API Sample Code
Sample Code from JSON API (SmartConnect)
The following are excerpts from SmartConnect, SmartSimple's RESTful JSON API. To review how the JSON API works in greater detail, and interact with some sample functions and test data, be sure to visit the Interactive Demonstration Page. This webpage is connected to a specific demonstration instance that contains sample data for API testing.
Interactive Demonstration Page
Get a Company Record
Request Code
----------HTTP POST Request---------- Parameters (case sensitive) url: "/API/1/company/" *companyid : 825646 *alias : api *username : smartconnectdemo@smartsimple.com *password : ***************** apitoken : CllAZXoBSn9PUHNVejJxfUA2D3dEcmNnAjI~ --Begin custom parameter (replace '{parameter}' with actual value)-- recordid : 825646 --End custom parameter-- *Only required if calls are originated from remote server ----------Jquery Ajax Request---------- function api_call() { request = $.ajax( { url: "/API/1/company/", {type: "POST", data: { apitoken: "CllAZXoBSn9PUHNVejJxfUA2D3dEcmNnAjI~", recordid : 825646 }, dataType: "html" }); request.done(function( data ) { //TODO }); }
Response Code
{ message: {}, records: [ { sf_Name: "SmartSimple Software Inc", cf_Mission Statement: "SmartSimple was designed from the start to help organizations connect with their communities and streamline<br /> critical processes. We're able to do this because our products are almost endlessly configurable. Once a system is implemented, <br /> our clients are able to administer their software on their own, with minimal help from us.", sf_Company ID: "825646", sf_Address: "111 Peter Street", sf_Country: "Canada", cf_EIN Number: null, sf_Zip / Postal Code: "M5V 2H1", sf_City: "Toronto" } ] }
Get a Contact Record
Request Code
----------HTTP POST Request---------- Parameters (case sensitive) url: "/API/1/user/" *companyid : 825646 *alias : api *username : smartconnectdemo@smartsimple.com *password : ***************** apitoken : fzJnYl1lakhFcVJnWwF5Y2xEelNDdXVOAgY~ --Begin custom parameter (replace '{parameter}' with actual value)-- recordid : 825646 --End custom parameter-- *Only required if calls are orginated from remote server ----------Jquery Ajax Request---------- function api_call() { request = $.ajax( { url: "/API/1/user/", {type: "POST", data: { apitoken: "fzJnYl1lakhFcVJnWwF5Y2xEelNDdXVOAgY~", recordid : 825646 }, dataType: "html" }); request.done(function( data ) { //TODO }); }
Get a List of Organizations
Request Code
----------HTTP POST Request---------- Parameters (case sensitive) url: "/API/1/company/" *companyid : 825646 *alias : api *username : smartconnectdemo@smartsimple.com *password : ***************** apitoken : SnZnAgVGVwpSUERfDVUMVXpGYWViXQFTAgc~ --Begin custom parameter (replace '{parameter}' with actual value)-- criteria : {parameter} //Optional: json array each condition contains nodes "andor", "field", "operator", "value" eg [{"andor":"and","field":"FIELDNAME","operator":"like","value":"PATTERN"},{"andor":"or","field":"FIELDNAME","operator":"like","value":"PATTERN"}] sortby : {parameter} //Optional: json array each sort by field contains nodes "field", "direction" eg. [{"field":"FIELDNAME","direction":"asc|desc"}] getstorevalue : {parameter} //Optional: int type: 0 = no (get display value), 1 = yes (get stored value) --End custom parameter-- *Only required if calls are orginated from remote server ----------Jquery Ajax Request---------- function api_call() { request = $.ajax( { url: "/API/1/company/", {type: "POST", data: { apitoken: "SnZnAgVGVwpSUERfDVUMVXpGYWViXQFTAgc~" }, dataType: "html" }); request.done(function( data ) { //TODO }); }
Response Code
{ message: {}, records: [ { sf_Name: "SmartSimple Software Inc", cf_Mission Statement: "SmartSimple was designed from the start to help organizations connect with their communities and streamline<br /> critical processes. We're able to do this because our products are almost endlessly configurable. Once a system is implemented, our<br /> clients are able to administer their software on their own, with minimal help from us.", sf_Company ID: "825646", sf_Address 2: "Suite 405", sf_Address: "111 Peter Street", sf_Country: "Canada", sf_Zip / Postal Code: "M5V 2H1", sf_State / Province: "Ontario", sf_City: "Toronto" }, { sf_Name: "Grant Seeking Organizations", cf_Mission Statement: "", sf_Company ID: "825805", sf_Address 2: "", sf_Address: "4555 Westchester Street", sf_Country: "United States", sf_Zip / Postal Code: "", sf_State / Province: "NY", sf_City: "New York City" }, { sf_Name: "Prospect Heights Educational Campus", cf_Mission Statement: "", sf_Company ID: "825806", sf_Address 2: "", sf_Address: "5108 4th Ave. At 51st St.", sf_Country: "--- Select One ---", sf_Zip / Postal Code: "", sf_State / Province: "New York", sf_City: "Brooklyn" }, { sf_Name: "Acme Insurance", cf_Mission Statement: "", sf_Company ID: "826093", sf_Address 2: "", sf_Address: "111 Peter Street, Suite 405", sf_Country: "--- Select One ---", sf_Zip / Postal Code: "", sf_State / Province: "", sf_City: "" } ], header: [ { id: "sf_Name", index: "1", name: "Name", caption: "Organization Name" }, { id: "sf_Address", index: "2", name: "Address", caption: "Address" }, { id: "sf_Address 2", index: "3", name: "Address 2", caption: "Address 2" }, { id: "sf_City", index: "4", name: "City", caption: "City" }, { id: "sf_State / Province", index: "5", name: "State / Province", caption: "State" }, { id: "sf_Country", index: "6", name: "Country", caption: "Country" }, { id: "sf_Zip / Postal Code", index: "7", name: "Zip / Postal Code", caption: "Zip / Postal Code" }, { id: "sf_Company ID", index: "8", name: "Company ID", caption: "" }, { id: "cf_1523156", index: "9", name: "Mission Statement", caption: "Mission Statement" } ] } }
Get a List of Contacts
Request Code
----------HTTP POST Request---------- Parameters (case sensitive) url: "/API/1/user/" *companyid : 825646 *alias : api *username : smartconnectdemo@smartsimple.com *password : ***************** apitoken : TmZ3NmRFdUIBZ1tFFwYeAlB!e3FlV3FjAgMG --Begin custom parameter (replace '{parameter}' with actual value)-- criteria : {parameter} //Optional: json array each condition contains nodes "andor", "field", "operator", "value" eg [{"andor":"and","field":"FIELDNAME","operator":"like","value":"PATTERN"},{"andor":"or","field":"FIELDNAME","operator":"like","value":"PATTERN"}] sortby : {parameter} //Optional: json array each sort by field contains nodes "field", "direction" eg. [{"field":"FIELDNAME","direction":"asc|desc"}] getstorevalue : {parameter} //Optional: int type: 0 = no (get display value), 1 = yes (get stored value) --End custom parameter-- *Only required if calls are orginated from remote server ----------Jquery Ajax Request---------- function api_call() { request = $.ajax( { url: "/API/1/user/", {type: "POST", data: { apitoken: "TmZ3NmRFdUIBZ1tFFwYeAlB!e3FlV3FjAgMG" }, dataType: "html" }); request.done(function( data ) { //TODO }); }
Get a Meta Data from a UTA
Request Code
----------HTTP POST Request---------- Parameters (case sensitive) url: "/API/1/levelone/" *companyid : 825646 *alias : api *username : smartconnectdemo@smartsimple.com *password : ***************** apitoken : U2N4RwUBTn5XZldZXFdfWX1@C2JAWXVuAjIF --Begin custom parameter (replace '{parameter}' with actual value)-- --End custom parameter-- *Only required if calls are orginated from remote server ----------Jquery Ajax Request---------- function api_call() { request = $.ajax( { url: "/API/1/levelone/", {type: "POST", data: { apitoken: "U2N4RwUBTn5XZldZXFdfWX1@C2JAWXVuAjIF" }, dataType: "html" }); request.done(function( data ) { //TODO }); }
Response Code
{ hassubactivity: false, message: {}, levelonename: "Cases", levelthreename: "Level 3 Activities", leveltwoname: "Services", menuname: "Case Manager", leveltwo: { statuses: [ { description: "", name: "To be scheduled" }, { description: "", name: "Scheduled" }, { description: "", name: "Application Letter Sent to Insured" }, { description: "", name: "Assessment Plan Received" }, { description: "", name: "Late Cancellation" }, { description: "", name: "Examination Notice Sent to Vendor" }, { description: "", name: "Report Received" }, { description: "", name: "On Hold" }, { description: "", name: "Report Due Today" }, { description: "", name: "No Show" }, { description: "", name: "Completed" }, { description: "", name: "Submitted" }, { description: "", name: "Completed - Billed" }, { description: "", name: "Non-Billable" } ], types: [ { name: "--- Select One ---", caption: "", fields: [] }, { name: "Addendum", caption: "", fields: [] }, { name: "Addendum - In Response to a Sect. 42.1", caption: "", fields: [] }, { name: "Adjuster Approved Service", caption: "", fields: [] }, { name: "Cardiology Assessment", caption: "", fields: [] }, { name: "Chiropractic Assessment", caption: "", fields: [] }, { name: "Dental Assessment", caption: "", fields: [] }, { name: "Diagnostic Test", caption: "", fields: [] }, { name: "Education Session", caption: "", fields: [] }, { name: "Employer Contact", caption: "", fields: [] }, { name: "Ergonomic Assessment", caption: "", fields: [] }, { name: "Exercise Program", caption: "", fields: [] }, { name: "FAE - Functional Abilities Evaluation", caption: "", fields: [] }, ... CODE TRUNCATED ... } ] }, levelthree: {}, hasactivity: true}
Retrieving notes from an object
Replace the URL accordingly depending on the type of object. The Objectid parameter is the ID of the record you wish to retrieve notes from.
Request Code
This example below retrieves notes from a Level One object with an objectid of "1136627". The criteria filter restricts the note type returned where sf_Type equals to "Staff Note".
----------HTTP POST Request---------- Parameters (case sensitive) url: "/API/1/levelone/" *companyid : 825646 *alias : api *username : smartconnectdemo@smartsimple.com *password : ***************** apitoken : cmFgDAIDbHFaWB9jfmsCXQRAXw5mYGlXDggF@C2JAWXVuAjIF --Begin custom parameter (replace '{parameter}' with actual value)-- --End custom parameter-- *Only required if calls are orginated from remote server ----------Jquery Ajax Request---------- function api_call() { request = $.ajax( { url: "/API/1/levelone/", {type: "POST", data: { apitoken: "cmFgDAIDbHFaWB9jfmsCXQRAXw5mYGlXDggF", objectid: "1136627", criteria: JSON.stringify([{"andor":"and","field":"sf_Type","operator":"like","value":"Staff Note"}]), }, dataType: "html" }); request.done(function( data ) { //TODO }); } }
Response Code
"{"message":{ }, "records":[ { "sf_Type":"Internal Notes", "sf_Content":"option1", "sf_Type ID":"45377", "sf_Note ID":"2246482", "sf_Object ID":"1136627", "sf_Created By":"SmartSimple", "sf_Created Date":"2016-08-29 15:58:08", "recordid":"2246482" }, { "sf_Type":"Internal Notes", "sf_Content":"option2", "sf_Type ID":"45377", "sf_Note ID":"2246483", "sf_Object ID":"1136627", "sf_Created By":"SmartSimple", "sf_Created Date":"2016-08-29 15:58:12", "recordid":"2246483" }, { "sf_Type":"L1 Only UTA - 2 and All", "sf_Content":"option3", "sf_Type ID":"54302", "sf_Note ID":"2246484", "sf_Object ID":"1136627", "sf_Created By":"SmartSimple", "sf_Created Date":"2016-08-29 15:58:17", "recordid":"2246484" } ], "header":[ ] }"
Additional SmartConnect API Sample Code
We have built a resource that allows you to build and run some of the most common API functions. This resource is connected to a specific demonstration instance that contains sample data for API testing.
Interactive Demonstration Page
Deprecated Sample Code from Desktop API
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The following are excerpts of SmartSimple's Deprecated Desktop API code written in Microsoft Visual Basic:
Dim ss_param As New SmartComClient.Parameters Call ss_param.addField("opportunityid", "0") Call ss_param.addField("companyid", "404091") Call ss_param.addField("branchid", "404091") ' Call ss_param.addField("opportunitytype", "11642") Call ss_param.addField("name", "test01err") Call ss_param.addField("stageid", "9955") Call ss_param.addField("cf_1333618", "name1") Call ss_param.addField("cf_1333619", "name2") Call ss_param.addField("cf_1590372", "Txt_ACMAddress1.Text") Call ss_param.addField("cf_1590373", "Txt_ACMAddress2.Text") Call ss_param.addField("cf_1590374", "Txt_ACMProvince.Text") Call ss_param.addField("cf_1590375", "Txt_ACMPostalCode.Text") Call ss_param.addField("cf_1590376", "DDL_CITitle.SelectedValue") Dim rtn As Long rtn = tk.updateTable(sess, "levelone", 123123, ss_param) '123123 is the applicationid If rtn = -1 Then MsgBox ("Record Not Updated: " & ss_api.getLastErr) Else
Option Explicit Dim SmartSimple As New SmartComClient.Toolkit Dim Session As SmartComClient.Session Dim Session2 As SmartComClient.Session Dim Userid As Long Private Sub AccessCompanytable_Click() Dim CompanyFields As FieldInfos Dim Fields() As FieldInfo Set CompanyFields = SmartSimple.getFieldsInfo(Session, "companies", 0) Fields = CompanyFields.getFieldInfos MsgBox "There are " & UBound(Fields) + 1 & " associated with this table" End Sub Private Sub AccessContactsTable_Click() Dim ContactFields As FieldInfos Dim Fields() As FieldInfo Set ContactFields = SmartSimple.getFieldsInfo(Session, "contacts", 0) Fields = ContactFields.getFieldInfos MsgBox "There are " & UBound(Fields) + 1 & " associated with this table" End Sub Private Sub AccessUTAlevel1Data_Click() Dim SupportRecords As ADODB.recordset 'check if user login already If Session Is Nothing Then Set Session = SmartSimple.PromptLogin() End If If Session Is Nothing Then MsgBox SmartSimple.getLastErr Exit Sub End If Set SupportRecords = SmartSimple.GetRecordSet(Session, "levelone", "100073", "name,description", "") MsgBox SupportRecords.RecordCount & " Support Tickets in Recordset" SupportRecords.MoveLast SupportRecords.MovePrevious MsgBox SupportRecords.Fields(0).Value & ": " & SupportRecords("name") & " is the last name in the list" SupportRecords.MoveFirst MsgBox SupportRecords.Fields(0).Value & ": " & SupportRecords("Name") & " is the first name in the list" End Sub Private Sub AddNewContactRecord_Click() Dim para As New SmartComClient.Parameters 'check if user login already If Session Is Nothing Then Set Session = SmartSimple.PromptLogin() End If If Session Is Nothing Then MsgBox SmartSimple.getLastErr Exit Sub End If para.addField "userid", 0 'If value is 0, anew record will be added para.addField "firstname", "Walter" para.addField "lastname", "Zimmerman" para.addField "phone", "416.555.1212" MsgBox SmartSimple.updateTable(Session, "contacts", para) End Sub Private Sub AddNewlevel1_Click() Dim readOnlyRs As ADODB.recordset Dim writeableRs As ADODB.recordset Dim rtn As Long Set Session = SmartSimple.LoginUser("alias", "SmartSimple.xxx", "userID/e-mail address", "password") Set readOnlyRs = SmartSimple.GetRecordSet(Session, "levelone", "100073", "name,description", "") Set writeableRs = SmartSimple.CloneUpdateRecordset(readOnlyRs) writeableRs.AddNew writeableRs("name").Value = "Test level 1" writeableRs("description").Value = "Test Level 1 Description" writeableRs("opportunityid").Value = 0 writeableRs.Update rtn = SmartSimple.updateTableByRecordSet(Session, "leveline", writeableRs, False) 'False will loop thru whole recordset, tru will process current record only. End Sub Private Sub CheckSettings_Click() Dim LastLogin As String LastLogin = "Alias:" & SmartSimple.getLastLoginToken(Alias) & _ " URL:" & SmartSimple.getLastLoginToken(URL) & _ " User Name:" & SmartSimple.getLastLoginToken(UserName) MsgBox (LastLogin) End Sub Private Sub CreateFieldsInTable_Click() Dim CompanyFields As FieldInfos Dim Fields() As FieldInfo Dim FieldName As String Dim I As Integer 'MS-Word Objects Dim FieldTable As Table Dim TableColumn As Column Dim NoRows As Integer Dim Row As Integer 'Extract fields Set CompanyFields = SmartSimple.getFieldsInfo(Session, "contacts", 0) Fields = CompanyFields.getFieldInfos 'Create MS-Word table based on number of fields NoRows = UBound(Fields) Set FieldTable = ActiveDocument.Tables.Add(Range:=Selection.Range, NumRows:=NoRows, NumColumns:=5) For I = 0 To UBound(Fields) - 1 FieldTable.Cell(I, 1).Select Selection.TypeText I FieldTable.Cell(I, 2).Select Selection.TypeText Fields(I).Name FieldTable.Cell(I, 3).Select Selection.TypeText Fields(I).FieldType FieldTable.Cell(I, 4).Select Selection.TypeText Fields(I).ID FieldTable.Cell(I, 5).Select Selection.TypeText Fields(I).FieldOptions Next I End Sub Private Sub DisplayError_Click() If SmartSimple.getLastErr <> "" Then MsgBox SmartSimple.getLastErr Else MsgBox "No Error Found" End If End Sub Private Sub DisplayLevel2_Click() Dim SupportRecords As ADODB.recordset Dim SupportActivities As ADODB.recordset Dim TicketName As String Dim TicketID As Long Set Session = SmartSimple.LoginUser("alias", "SmartSimple.xxx", "userID/e-mail address", "password") Set SupportRecords = SmartSimple.GetRecordSet(Session, "levelone", "100073", "name,description", "") TicketID = SupportRecords.Fields(0).Value Set SupportActivities = SmartSimple.GetRecordSet(Session, "leveltwo", "100073", "subject,description", "objectid = " & TicketID) MsgBox "Number of Actions on the First Ticket: " & SupportActivities.RecordCount End Sub Private Sub DisplayUserDetails_Click() Dim para As SmartComClient.Parameters If Session Is Nothing Then Set Session = SmartSimple.PromptLogin() End If If Session Is Nothing Then MsgBox SmartSimple.getLastErr Exit Sub End If Set para = SmartSimple.getData(Session, "contacts", 0, "userid,firstname,lastname,phone,rolelist", " email='" & "sampleuser@address.com" & "'") If para Is Nothing Then MsgBox SmartSimple.getLastErr ' Error return null object, normally invalid password or wrong url Else ' Storing primary key to a global variable used later for update Userid = Val(para.getValue("userid")) MsgBox "First Name: " & para.getValue("firstname") & vbCrLf _ & "Last Name: " & para.getValue("lastname") & vbCrLf _ & "Phone: " & para.getValue("phone") End If End Sub Private Sub DownLoadRecords_Click() Dim Records As String 'Records = SmartSimple.getDataFile(Session, "contacts", "firstname,lastname,title,phone", "isexternal=0") End Sub Private Sub GetCollection_Click() 'check if user login already If Session Is Nothing Then Set Session = SmartSimple.PromptLogin() End If If Session Is Nothing Then MsgBox SmartSimple.getLastErr Exit Sub End If End Sub Private Sub GetNotes_Click() Dim Roles As SmartComClient.Roles Dim assoicate As New SmartComClient.associate If Session Is Nothing Then Set Session = SmartSimple.PromptLogin() End If If Session Is Nothing Then MsgBox SmartSimple.getLastErr Exit Sub End If End Sub Private Sub GetRecordSet_Click() Dim ContactRecords As ADODB.recordset 'check if user login already If Session Is Nothing Then Set Session = SmartSimple.PromptLogin() End If If Session Is Nothing Then MsgBox SmartSimple.getLastErr Exit Sub End If Set ContactRecords = SmartSimple.GetRecordSet(Session, "contacts", 0, "firstname,lastname,email", "email like '" & "*sampleaddress.com" & "'") MsgBox ContactRecords.RecordCount & " Records in Recordset" ContactRecords.MoveLast MsgBox ContactRecords("lastname") & " is the last name in the list" ContactRecords.MoveFirst MsgBox ContactRecords("lastname") & " is the first name in the list" End Sub Private Sub Logout_Click() If Session Is Nothing Then MsgBox "You are not logged into SmartSimple" Else SmartSimple.LogoutOut (Session) MsgBox "Logged out" End If End Sub Private Sub NoPrompt_Click() Dim Alias As String, _ ServerURL As String, _ User As String, _ Password As String 'All values set in code Alias = "alias" ServerURL = "alias.smartsimple.xxx" User = "userID/e-mail address" Password = "password" Set Session = SmartSimple.LoginUser(Alias, ServerURL, User, Password) End Sub Private Sub PasswordOnly_Click() Dim Password As String Password = InputBox("Enter Your Password") Set Session = SmartSimple.LoginUserWithLastSetting(Password) End Sub Private Sub Prompt_Click() Dim Parameters As SmartComClient.Parameters If Session Is Nothing Then Set Session = SmartSimple.PromptLogin() End If If Session Is Nothing Then MsgBox SmartSimple.getLastErr Exit Sub End If End Sub Private Sub SessionProperties_Click() If Session Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Session not Valid - Please Log in" Else MsgBox "Session Alias: " & Session.Alias & vbCrLf _ & "Server URL: " & Session.ServerURL & vbCrLf _ & "User Full Name: " & Session.ss_FullName & vbCrLf _ & "User Name: " & Session.User & vbCrLf _ & "UserID: " & Session.ss_UserID & vbCrLf _ & "Password: " & Session.Password & vbCrLf _ & "Organisation: " & Session.ss_CompanyName & vbCrLf _ & "OrganisationID: " & Session.ss_Companyid & vbCrLf _ & "Root Organisation: " & Session.ss_RootCompanyid, vbOKOnly, "Session Settings" End If End Sub Private Sub SSLEnable_Click() SmartSimple.setSSL (True) End Sub Private Sub TwoSessions_Click() Set Session = SmartSimple.LoginUser("alias1", "SmartSimple.xxx", "e-mail address1", "password1") Set Session2 = SmartSimple.LoginUser("alias2", "SmartSimple.xxx", "e-mail address2", "password2") End Sub Private Sub UpdateUserDetails_Click() Dim para As New SmartComClient.Parameters If Session Is Nothing Then Set Session = SmartSimple.PromptLogin() End If If Session Is Nothing Then MsgBox SmartSimple.getLastErr Exit Sub End If 'Update Table para.addField "userid", Userid & "" para.addField "firstname", "New First Name" para.addField "lastname", "New Last Name" para.addField "phone", "555-1212" If SmartSimple.updateTable(Session, "contacts", para) = -1 Then MsgBox "Record Not Updated" Else MsgBox "Record Updated" End If End Sub