

18 bytes removed, 18:24, 27 June 2022
no edit summary
When copying custom field changes to other versions, we added a new option to skip updating display order in case you wanted to update a field but you do not want to update the display order of that field in all versions. To see this setting, go to UTA Settings > Level 1/2/3 > Custom Fields > Select desired fields > Click Copy to Other Versions. Under If field already exists, select Update. A new toggle will surface called Update Display Order.
<!-- 133298 - Versioning and Field Order -->
====Added Ability to Download All Attachments in a Record from the Record====
Added ability to download all attached files from a record with a single click from inside the record. This feature collects the files from upload fields, creates a single zip file and then downloads that zip file just like the Enable File Download feature on list views. To set this feature, go to Global Settings > Security tab > System Feature Permission > Enable File Download from Record. Once this feature is set, you can go to the desired UTA, Organization, or User record and click the Actions menu and select Download Files.
<!-- 133397 - One-click Download-->
====Added Integration for UK Companies House API for Organization Signup Pages====
Added new translation options for text box single and multiple line custom fields. Users who utilize the translation service feature can now set a default language to translate from and to. To see the new settings, navigate to the desired text box custom field and toggle on Enable Translation Service. Enable Field Translation Service must also be toggled on located at Global Settings > System tab.
<!-- 61319 - Translation Service feature - Allow configuration of default settings within a given field-->
====Added Ability to Add Discussion Board Threads to SmartCards====
Added ability to export the Failed Login, Locked Accounts and Expired Accounts. To see this, go to Global Settings > Security > Password and Activation Policies. In the left-hand navigation, click on the desired tab. There will now be an Export button at the top of the list that will export the logs as an Excel file. You can select specific records to export or export the entire list by not selecting anything
<!-- 124468 - Password and Activation Policies Reports -->
====Added Export Functionality for Message Queue====
Added ability to export Message Queue list. This will export the to, from, subject and dates. The export will not include the body of the message or its attachments. To see the new export, go to Menu Icon > Message Queue > click the desired tab and then click the Export button at the top of the list view.
<!-- 124563 - Export files in Message Queue -->
====Added Indicator Icon to Message Queue for Email Attachments====
Added a link beside the Created By and Updated By standard fields that open up the corresponding user profile in a new modal window. This setting is applied to UTA Level 1/2/3 records, User records, and Organization records. If you navigate to the standard field you can hide this link using the Restrict Profile Link setting.
<!-- 132989 - Created By Link -->
====Updated Login Pages====
Updated the list of districts (State/Province standard field) for the Cayman Islands
<!-- 137992 - state/province options for cayman islands are not correct -->
====Added Validation to Virtual Folder and Alias Names for Login Pages====
The header text template in portals was deprecated in a previous upgrade. Any content entered into the Header Text Template options will no longer be visible after the upgrade.
<!-- 136309 - Portal header not displaying -->
====Image Compression Exclusion====