
Organization Assignment Role Settings

53 bytes removed, 30 July
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[[Image:Assignment_Roles_-_Organization.png |link=]] '''Assignment Roles''' are set as a property of the '''Organizations''' [[standard field]].
The categories shown above define which [[Company Role]]s are available from the dropdown when an [[organization]] is assigned to a record in a given [[UTA]].
To set the ''Assignment Roles'':
To set the ''Assignment Roles'':# Click the '''Settings''' tab on the {{UTA}} menu bar.
# Click on the {{l1}}, {{l2}} or {{l3}} tab, depending on the level upon which the Organizations field is whose assignable company roles you wish to constrain.
# Click on the hyperlink for '''Standard Fields'''.# Click on the hyperlink ''Organizations'Customer' in '' in the list of standard fields.# Click on In the '''Lookup...Filter '''select the '''Scope''',''' Lookup Categories''' and '' button next to 'Status'Assignment Roles''.# Select the [[Company Role]]s are available from which will be available in the dropdown when assigning a contact.# Click the '''Save''' button for the ''Organizations'' standard field.