
Custom Field Type: Special – MS Word Merge

405 bytes added, 20:36, 31 March 2009
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'''MS Word Merge Field''' - This new field type provides the ability to dynamically create an MS Word document from underlying [[SmartSimple]] data. The feature works as follows:
* Any MS Word document can be used, up to and including MS Word 2007 documents . You can use a normal Word document (DOCXdoc or .docx), DOTXor you can use Word templates (.dot or .dotx).* You must first create a document template which includes standard the MS Word Form fields matching Fields to be populated by SmartSimple. Each Form Field must be provided with a name (called a '''Bookmark''' in MS Word). This name will be used to link the names of form field on the Word document to a Standard or Custom Field within [[SmartSimple]] [[Variables|variable]] names that you wish .  '''To add Form Fields to reference.a MS Word Document:'''MS Word 2000-2003: * From the '''View''' Menu select '''Toolbars''' and enable the '''Forms''' Toolbar* On the forms  
* Once complete, the template is uploaded to a [[Smart Folder]].
* You then create the MS Word Merge custom field in [[SmartSimple]] that will be used to dynamically populate the document.
The values section can be completed in two ways: