
UTA Contact Filters

130 bytes added, 13:18, 23 July 2013
Level 1: UTA Contact Filters and UTA Account Filters
===[[Relating Contacts and Accounts to the Universal Tracking Application#UTA Contact Filters and UTA Account Filters|Level 1: UTA Contact Filters and UTA Account Filters]]===
*You can define who can see which contacts and accounts (companies) at Level 1 {{l1}} based on role membership. To implement these features, navigate to the [[UTA Settings Page|Settings tab]], choose the [[UTA Settings > Application Configuration - Security|Security tab]] and within the Security Settings panel, select the check boxes beside Enable UTA Contact Filter and Enable UTA Account Filter.* Once the feature has been enabled for either Contacts or Accounts, the UTA Contact Filters and/or UTA Account filters hyperlinks are available under the [[UTA's Settings tab - Settings panel|main Settings page]].* You can configure visibility of the contacts/accounts associated with a Level 1 {{l1}} based on User Roles and Account Roles.
For more information: [[Relating Contacts and Accounts to the Universal Tracking Application#UTA Contact Filters and UTA Account Filters|UTA Contact Filters and UTA Account Filters]]
[[Category:Universal Tracking Application]][[Category:Security]]