
+AI Assistant

23 bytes removed, 9 May
This article is about the '''+AI Assistant''' feature which allows internal users to instruct the AI to take actions on their behalf on Level 1 records. This can be helpful for a number of scenarios such as instructing '''+AI Assistant''' to update a status, update a field value, or even create new custom fields without leaving the chat window. In this article, you will learn how to configure and use '''+AI Assistant'''. 
<u>'''Note:'''</u> You will need an OpenAI license as well as access to your own model to use the '''+AI Assistant''' feature on SmartSimple. You must be a '''Global Administrator''' to enable this feature. Contact your account manager or SmartSimple Support for further information on billing and implementation.   
* Create a new Level 2 (“Create a copy of the Level 2 called “ABC” but set the Start Date to today’s date”).
* Create a new custom field (“Create a new custom field called ‘Marital Status’ with the following options: ‘Married’, ‘Single’, ‘Divorced’, or ‘Widow’”).
Smartstaff, administrator