
Password Variables to Set or Reset User Passwords

5 bytes added, 17:48, 28 June 2023
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In the upcoming November 2023 release, password variables will be deprecated for improved security. All systems will be required to use the activation link variable (<code>@activationlink@</code>) to send the user to a page where they can enter their desired password instead of using the soon to be deprecated password variable (<code>@password@</code>) which sends a password in email.  Therefore, the following variables will be deprecated and will not work after the November upgrade:  * <code>@password@</code>, * <code>@checkportalpassword@</code>, * <code>@checkactivatedpassword@</code>, * <code>@randompassword@</code>, and * <code>@passwordresetlink@</code>.
If you need help updating email templates for new users or password resets, reach out to our Support team. These email templates are located at '''Menu Icon''' > '''Global Settings''' > '''Security''' tab >''' Password and Activation Policies''' > '''Activation Emails''' tab. Clicking the '''Sample Template''' link will update the templates with the desired variable. Make sure to check any existing workflow emails for these soon-to-be deprecated variables.
Depending on how your user signup pages are configured, you may also need to update signup page templates for new users which can be found at '''Menu Icon''' > '''Global Settings''' > '''Communications''' >''' System Email Templates'''. You can filter the list by searching for “Signup”.