Post to External Server
Step 1.
On Web Page View field enter the following fields:
<html> <body> <form method="POST" action="/ex/ex_post.jsp"> <input type=hidden name="post_url" value=""> <input type=hidden name="codedid" value="@codedid@"> <input type=hidden name="update_fieldid" value="nnnnnn"> <input type=hidden name="ss_claimant" value="@claimant@"> <input type=hidden name="ss_language" value="@language@"> <input type=hidden name="ss_address" value="@address@"> <input type=hidden name="ss_constant" value="1234"> <input type=submit value="submit"> </form> </body> </html>
- post_url - The url of server to which the data will be posted (mandatory)
- update_fieldid - custom field id where the response from the external server will be stored, if present (optional)
- ss_xxxxxx - Variable(s) that will be passed to external server (optional)
- Note: The first 3 characters of the variable name ("ss_") will be removed before sending to external server. For example, "ss_claimant" will be changed to "claimant" when sent.
These are constant and should not be changed:
- <form method="POST" action="/ex/ex_post.jsp">
- <input type=hidden name="codedid" value="@codedid@">
- Note: @codedid@ will be replaced with an encoded version of the objectid when the page is loaded