

99 bytes added, 16:37, 8 April 2013
Universal Tracking Application
The following features will be implemented as part of the upgrade cycle commencing in April 2013:
===[[UTA|Universal Tracking Application]]===*An "Available Templates" setting on the [[Level_2_Types|level 2 type ]] page has been added. When a new level 2 type is created, this setting allows the user to select the [[Level_1_Templates|level 1 templates ]] for which the new level 2 type should be available.
<!--19144 - Setting to Batch Update Template Level 2s-->
<!--19145 - Setting to Batch Update Template Statuses -->
*For fields of type “Select “[[Custom_Field_Type:_Select_Many_–_Check_Boxes|Select Many – Check Boxes” Boxes]]” a new “Sort Values To Display Vertically” setting has been added which allows the user to display values of a checkbox field with multiple columns of values in columns. The example below illustrates how values (designated "A" through "F") would be displayed if a checkbox field were to be configured with two columns:
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center"
|“Sort Values To Display Vertically”<br>setting is Unchecked: