

362 bytes added, 16:09, 26 October 2023
Deprecated Password Variables
The following variables will be deprecated and will not work after this upgrade: <code>@password@</code>, <code>@checkportalpassword@</code>, <code>@checkactivatedpassword@</code>, <code>@randompassword@</code>, and <code>@passwordresetlink@</code>.
If you would like assistance with transitioning contact our support team.  The easiest way to check for deprecated variables is to navigate to '''Menu''' icon > '''Global Settings''' > '''Communications''' tab > '''System Email Templates''' > and then click the '''Export Emails''' button. This exports all your system emails into an excel file including the body of the email so you can easily search for the deprecated variables.  More information can be found in our wiki article: [[Password Variables to Set or Reset User Passwords]]
[[File:2023-07-ticket-149983.png|thumb|none|800px|Clicking the <strong>Sample Template</strong> link on the <strong>New User</strong> email will provide you will the variable that will return a link to a page where users can enter their desired password. The @password@ and other variables will no longer work after the November release.]]
Smartstaff, administrator