
Template:Annotation Mode

3,650 bytes added, 15:23, 27 June 2024
Setting up Statuses for Annotations
||The applicant has submitted the application and can no longer edit it.
# Toggle on '''Lock On Status'''
# Go to the '''Permissions & Availability''' tab and under the “Role Permissions” section, select the “Program Manager” user role for the '''Override Lock''' field so they can move the record forward after assigning a reviewer.
# Go to the '''Permissions & Availability''' tab and under the “Availability” section, select the relevant grant types for the '''Enable on Grant Types''' field.
||Reviewer Assigned and Notified
||The reviewer has been notified that the application is ready for review.
# Toggle on Lock On Status
# Go to the '''Permissions & Availability''' tab and under the “Role Permissions” section, select the “Program Manager” user role for the '''Override Lock''' field so they can move the record forward 
# Go to the '''Permissions & Availability''' tab and under the “Availability” section, select the relevant grant types for the '''Enable on Grant Types''' field.
# Set up a Level 1 workflow to send an email notification to the reviewer by going to '''Menu Icon''' > '''Workflows''' > Create a new workflow > Set '''Workflow Object''' to this UTA and set '''Trigger On''' to this status.
||Reviewer Annotation Creation
||The reviewer adds annotations to the grant application, requesting changes and clarifications. They also review the applicant's annotations.
# Toggle on '''Lock On Status'''
# Go to the '''Permissions & Availability''' tab and under the “Annotation System Role Permissions” section, select the “Applicant” user role for the '''View''' field, select the “Reviewer” user role for the '''View and Create''' field, and select both “Applicant” and “Reviewer” user roles for the '''Open in Annotation Mode''' field.
# Go to the '''Permissions & Availability''' tab and under the “Availability” section, select the relevant grant types for the '''Enable on Grant Types''' field.
||Revisions Requested
||The applicant is notified. They must change values, reply to annotations, and provide clarity to issues raised.
# Toggle on '''Lock On Status'''
# Go to the '''Permissions & Availability''' tab and under the “Annotation System Role Permissions” section, select the “Applicant” user role for the '''View''' field as well as the '''Edit Field''' input, select the “Reviewer” user role for the '''View and Create''' field, and select both “Applicant” and “Reviewer” user roles for the '''Open in Annotation Mode''' field.
# Go to the '''Permissions & Availability''' tab and under the “Availability” section, select the relevant grant types for the '''Enable on Grant Types''' field.
# Set up a Level 1 workflow to send an email notification to the applicant by going to '''Menu Icon''' > '''Workflows''' > Create a new workflow > Set '''Workflow Object''' to this UTA and set '''Trigger On''' to this status.
||Applicant Revisions Submitted
||The reviewer is notified that the applicant has made the requested changes and provided clarity.
# Toggle on '''Lock On Status'''
# Go to the '''Permissions & Availability''' tab and under the “Annotation System Role Permissions” section, select the “Applicant” and “Reviewer” user roles for the '''View''' field, select the “Reviewer” user role for the '''View and Create''' field, and select both “Applicant” and “Reviewer” user roles for the '''Open in Annotation Mode''' field.
# Go to the '''Permissions & Availability''' tab and under the “Availability” section, select the relevant grant types for the '''Enable on Grant Types''' field. <br />Set up a Level 1 workflow to send an email notification to the reviewer by going to '''Menu Icon''' > '''Workflows''' > Create a new workflow > Set '''Workflow Object''' to this UTA and set '''Trigger On''' to this status.
||The grant application has been approved.
# Toggle on '''Lock On Status'''
# Go to the''' Permissions & Availability''' tab and under the “Availability” section, select the relevant grant types for the '''Enable on Grant Types''' field.
||The grant application has been declined.
# Toggle on '''Lock On Status'''
# Go to the '''Permissions & Availability''' tab and under the “Availability” section, select the relevant grant types for the '''Enable on Grant Types''' field.