Notes]] functionality has been extended to transactions.<!--30206 - Notes on Transactions-->
|September 2014
===Custom FieldsPersonal Settings===
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"
!Feature!!Upgrade Date
|Time Format
* On the Personal Setting page users are able to select whether the time is displayed in 24h or 12h format.
* The setting will be be reflected in times displayed within UTAs for the standard start and end time fields at Levels 1, 2 and 3.
|May 2009
|New Timezone option to replace "Time Difference in Hours" offset in Personal Settings page.
<!-- 16356 - Timezone settings to replace offset -->
|November 2012
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"
!Feature!!Upgrade Date
|[[Report Variables]]
* '''Exportdata''': when using the Exportdata report variable, the variable will be replaced with data from the specified report, in the format defined by the advance export template.
:<font size=3>@ReportProperty(''reportid'',exportdata)@</font>
* '''Csvdata''': when using the Csvdata report variable, the variable will be replaced with data from the specified report, as comma separated values.
:<font size=3>@ReportProperty(''reportid'',csvdata)@</font>
'''Example''': To display the exported report for the report with ID 12345
''These 2 variables can be used in a [[Web Page View]] or [[Custom Field Type: Read Only – System Variables|Read Only - System Variables]] custom field, or be included in the body of a [[Workflow]] message.''
* When using any of the ReportProperty variables (recordcount, exportdata and csvdata) the object ID ([[opportunityid]], [[eventid]], userid, etc) will be passed to the report processor. If the specified report includes the variable: '''@''objectid''@''', it will be replaced by the object ID of whichever object (Level 1, Level 2, Contact, etc) called the ReportProperty attribute.
|May 2010
|Report Builder - Table Selection
* The columns in the Report Builder are now filtered by the Table and the Type. This will simplify locating the desired field for the report.
* For example if Tracking Application is chosen as the table, the Type combo box will be populated with all the UTAs and UTA template types.
* Only newly created reports will employ this version of the report builder. Existing reports will not.
|May 2010
|Show Total
* Another new feature within the report builder is the '''Show Total''' checkbox. When selected the last row of the report will include a total for that column. This is similar to the [[List View] Show Total feature, as it only shows the total of the column of records that are displayed '''on the current page'''.
|May 2010
|[[Enable Caching|Caching and Record Limit]]
* Reports and Charts can now be cached. Complex report and reports that are accessed regularly can be configured to be cached by the server to improve loading time and reduce the processing load on the server.
* Reports can also be '''Cached By User''' when appropriate (Note that you must select both '''Enable Caching''' and '''Cache by User''' and enter an appropriate '''Cache Life Span'''.
|May 2010
|Record Lock
* A new table called ''Tracking Application Lock'' can be used to report on records that have been locked by the [[Record Lock]].
|May 2010
|[[:Category:Reports|Export Button]]
* For reports that have defined '''Advanced Export Settings''', when viewing the report within your browser there will now be an '''Export''' button located next to the '''Print''' button.
* This will allow the report to be easily exported to a file after previewing it in the browser.
|October 2010
|Flash Charts
* Graphs such as bar and pie charts created from SmartSimple reports can be displayed using Flash animation.
|May 2011
|[[Creating a Dashboard to Display a Set of Charts|Dashboard Layout]]
* New dashboard layout configurations of 1x7, 1x8, 1x9 and 1x10.
|May 2011
|Once a report is generated the user can select an MS Excel template used to create a MS Excel version of the report.
|May 2012
|Support for exporting reports to a MS Word template
|May 2012
|The Report Builder will now support the '''having''' clause. '''Having''' is used to accommodate criteria when aggregate functions are used.
|May 2012
|'''[[Custom Field]] Settings''' are now available as a Recordset table for '''reports''' to show the properties of [[Custom Field|custom fields]] configured on your system.
|October 2012
|You can set any report to '''ignore the Global Report Template''' and use the template defined in the [[Report|report]] settings.
|October 2012
|System variables can now be used on report criteria.
<!-- 15368 - System variable on report criteria -->
|November 2012
|New report added to Usage Statistics category: Maximum Concurrent External Users (shows maximum amount of users logged in per month) - (can be added on demand).
<!-- 13339 - Concurrent Connections Report -->
|November 2012
|New "Enable Translation" feature added to Advanced Report Settings to allow report headers to use translation options in language library.
<!-- 12919 - Translate report column headings -->
|November 2012
|'''Subreports can be Linked using Column Values in Main Report''' - When creating a subreport, system administrators can now specify that the reports should be linked using values from a column of the parent report. This allows for a greater flexibility in creating sub-reports, as administrators are no longer limited to using standard fields to link main reports and subreports, and can now specify a custom field.
<!--18937 - Reporting: Pass column value into sub-report criteria-->
|August 2013
|'''New Feature: Reports Caching''':
* [[System Administrator]]s can now schedule reports to be run periodically (daily, weekly, monthly).
* Scheduled reports can be configured to store custom field values to SmartSimple records, allowing for the periodic aggregation of data.
* The following types of SmartSimple records can be updated:
:*[[Organization]] records
:*[[Contact]] records
:*[[UTA]] records, i.e. {{l1}}, {{l2}} and {{l3}} records
* Typical use cases might include:
:* On a monthly basis, automatically storing the total number of reviews that have been performed by a given user on their contact [[profile]].
:* On a weekly basis, automatically updating a user's profile to indicate whether or not timesheets have been filled out in SmartSimple.
:* On a daily basis, automatically updating on a company's [[profile]] a summation of the total number of grants for which contacts of that organization has applied.
<!--22927 - new scheduled reports-->
|September 2013
|'''Setting Alignment of Columns in Report Builder''': Columns in reports can now be set in the Report Builder to be left-, right- or center-aligned without resorting to custom HTML.
<!--13969 - Reporting Enhancements-->
|September 2013
|'''Report Builder Enhancements'''
*The [[Report Builder]] has been enhanced to calculate sub-grouping aggregates and totalling.
*System Administrators will find that this allows them to circumvent the need to build [[subreports]] and build summary reports on their data more quickly.<!--27677 - Report Grouping / Aggregation-->
|May 2014
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"
!Feature!!Upgrade Date
|Inclusion of Folders in Search
* When you search within [[SmartFolders]] the results will include both files and folders that match the search term.
|May 2009
|'''Enhanced SmartFolders interface'''
*The SmartFolders interface has been updated with a new look and feel. <!--30092 - Arcadia UI - SmartFolder / organization tree update-->
|September 2014
===Standard / Custom Fields===
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"
!Feature!!Upgrade Date
|''[[UTA Standard Field Settings#Visibility Condition|Standard Field Visibility Control]]''
* You can now set visibility logic on standard fields at all levels in the same manner that you set these conditions on custom fields.
* To set the visibility logic, navigate to the appropriate standard field screen and enter the condition into the Visibility Condition column.
|April 2009
|[[Custom Field Type: Special – Auto Save|Auto Save Custom Field]]
When prompted enter the ''[[opportunityid]]'' (Level 1) or ''[[eventid]]'' (Levels 2 & 3) for the relevant record and a pop-up window will appear allowing you to directly edit the data in the selected field for that record.
|October 2009
|[[New Custom Field Type: Special - Spreadsheet|Custom Field Type: Special - Spreadsheet]]
* This field type is used to present the user with a spreadsheet that is compatible with MS Excel. This spreadsheet is stored as part of the record and can be exported as a .xls file, or be opened directly by MS Excel.
* Formulas are included.
* Information can be moved from MS Excel into this field using a macro within Excel.
* The values in one or more cells on the spreadsheet can be referenced as variables.
|May 2010
|[[Custom Field Type: Select One - User Group|New Custom Field Type: Select One - User Group]]
* The Select One - User Group Custom Field can be used to link any entity (company, UTA Level 1, Level 2 etc.) to a User Group.
* User Groups are defined in Configuration, Roles and Permissions, User groups.
* On its own this field only links the group to the entity. It can then be used in conjunction with a display field ([[Web Page View]] or [[Custom Field Type: Read Only – System Variables|Read Only System Variables]] custom field) to display information derived from the contacts in the related Group.
|May 2010
|[[Custom Field Type: Lookup - ICD Code|New Custom Field Type: Lookup - ICD Code]]
* The standard list of ICD Codes (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems) is now available as a custom field type.
* The field stores the actual ICD code (i.e. ''G44.0''). If you wish to display the description (i.e. ''Cluster Headache Syndrome'') you can use the syntax '''@''field name''.value@''' in a [[Read Only - System Variables]] field or similar.
|May 2010
|[[Attach a PDF to a Web Page View|Web Page View Field: SSattach]]
* Static PDF documents can now be attached to [[Web Page View]]s using [[ssattach]] at a defined page location desired using the following syntax:
&lt;!--@ssattach(insert;@static pdf.value@;n)-->
:where ''n'' is the page number at which the PDF document should be placed.
* ssattach can now be used to attach PDF documents from multi-file fields:
: Syntax for single file field:
: Syntax for multiple file field:
|May 2010
|[[Web Page View|Web Page View Settings]]
* '''PDF Page Restriction''': Within the [[Web Page View]] custom field settings you can define a maximum number of pages for the resultant PDF. If the PDF generated has more than the specified number of page it will not be permitted to be automatically stored into the [[Multiple Files]] Custom Field specified in the '''Value Stores To''' setting.
* '''Automatically Use User ID as File Name''': When the [[Web Page View]] is stored the userid of the person who created it will be used as the file name. When used in association with the '''Save to Multiple File Field''' setting this will ensure each user is only permitted to generate and store one file in that folder ('''Keep Versions''' must be disabled on the [[Multiple Files]] Custom Field).
* '''Value Stores To''': The [[Multiple Files]] field selected can be enforced as the only file field the Web Page View can be saved into, rather than simply being the default.
|May 2010
|[[Single File|Single File Custom Field Settings]]
* '''Disable E-mail Button''': Removes the ability of users to e-mail the file directly from within [[SmartSimple]].
* '''No Deletion''': Prevents deletion of the file. It can only be replaced with a new file.
|May 2010
|[[Multiple Files|Multiple Files Custom Field Settings]]
* '''PDF Merge Sort Order''': The PDF merge functionality will now allow you to specify the order in which the documents are merged.
|May 2010
|[[Custom Field Type: Lookup - ICD Code|ICD Code Lookup Button]]
* The '''Lookup - ICD Code''' Custom Field will now have a ''Lookup'' button to facilitate browsing for the relevant item.
|October 2010
|[[onloadfunc|Onload Function]]
*similar to savefunc and sbfunc, the system will look for a user defined [[Browser Script]] with a function called [[onloadfunc]] which will be executed as soon as the page has loaded fully.
* This is in place in the UTA at L1, L2, L3 and Invoicing, as well as on Contacts and Accounts
* It only runs in Edit mode at Level 1, Contacts and Accounts.
|October 2010
|[[Post to External Server]]
* Posting to external servers via a [[Web Page View]] has been updated to allow the response from the server to be stored.
|October 2010
|[[Edit Condition|Standard Field Edit Condition]]
A conditional statement can be entered to control whether standard fields appear as editable or read only. The conditions can be based on role, status, or other criteria. This feature applies to company, contact and Universal Tracking Application standard fields.
|May 2011
|[[Custom Field Language Settings|Custom Field Language Display]]
The captions displayed on custom fields can be configured for multiple languages. When viewing a record the personal language setting for each user will determine which language is displayed to them.
|May 2011
|New Custom Field Type: Special - Hand Drawing
This field type stores freehand drawings done either with a mouse or touch sensitive screen. The background image can be defined, as well as the colours to be used and patterns/images that can be "stamped" onto the image.
|May 2011
|[[Custom_Field_Type:_Display_Only_–_Image|Enable Camera Snapshot]]
The "Display Only - Image" custom field has a setting that enables a web cam attached to the computer to be used as the source of the image to be stored in this field type.
|May 2011
|[[Custom_Field_Type:_Link_–_Multiple_Files|Document Console]]
When using the [[Custom Field Type: Link – Multiple Files|Multiple Files]] custom field you can enable the document console. This allows you to easily preview and print the documents.
|May 2011
|Settings for '''Standard Field'''s will be managed in a similar manner to Custom Fields. Including Role and Status Field Permissions lookups and the ability to '''translate''' Standard Field labels and validation messages
|May 2012
|You can now '''Track Changes''' on Contact and Company [[Standard Fields]]
|May 2012
|An improved [[Custom Field Type: Text – Rich Text|Rich Text]] editor will be introduced. As well as improved functionality and compatibility, the array of buttons displayed can be configured by an administrator as needed via [[Global Settings]]
|May 2012
|File Type Restrictions: '''Single File''' and '''Multiple Files''' custom fields can be configured to define which file extensions can be uploaded to each specific field (e.g. .pdf, .doc, .xls)
|May 2012
|'''Translation XML''': custom field language translations can now be done by exporting and importing using an XML template.
|May 2012
|Level 1 Track Changes: the field history of all fields with Track Changes enabled on Level 1 can be viewed at once with a new menu bar button.
|May 2012
|Option to make custom fields manifest as hidden for the following field types: Creation - Created By, Creation - Date, Special - Auto Number, Special - Calculated Value, Store Value - System Variables. This will allow the value to be updated/saved without being visible on the page.
|May 2012
|When editing custom fields you can now use the custom field batch update to add/update the Tab Name for multiple custom fields at once.
|May 2012
|There is now an '''"Appear Mandatory"''' setting for custom fields which will make the field appear as mandatory to the user even though the "Allow Empty" setting is selected. This is useful when using JavaScript validation on the field.
|October 2012
|'''HTML''' entered into the template on a [[Web Page View Field]] will be displayed with '''syntax highlighting'''.
|October 2012
|If a '''[[Tool Tip]]''' has been defined on a [[Custom Field|custom field]], the field name [[caption]] will display with a '''dotted underline''' indicating that the user can "mouse-over" the field name and Tip text will appear. Also, if there are field services (e.g. Map or People Search) or [[Track Changes|Track History]] enabled, then those options will be displayed by hovering the mouse over the field.
|October 2012
|Additional capabilities have been added to the '''[[Browser Script]]''' custom field which allow it to trigger system functions (e.g. [[Workflow|workflow]], activate user) with options to '''trigger on load, on save, or on demand'''.
|October 2012
|A new custom field setting ([[Type Field Permissions]]) has been added to make it easy to select the level 1 template(s) and level 2 types on which a field will be visible, rather than using the visibility condition.
|October 2012
|The Level 1 '''Branch''' standard field can be configured to allow external companies as well as internal companies.
<!-- 16829 - Enable External Company for Branch -->
|November 2012
|A new '''Middle Name''' standard field on contacts.
<!-- 16981 - Middle Name contact standard field -->
|November 2012
|[[Custom Field Type: Dynamic Data – Dynamic Control Field|Dynamic Data]] and [[Custom Field Type: Select One – Combo Box|Select One – Combo Box]] custom fields can now be manifested as radio buttons.
<!-- 15324 - Dynamic Control Field - Checkboxes -->
|November 2012
|Prefix/Suffix standard fields on Contacts can now be customized as drop-down boxes.
<!-- 11217 – prefix/suffix standard fields on contacts can now be customized as drop-down boxes. -->
|November 2012
|Enhanced the account list view within a UTA with the ability to list the account owner as a column.
|February 2013
|New ability to update the display order of only a selected group of custom fields within batch update (previously forced to update display order of all custom fields).
|February 2013
|New ability to retain options within [[Custom_Field_Type:_Select_One_–_Combo_Box|Select One – Combo Box]]/[[Custom_Field_Type:_Select_Many_–_Check_Boxes|Select Many – Check Boxes]] options that have been retired and are no longer available, but need to be retained for historical value.
<!--17011 - Combo/Check box: retain missing option setting-->
|March 2013
|For fields of type “[[Custom_Field_Type:_Select_Many_–_Check_Boxes|Select Many – Check Boxes]]” a new “Sort Values To Display Vertically” setting has been added. This setting allows the user to select whether multiple columns of values should be ordered horizontally or vertically. <br>The example below illustrates how values (designated "A" through "F") would be displayed if a checkbox field were to be configured with two columns:
<div align="center">
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center"
|“Sort Values To Display Vertically”<br>setting is Unchecked:
|“Sort Values To Display Vertically”<br>setting is Checked:
|A B
|A D
|C D
|B E
|E F
|C F
<!--17647 - Sorting of Checkboxes -->
|April 2013
|'''New Field Type Added''' - Lookup – Ajax Options. The new [[Custom Field Type: Lookup – Ajax Options|Lookup – Ajax Options]] field type allows a system administrator to create their own [[Ajax lookup]] fields. The values in the field settings can be set with “store values” and “display values” using the same syntax as the [[Custom Field Type: Select One – Combo Box|Select One – Combo Box]] field type.
<!--11099 - New Field Type:Ajax Lookup-->
|May 2013
|'''Global User and Company Custom Fields''' - New links added on Global Settings for Branch/Organization Custom Fields and Staff/Contact Custom Fields to show global custom fields for companies and contacts, whether or not they are internal or external.
<!--20211 - Global user and company custom fields-->
|May 2013
|'''Address Types''' – A new setting has been added to Global Settings under the Business & System Configuration heading to add multiple Address Types (such as “Home,” “Business,” etc.) to contact and company records.
<!--19501 - multiple address enhancements2-->
|May 2013
|'''Conditional Lists of Values'''
* A new functionality has been added to custom fields to allow lists of values to be dependent upon the values in another custom field. See [[Conditional Lists of Values]] for more information.<!--22853 - Conditional List of Values-->
|May 2014
|'''Enhanced Number Validation and Formatting'''
*Custom fields configured to accept number formats now have additional formatting options.
*The number format can be set to be Integer, Currency, Comma-formatted, Decimal, Percentage, or a custom (user-defined) format.
*A Precision setting has also been added to validate numeric data to be a whole number, to one through four decimal places, or to the nearest increment of tens, hundreds or thousands.
*See the [[Number Format]] page for additional information.<!--29003 - Number Formatting-->
|September 2014
|'''Updated Functionality for Maximum Character Limit'''
* The [[Maximum Length|maximum character/word limit functionality]] of custom fields has been updated to allow users to enter content that exceeds the limit initially and then edit appropriately before saving/submitting the record. Content will no longer be truncated if pasted into the field from another source, but the character/word limit will still be enforced on save/submission.<!--27018 - Maximum character counter on multi-line text fields-->
:[[Image:Word_counter_limit.png|link=|600 px]]<br /><br />
:[[Image:Error_message.png|link=|300 px]]
|November 2014
|'''Enhanced Usability for Multiple Lookup Fields'''
The look and feel of custom fields such as the [[Custom Field Type: Lookup – Ajax Options|Lookup - Ajax Options]] and [[Custom Field Type: Lookup – Entity and People|Lookup - Entity and People]] fields have been enhanced. When the fields are configured to allow for multiple selection, the options selected for a given field will be displayed below the field. To de-select an option, simply click on the gray "x" next to the option name.
|November 2014
===Document ManagementStatuses / Submissions===
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"
!Feature!!Upgrade Date
|[[Status#Status Settings|Submitted URL Redirect]]* A '''Submitted URL''' option is now available within the submit settings for each Level 1 Status, which will implement an automatic redirect to the specified URL based on status when the record is submitted.* ''For example, you may want the user to be returned to their standard Portal View whenever a record is closed.''|May 2009|+|[[Custom Field Type: Special - MS Word MergeStatus#Submit Button Script (Level 1 Only)|MS Word Merge Custom FieldLevel 1 Submit Button Script]]* Allows you to define a script that is run when the '''Submit'''button is pressed. The normal Submit button functions are not executed (validation and status change). * This new will allow you to create a [[Custom FieldsField Type: Special – Browser Script|Custom FieldBrowser Script]] type provides that will perform custom validation of the ability to dynamically create an MS Word document from underlying SmartSimple dataon the page, and can then optionally change the [[status]] or execute the submit function as part of the script.* The MS Word document can also include tables that will list details of |July 2009|+|[[Status#Status Settings|Level 2 or and Level 3 activities associated with Submitted URL]]* When the Submit button is pressed for a given [[Status]], instead of remaining on the view of the current record.* The the [[Installing SmartDoc for MS WordUser|SmartDoc for MS Word Templateuser]] also allows you will be redirected to easily upload the resulting MS Word document back to SmartSimple to be stored [[URL]] defined in a specified this section. If no [[Custom Field Type: Link – Single File|SingleURL]] or is entered the current record will stay in view.* This was introduced for Level 1 in the last upgrade, and now has expanded to include Level 2 and Level 3.|July 2009|+|Level 1 [[Custom Field Type: Link – Multiple Files|MultipleStatuses]] file fieldcan now be limited to show only the '''Submit''' button.|April 2009November 2011|+|New ability added to configure multiple submit buttons on Level 1, 2 and 3 with varying visibility conditions that move the record to various statuses.<!-- 10591 -->|November 2012|+|Variables displaying save and submit buttons ("@SYSTEMBUTTONS@") now available for level 2 and 3 template pages.<!-- 16215 - Add @SYSTEMBUTTONS@ support to L2 & L3 template page -->|November 2012
|''[[Custom Field Type: Link – Multiple Files#PDF Document Options|Allow Merging of PDF Documents]]'Bypass Validation Option on Submit Buttons'''* If you are using a Multiple File field to store PDF documents then you : System Administrators can enable a "Merge" button. * Clicking create submit buttons for records which move the Merge button displays records to a list of all the PDFs document stored in different [[status]] and trigger the field [[validation]] and [[Custom Field Type: Link – Multiple FilesSubmit Logic|Multiple Filesubmit logic]] field and you select which documents you wish on that record. A new setting has been added, labelled "Bypass Validation," that will allow the user to move a record to merge into a single PDF document.* The resultant document will also be stored in different status without triggering the Multiple File fieldvalidation. The original documents System Administrators will not now be changed.* This feature will provide for easier printing of able to allow users to change a record back to "setsDraft" of documentsstatus, for example, without having to fill out all the mandatory fields on a record. <!--19637 - Submit button option to bypass validation-->|April 2009August 2013
|''[[Display Additional File Attributes for PDF Documents|Multiple File Field: Display Additional File Attributes for PDF Documents]]'Consolidation of Submit Logic Failure Messages'''* This feature allows you : In order to display extra information (called Meta Data) extracted from each PDF file stored in a assist end users complete forms with multiple [[Custom Field Type: Link – Multiple Files|Multiple FileSubmit Logic]] fieldvalidations, and SmartSimple will now display it as extra columns in the list view.* The additional attributes that can be extracted and displayed are: author, creator, producer, keywords, subject, title, number of pages, creation date and modified date.* Only PDF files stored in the all alert messages configured with [[Custom Field Type: Link – Multiple Files|Multiple FileSubmit Logic]] field will display this informationinto a consolidated alert window. The added columns will be blank for <!--23325 - Group all other document types.failed submit logic into one message-->|April 2009September 2013
|''[[Display Additional File Attributes 'New Functionality for PDF Documents|Single File Field: Display Additional File Attributes for PDF Documents]]Save / Save Draft buttons'''* This feature allows you to extract extra information (called Meta Data) from a PDF stored in a System administrators can now add custom Save and Save Draft buttons on {{UTA}} records. [[Custom Field Type: Link – Single FileVisibility Condition|Single FileVisibility conditions]] field and store it in a [[Custom Field Type: Read Only – System Variables|Read Only - System Variables]] field.* The additional attributes that button labels of these can now be extracted and displayed are: author, creator, producer, keywords, subject, title, number controlled.<!--19758 - Visibility of pages, creation date Save and modified date.* Only PDF files stored in a [[Custom Field Type: Link – Single File|Single File]] field will display this information.Save Draft buttons-->|April 2009May 2014
===Personal SettingsTransactions===
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"
!Feature!!Upgrade Date
|Time Format[[Cross-UTA Transactions]]* On the Personal Setting page users are able to select whether the time is displayed in 24h or 12h format.* The setting will be be reflected in times displayed within UTA Transactions can bridge 2 different UTAs for the standard start and end time fields , either at Levels Level 1, or at Level 2 and 3.
|May 2009
|Transaction Template Formula: server side formulas to be run whenever a transaction is saved.
|May 2012
|Transaction Template Page: Template page that can be used for internal or external entry/update of transactions.
|May 2012
|Enhanced transactions with the ability to enable record locking.
|February 2013
|'''Transaction List Views''': [[List Views]] can now be defined for [[transactions]] to match the list view functionality for other system objects.
<!--20205 - Transactions - List Views-->
|August 2013
===SmartFoldersVariables / Variable Processor===
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"
!Feature!!Upgrade Date
|Inclusion [[Report Variables|Report Record Count Variable]]* Introduction of a variable that can generate the number of records within a specified report.:<font size=3>@ReportProperty(''reportid'',recordcount)@</font>'''Example''': To generate the number of Folders records (equivalent to the number of rows in Searchthe report) for report with ID 12345 @ReportProperty(12345,recordcount)@''This can be used in a [[Web Page View]] or as a [[Custom Field Type: Read Only – System Variables|Read Only - System Variable]] to display a record count, as part of [[Submit Logic]], or included in the title of a [[Portal]] shortcut to indicate how many records are at a given status (for example).''|October 2009|+|[[Template Formula|Assign Level 1 Customer]]* Ability to assign to the Customer Level 1 Standard field (also called Client).:* Example template formula: ''@opportunity.companyid@=@opportunity.owner.companyid@''|October 2009|+|[[Web Page View Field Variables|User/Company Association List]]* Ability to use the list syntax '''[#...#]''' to show all companies that a user is associated with, or all users associated with a company.|October 2009|+|[[:Category:Variables|Variable Processor Enhancements]]* for [[Custom Field Type: Display Only – Image|Image]], [[Single File]] and [[Web Page View]] fields, you can obtain a URL to the object using: @''fieldname''.value@or using field ID: @#''fieldid''.value#@  * You can use @''roleid''@ on a UTA Role based [[Custom Field]] to obtain the role ID that the user is assigned with on the Level 1.  * For [[Multiple Files]] fields you can obtain a count of the number of files stored within the field using the following syntax: @''fieldname''.numoffiles@or using field ID: @#''fieldid''.numoffiles#@|May 2010|+|Currency Formatting* Values can now be changed to standard currency formats using the following syntax: ''@format(FIELD NAME,currency,CURRENCYCODE)@''|May 2011|+|System Library* A global [[System Variables|System Library]] has been added that can be accessed as system variables. The available values and functions can be found under System Variables on the Global Settings page. The syntax is: ''@system.library.variable name@''* When viewing the list of custom fields will identify those that are using [[System Variables|System Library]] variables.|May 2011|+|System Variable Pre-processing* Variables within [[System Variables]] will be pre-processed to allow dynamic selection of the appropriate variable. The syntax to be used is: ''@system2.@variable name@@''* System variables appearing within other system variables is also now supported. |May 2011|+|Global Auto-number* A global auto-number field can be specified as a [[System Variable]]. This will allow sequential numbers to be provided across different objects and/or in different UTAs.|May 2011|+|The access level a contact has been given (No Access, User Centric Interface, Administrator or Portal Interface) can be accessed using variables '''@accesstypeid@''' and '''@accesstype@'''|November 2011|+|Variable processor support for:::* Displaying the last time a user logged into the system: '''@me.lastlogin@'''::* Listing all the companies under another company: '''[#(object=company) ~name~ #]'''::* Displaying Contact/Company association role based custom fields: '''[#(?object=association;)$?afc_customfieldid$#]'''::* Adding business days to a given date, or counting the number of business days between 2 dates: '''SS_FUNC.addbusdays(DATE, BUSINESSDAYS)''' and '''SS_FUNC.countbusdays(FIRSTDATE, SECONDDATE)'''::* Within Report Template Header to obtain the criteria entered by users: '''@args[1]@, @args[2]@'''::* Within Report Template Header to obtain date/time report was run: '''@runtime@'''::* Passing criteria to reports when using the '''ReportProperty''' variable: '''@ReportProperty(12345,recordcount,"Column Name","Criteria")@''' where criteria is the answer to ??? on the report. If using variables in the Criteria you should use @ReportProperty2...|May 2012|+|Two new date functions have been added::* '''@date(currentdate)@''' will return current server date as '''YYYY-MM-DD''':* '''@datetime(currentdate)@''' will return current server time as '''YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'''|October 2012|+|New variable @sstimezone@ allows you search to retrieve the user's timezone setting which can then be used to calculate their relative date/time.<!--17466 - Would like to have timezone variable that runs on the report builder-->|February 2013|+|'''New setting: [[SmartField View]]''' – This new feature within the custom field configuration page has been added to facilitate the building of [[SmartFoldersCustom Field Type: Display Only – Web Page View|Web Page Views]] and for user-defined printable data summaries. :A new [[variable]], @SmartFields@, will return [[custom fields]] formatted as they are in view mode. This variable can simplify the configuration of printable Web Page View pages and applies existing security rules to all the custom fields—showing only those fields that are permissible—thus simulating the current view mode of the results object contexted to the current user.:Selecting “Include” or “Only display for SmartField View” will include both the custom field in the @SmartFields@ [[variable]], which can be included in Web Page View fields to reference the selected custom fields. “Only display for SmartField View” will also hide the field from normal viewing. Choosing “Exclude” will prevent the field from being included in the @SmartFields@ variable.<!--11510 - Enhance WPV to use as Print Preview functionality-->|May 2013|+|'''Simplified Display of Uploaded Files'''*A new syntax has been added for referencing files and folders that match uploaded to a field. You can display uploaded files as a string of text by using the @''Fieldname''.filenames()@ variable. The syntax is @''field name''.filenames(''delimiter'')@.:''Example'': To display a comma separated list of file names of the files uploaded to a field named '''''Uploaded Files''''', you would enter the search termvariable ''@Uploaded Files.filenames(,)@''.<!--21086 - Link - Multiple Files Display-->|May 2009March 2014
* Workflow e-mails can now be sent using HTML format as well as plain text.
|May 2009
|Recurring Workflows
* Recurring Workflows can be used to send out e-mails on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
* These workflow e-mails can use the '''ReportProperty''' functions mentioned above to automatically e-mail periodic reports.
|May 2010
|[[Workflow Task Type: People Association|People Association Workflow Task Type]]
* A new [[Workflow Task]] allows you to automatically add contacts to Level 1 activities with the role specified in the Workflow Task.
|May 2010
|Level 1 Date Trigger
* Workflows associated with Level 1 records can now be set to trigger based on a date on the Level 1 record.
|May 2010
|UTA Role Assignment Tasks
* The recipient for these tasks can now be defined as the user that was added to the record.
* You can include information from the Level one record using variable syntax: @levelone.''customfieldname''@
|May 2010
|Transaction Workflows
* Workflows can now be attached to Transactions.
|May 2010
|Workflow E-mails
* The e-mail header can now be defined.
|May 2010
|[[Workflow Task Type: Select User for Next Task|Select User for Next Task]]
* This [[Workflow]] Task Type allows the current user to select which user will be responsible for the subsequent task.
* This is necessary if the following task is due to be triggered in future, since select '''Let Current User Select''' on the subsequent task isn't possible since the trigger is delayed.
|October 2010
|Create Activity
* The Create Activity workflow task can now be used at Level 2 to create one or more Level 3 activities.
|May 2011
|Workflow Requests
* Workflow task types Request for Comment and Request for Approval at Level 2 and Level 3 can now be configured to display the record either in view or in edit mode.
|May 2011
|Workflow IDs will be shown in the list of workflows to facilitate configuration
|November 2011
|'''[[Workflow_Branching_Logic|Branching Workflows]]'''. A logical statement can be added to workflow connectors. This will enable workflows to branch based on conditional statements. For example: if a workflow request is triggered for a request exceeding $100,000 it will be sent to Senior Management for approval, while requests under $100,000 will take a different path.
|November 2011
|Workflow History: a Manager Permission will enable a tab on Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 to display the history of workflows triggered on the entity.
|November 2011
|Workflow Request re-assignment: workflow requests (Request for Approval or Request for Comment) can be reassigned on the '''Pending Task''' list view.
|November 2011
|'''Update Custom Field''' task type will be available on Company and Contact workflows
|May 2012
|Company and Contact Workflow connectors can be delayed to trigger on a date stored in a [[Custom Field]] on the Company/Contact record
|May 2012
|The Recipient of workflows (Acknowledgement, Request for Comment, Request for Approval) can now be defined using variable syntax, rather than being limited to the list by role. This will allow you to send the same e-mail to multiple roles at the same time rather than creating 2 different tasks. It will also allow you to filter based on a custom field on the contact, or UTA Contact Role Based custom field(s). For [[Notes]] created against UTA records this will allow you to select recipients by UTA role (or owner/person) rather than system role.
|May 2012
|The following '''[[Workflow|workflow]] [[Workflow Task Types|task types]]''' have been added:
::* Add new user
::* Remove a user role
::* Activate a user
::* Deactivate a user
|October 2012
|"Update Custom Field Value" and "Change Status" tasks have been added to '''transaction''' Workflows.
|October 2012
|New Workflow Task Type: [[Update Standard Field Value|Update Standard Field Value]]. A new workflow task type has been added to allow workflows to update the values of standard fields on Level 1, Level 2, company, contact and transaction records.
<!-- 17819 - Workflow Task for Update Standard Field value has been assigned to Dev Team -->
|January 2013
|Enhanced the routing ability of [[Workflow_Task|workflow tasks]] to be able to set the owner of an object (i.e. owner of a Level 1 or Level 2).
<!--13602 - Owner available in level 2 workflows-->
|March 2013
|New [[Workflow_Task_Types|task type]] added for Level 3 [[workflows]]: Change [[Status]].
<!--10802 - Level 3 Workflow change Status Feature-->
|April 2013
|'''Multiple User-Selected Recipients for Workflow Messages''': System administrators can configure [[workflow]] tasks to prompt the user that triggers the workflow to choose the recipient of a workflow-generated email message. With this enhancement, the user can choose multiple recipients of the workflow-generated email message. See [[Selecting Recipients in an Acknowledgment Workflow]] for further information.
<!-- 15849 - Workflow routing: let user select many recipients-->
|August 2013
|'''Creating Multiple PDFs with a Single Workflow Task''': The [[Workflow]] task to create a PDF file from a {{WPV}} field has been enhanced to allow System Administrators to configure the task to create multiple PDF files from multiple {{WPV}} fields. See the [[Creating Multiple PDFs with a Single Workflow Task]] page for instructions.
<!--22494 - generate pdf workflow task ability to create multiple pdfs-->
|October 2013
|'''Update Company Categories with Workflow Tasks''': A new [[Workflow Task Types|Workflow Task Type]] can been created named [[Workflow Task Type: Update Company Category|Update Company Category]] which can automate the action of adding or removing a [[Client Categories|Organization Category]] from an [[organization]] [[profile]].
<!--23763 - create workflow task to update company category-->
|October 2013
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"
!Feature!!Upgrade Date
|[[Custom Field Type: Special - XML Data|Custom Field Type: Special - XML Data]]
* The XML field type can be used to store blocks of XML in a single field.
* Variables can be used to extract values from this block into other custom fields.
|May 2010
|[[XML Section Builder]]: An automated tool to facilitate creation of XML tables such as budget templates etc.
|November 2011
|'''Upgrades to [[Custom Field Type: Special - XML Data|XML Data Field]]'''
*It is now possible to enable the [[Track Changes]] option for XML fields.
<!--21240 - Add Track Changes to XML Data custom field-->
*XML fields now allow for tabbed sections. Example:
[[Image: TabbedXMLfield.png|link=|550px|center]]
<!--21470 - Tabbing Divs on XML field-->
|June 2013
|'''XML Field Enhancement'''
* Upgraded the [[Custom Field Type: Special - XML Data|XML Data]] custom field type to be able to create, edit or delete {{l2}} records on the fly. See [[Managing Level 2 Activities with an XML Section]] for more information.<!--28567 - XML Data Field extension to create L2s-->
|May 2014
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"
!Feature!!Upgrade Date
|System Date & Time
* Clients on dedicated servers that are not configured with automatic time synchronization can set the server date and time on the [[Global Settings]] page.
|May 2010
|[[Advanced Logic]]
* The visibility of [[Associations]] on both contact and account profiles now can be controlled using Global Advanced Logic.
* Within a [[UTA]] the hyperlinks in the Level 1 Company [[List View]] can be disabled using [[Advanced Logic]].
* Hide Associates on User/Company Profile.
* Transactions: Show attribution button.
|May 2010
|[[HCAI Status]]
* The status of submissions to HCAI can be displayed from the invoice view (or OCF-18 view if enabled). It can also be stored to a custom field on the Invoice (or Level 2 for OCF-18s) so that it can be displayed within the [[List View]] or [[Reports]]
|October 2010
|File Upload with Proxy Server
We have also introduced a new multiple file upload tool that can be enabled if your office connects to the internet via a proxy server.
|May 2011
|Message Queue
A manager permission has been implemented to provide read-only access to the message queue. Previously only Global Administrators had access.
|May 2011
|Multi-File Upload Applet
Use of the multi-file upload tool can be restricted by role using a manager permission.
|May 2011
|[[Advanced_Search|Advanced Search]]: A more powerful search facility can now be enabled to replace the right-hand search panel within Contacts, Companies and the [[Universal Tracking Application]]. The Advanced search enables quick and easy input of multiple criteria including AND, OR and NOT operands.
|November 2011
|Auto-close on set password page: after setting a password for a contact the confirmation window will auto-close in 3 seconds
|November 2011
|'''Language Library''': Labels within the system can be custom translated using the Language Library, accessible from Global Settings. The same label can be given different translations for each specific page within the system
|November 2011
|'''Last Search''' option for Contact search, Company search and Level 2 / Level 3 searches
|November 2011
|The [[Applicant Tracking]] built-in application can now be renamed. This will facilitate its use as a Volunteer tracking system.
|November 2011
|Global Advanced Logic to hide the Organization Chart on company records
|November 2011
|Global Advanced Logic to remove the hyperlinks on the e-mail field and phone number field on contacts and account
|November 2011
|Advanced Date Searching: When using the advanced search to search a date field (standard or custom) you can search using: On, before, after, between or is empty.
|May 2012
|Pandora '''utarole_add, utarole_remove''' and '''utarole_update''' functions extended to create, remove and update consumer/provider relationships.
|May 2012
|'''Batch Update''' Contacts can be added to Level 2 records using batch update when the Multiple Contact List is enabled at Level 2.
|May 2012
|A new setting in email broadcast to choose a user custom field as email address instead of user standard field (e.g. alternate e-mail address)
|May 2012
|A setting to specify where a note type is available in the system. You can '''restrict note types''' available to the following entities:
::* Contacts
::* Companies
::* Events / Activities
::* UTA Level 1
::* UTA Level 2
|October 2012
|An "All Record" check box has been added on the deleted companies/contacts list view so that when selected, it can '''restore or purge all records''' in the database that are flagged as deleted.
|October 2012
|Two new [[Manager Permissions|manager permissions]] have been added for [[Sales Tracking]] [[Working with Opportunities - Overview|Opportunities]]:
::* '''"Sales Tracking - Hide Settings Tab"''' - hides the settings tab based on role for Opportunities in Sales Tracking.
::* '''"Sales Tracking - Restrict Deleting Opportunities"''' - restricts deleting Opportunities for specific roles on both List View and while editing the Opportunity in the Sales Tracking application.
* Provides the ability to access '''rootcompany''' objects through the variable processor.
* The maximum number of records that appear in a '''Ajax list''' has increased to '''50'''.
* The SmartSimple currency function, ssFormatCurrency(num) has been updated to accept any currency symbol. The format of the function is now: '''ssFormatCurrency(num,sym)'''
|October 2012
|Additional instance data available in "Records Storage Summary" hyperlink in Global Settings pertaining to Database and File Storage size.
<!-- 16315 - Record Count on Global Setting Page -->
|November 2012
|Basic search allows for searches based on type.
|November 2012
|'''Alert message for unsaved forms''' – In order to mitigate against users navigating away from certain forms without having saved their changes, a setting has been added under Global Settings > Business & System Configuration, which is captioned “Enable warning upon navigation from unsaved forms.” When selected, the user will be presented with a dialog box upon navigating away from an edited, unsaved form asking for confirmation for leaving the page.
:This setting applies to the following types of records:
:* Company profiles;
:* Contact profiles;
:* Transactions;
:* Level One, Two and Three Objects;
:* XML pages; and
:* any "Tabs" on those objects.
<!--20294 - Warning when navigate away without saving [s_editobjcustomfields.jsp ]-->
|May 2013
|'''Notes on Invoices''' - [[Notes]] can now be enabled for invoice records.
<!--19908 - Notes on Invoices-->
|May 2013
|'''New Feature: Recently-Viewed Objects''':
* When enabled through [[Manager Permissions]], a new right-hand panel titled "[[Recently Viewed]]" can be shown containing a list of the most recently-viewed records. Users can then click on their most recently-viewed records to [[navigation|navigate]] easily through the system.
* The Recently Viewed panel can be locked to always be shown on the right-hand side of the SmartSimple window, or, by default, will close when a recently-viewed record is selected.
<!--23152 - Record and display most recently viewed objects-->
|September 2013
|'''Configuration Error Log''' - System Administrators now have a new tool to troubleshoot errors generated by the system when troubleshooting configuration changes. The [[Configuration Error Log]], available from the [[Business & System Configuration]] section of the [[Global Settings]] page, maintains a log of server-side errors.
<!--20280 - system error log-->
|October 2013
|'''New Permission Settings''':
* Restriction settings have been introduced for the [[Quick Messages|Quick Messaging]] feature which can be set by role in the [[Email & Email Broadcast Security]] settings page.
* Permission Settings have been introduced for access to the [[Discussions]] feature which can be set by role in the [[Manager Permissions]] settings page.
<!--24095 - new manager restrictions -->
|October 2013
|'''Remember Me Deprecated''': For security reasons the "Remember Me" setting on the login page has been deprecated and removed.
|October 2013