
Web Page View Field Variables

44 bytes added, 15:08, 9 May 2008
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'''To define a page break place the following code in the HTML source before the content you deem as the next page''':
<div style="PAGE-BREAK-AFTER: always"><br style="height:0; line-height:0"></div>
'''To change the page orientation to landscape first place the following in the header portion (<head></head>) of the HTML''':
<style type="text/css" media="print"> {
'''Then place <pre><div class="page"></div> </pre>in the HTML source around the "page" content.'''
'''Then place <div class="page">Example: </divpre> in the HTML source around the "page" content.''' Example: <div class="page">This is the page content that needs to be in landscape</div></pre>
Please note that the page orientation control only works with Internet Explorer and is not the greatest quality print due to the page being converted to an image then rotated.