
Level 2 Types

70 bytes added, 22:03, 13 July 2009
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* '''Display as Tab''' - This Type will be displayed on a separate tab in the list of Level 2 activities at the bottom of a Level 1 record.
* '''Access Roles''' - Select the [[Role]]s that can create this type of activity.
 * '''[[Template / Type Formulas|Level 2 Formula]]''' - A set of expressions used to calculate values when the Level 2 item is saved. Similar to the [[Template / Type Formulas|Level 1 Template]] formula.''(See [[Template / Type Formulas]])''
* '''Reminder Settings''' - The subject and content of the Reminder message. These fields are only applicable if you have included reminder standard fields in your [[Level 2 Entity]].
* '''Follow Up Settings''' - The subject and content of the '''Follow up''' message. These fields are only applicable if you have included follow up standard fields in your[[Level 2 Entity]].
* '''Restrict Contact Assignment by Contact''' - Allows you to restrict contact assignment for this Level 2 Type to named contacts.
==See Also==
* [[Restricting Level 2 Types to Specific Level 1 Templates]]
* [[Template / Type Formulas]]
[[Category:Universal Tracking Application]]