
Password Policy

310 bytes added, 13:42, 25 January 2013
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'''Important:''' When defining a custom password policy be sure to provide a detailed description of the policy in the '''Custom Password Policy Description''' field so that users are aware of the minimum requirement to enable them to create a valid password.
If you need to translate the '''Custom Password Policy Description''' message you can use [[sslogic]]. It is often easiest to use [[System Variables]] for these. Example:
<!--@sslogic('@langid@'='2')--><br>@system.Password Policy - FR@<!--@else--><br>@system.Password Policy@<!--@end-->
===Hierarchical Password Policy===
A different password policy can be defined for each company which will automatically apply to all sub-companies in the [[Creating_an_Organization_Chart_and_Company_Hierarchy|hierarchy]],
unless they have defined their own password policy. When viewing a company in your hierarchy, select '''Settings > Password Policy ''' to define. If there are no password policies defined for a company or the companies above it in the hierarchy, the password policy set in [[Global_Settings|Global Settings]] will apply.
==New Password Settings==