
Create PDF Document with JavaScript

1,486 bytes added, 21:11, 4 January 2013
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Many SmartSimple components can be easily converted to PDF using baseline functionality such as the [[Web Page View Field]].
* [[Web Page View Field]] if you wish to manipulate the HTML using JavaScript prior to generating the PDF. (Using the standard feature to convert Web Page View into a PDF will will render using the initial HTML and not the HTML after being manipulated by JavaScript)
This is accomplished by submitting a form containing an input named '''"txt"''' to the SmartSimple '''pdfWriter''' page.
Note: use of these techniques requires knowledge of HTML and JavaScript
This is accomplished by submitting a form containing an input named '''"txt"''' to the SmartSimple '''pdfWriter''' page.
For example, to To convert a report to PDF you could add the following code to the '''Header''' on the '''Report Template'''
* If the report is rebuilt the code will be removed from the Header and will need to be re-added
* '''style="pd4ml-display:none"''' is included so that the content within that "div" is not included on the PDF. See [[PDF Writer Custom Tags]] for more information.
* If the report is broken onto multiple pages only the visible page will be converted to PDF. You can click '''Show All''' to create a PDF of the full report.
To convert a report to PDF you could also include the following code in the body of the '''Report Template'''
<div style="pd4ml-display:none">
<form name="CreatePDF" action="/pdfWriter" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" id="PDFcontent" name="txt" value="" style="width:0px; display:none"/>
<input type=submit class="Button" value="Create PDF" onclick="this.form.txt.value=document.getElementsByTagName('HTML')[0].outerHTML;">
This technique can be used to create a single PDF document that contains multiple records. For example, if you wish to create a one-page '''Executive Summary''' of all the Level 1 records that you have at a given status such as '''Under Review'''.
# On the Level 1 Record create a [[Read Only System Variable]] custom field that contains HTML
==See Also==
* [[PDF Writer Custom Tags]]
* [[Web Page View Field]]