
Custom Field Type: Special - Button

6 bytes added, 20:08, 29 August 2024
Creating a New Special Button
# Under the “Display” section, you select how the button should be displayed to the user. For example, if you don’t want to display a '''Caption''' to the left of the button, select “No Caption” under '''Caption Location'''. This will display just the button aligned to the left of the record.
# For '''Button Label''', enter the text that you wish to appear on the button (Example: “Edit my profile”).
# (Optional) Select an '''Icon ''' and an''' Icon Style''' if needed. Icons will be displayed to the left of the button label text.
# (Optional) If users need additional help or context around the button, you can enter text under''' Tool Tip''' or '''Instructions'''.
# (Optional) Navigate to the '''Permissions & Availability''' tab to set permissions for this button.
# Click '''Save'''.