

11,362 bytes added, 16:04, 28 June 2022
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Private Cloud Production (Managed Upgrades) release date: '''March 24 2022'''<br />
Private Cloud Backup (Managed Upgrades) release date: '''March 10 2022'''
Watch this video to get a general overview of the new features in this release.
''To watch this video in full screen, please click on the '''full screen''' button on the bottom right.''
==Global System Upgrades==
The new features listed below are enhancements to the SmartSimple system and will be immediately available to SmartSimple users upon the application of the upgrade to their server:
===Major Updates===
The following settings that were found on the '''Classic Options''' tab have been deprecated: '''Internal Entry''', '''Internal Format''',''' Attach Web Form''', '''Create Folder for User'''. If these features were enabled, you will still see the settings. Otherwise, the settings will no longer be visible. If you create a new signup page, you will no longer have the option to enable these features.
<!--116874 - Classic options on User and organization signup pages-->
===Minor Updates===
====Updates to the Sent Message Queue====
We have added a new button called '''View Message''' to easily preview sent email messages in the '''Message Queue'''. Email messages that contain HTML and formatting (not plain text) will no longer be automatically rendered. Instead, you will have an option to open the email contents securely in a new window. To see this new functionality, navigate to '''Menu Icon''' > '''Message Queue''' >''' Sent''' tab > Click the icon on the far left of each record.
[[File:2022-03-ticket-132679-1.png|thumb|none|800px|New button called <strong>View Message</strong> added to the to <strong>Message Queue</strong> to easily preview sent email messages]]
<!--132679 - Enhancement - Improve Message Queue/Email Preview-->
===Minor Updates===
====Enhancements for Question Set Builder====
Added a new custom field called '''Special - Scoring Results''' that displays test scores and correct answers on Level 2 activity records using the '''Question Set Builder''' with scoring enabled. To learn more about how to set up scoring, step-by-step details can be found on the [[Custom Field Type: Special - Question Set Builder#Setting_up_Question_Set_Scoring | Question Set Builder custom field page]].
[[File:2022-03-ticket-130455.png|thumb|none|800px|A new custom field <strong>Special - Scoring Results</strong> can display test scores on Level 2 records]]
<!--130455 - Question Set Scoring-->
====Added Ability to Choose Type as Icon Color for Level 1 List Views====
Added the ability to choose the '''Type''' color for the icon on Level 1 list views. Previously, the Level 1 list view icons always used the '''Status''' color, whereas level 2s and 3s had the option to choose. To see the new setting called '''Color Code Based On''', navigate to the configuration screen of a Level 1 list view.
[[File:2022-03-ticket-125156.jpg|thumb|none|800px|A new setting in the list view properties allows users to display color based on '''<strong>Type''' </strong> or '''<strong>Status'''</strong>. ]]
<!--125156 - choose type color instead of status for icons on level 1 list views-->
====Updated the Ability to Set Role-Based IP Restrictions for Login====
You can now set an allow list of IP addresses per role which will be used to only allow certain IP addresses to log into the system under a specific role. To see the new setting for this additional layer of security, navigate to''' Global Settings''' > '''Users''' tab > '''Roles''' > Edit a role > '''Permissions''' tab.
<!--133359 - Add the ability to set an IP restriction for logins-->
====Added Ability to Customise Customize the Unlink Message for ORCID====Two A new inputs have been added to the ORCID '''User Standard Field'''. Specifically, '''Unlink Button Alert''' and input has been added to the ORCID '''Profile Main Tab InstructionsUser Standard Field'''. This gives you the ability to easily customize the messaging around unlinking accounts for your ORCID users. To see the new settings, navigate to '''Global Settings''' > '''Users''' tab > '''Standard Fields''' > '''ORCID'''.
[[File:2022-03-ticket-123794.jpg|thumb|none|800px|Systems using ORCID now have the ability to customize messaging around the <strong>Unlink Account</strong> button.]]
<!--123794 - Ability to edit ORCID Unlink Account Message-->
Added a new “Page Layout” setting for the custom field '''Special - Advanced Data Table''' so you can easily set up this field type without looking at or modifying code. To use these new options, create or navigate to a custom field of type '''Special - Advanced Data Table'''. For the new option '''Page Layout''', select "Default". This will surface the new setup options for '''Page Title''' and '''Page Instructions'''. The '''Section Builder''' has also been updated to include new options for '''Display Order''' (under the '''Section Details''' tab) and '''Visibility Condition''' (under the '''Permissions and Availability''' tab).
[[File:2022-03-ticket-125057.jpg|thumb|none|800px|A new default layout for '''<strong>Advanced Data Tables''' </strong> makes them easier to set up.]]
<!--125057 - Advanced Data Table- make it simple (Default Layout)-->
Added a button called '''Populate from Field''' on the custom field translations screen. This convenience feature allows you to populate the translation you are currently working on with placeholder data. It pulls the placeholder values from the base field for context. To see this new button, go to '''UTA Settings''' > '''Level One''' tab > '''Custom Fields''' > Edit a custom field > Click the '''Custom Field Translation Settings''' button on the top action bar > Select a language > Click the '''Populate from Field''' button.
[[File:2022-03-ticket-125057-1.png|thumb|none|800px|The new button is located on the '''<strong>Custom Field Translation Settings'''</strong>.]]
<!--125057 - Advanced Data Table- make it simple (Default Layout)-->
====Media Library Thumbnail Rotation====
Fixed an issue where image Image thumbnails as seen in the media library ('''Upload – Multiple Files Storage''' custom field) were not are now being rotated based on Exif EXIF orientation. Images uploaded after the upgrade will receive thumbnails that are now get automatically rotatedthumbnails.
====User Groups====
Added ability to restrict access to user group settings pages. To see the new permission, navigate to '''Global Settings''' > '''Security''' tab > '''System Feature Permissions''' > '''Features''' tab > '''User Group – Manager'''. These settings will continue to be available to '''Global Administrators ''' regardless of permissions set. We also Fixed fixed an issue with the User Group user group search where you could not search external users.
<!---133837, 134182-->
====Archive Schedule Start Time====
'''Archive Schedules ''' will now start running at 15 minutes after the hour instead of on the hour.
====Edit Profiles Via Links====
When a user clicks a link configured to edit an '''Organization/''' or '''User ''' profile, if the user has view permission, they will now see the profile in view mode when they previously saw an access denied "Access Denied" message.
====System Call Task Added to User Workflows====The '''System Call''' task is now available for '''User Workflows'''.
Updated jQuery UI Libraries to 1.13.1.
Updated JQuery version to 3.6.0 and JQuery Migrate to 1.4.1
Updated highcharts Highcharts to version v99.3.2
<!---134198, 134902, 132312--->
Fixed some issues around saving translation settings.
<!---134346, 135271. 134768--->
====Added Advanced Search using with Modified By====Added ability to search using '''Modified By''' in Level 1 list view '''Advanced Search'''.
====Autoloader Process and Configuration Error Logs will display 3 months of data====Logs located in the following locations will now only show items for only the past 3 months.
Menu icon > '''Gort Automation''' > '''Autoloader Process (in Process/Failed)'''
Menu icon > '''Global Settings''' > '''Configuration Error Log'''
====Autoloader and report notificationsReport Notifications====
Email notifications from autoloader and report export will now use the default from address if configured. To configure the default from address, navigate to Menu icon > '''Global Settings''' > '''Communications''' tab > '''Email Options and Security''' > '''Enable Default From Address'''.
====Validation of file names File Names with single quotesSingle Quotes====Fixed an issue where if a file has single quotes, it will cause errors in validation when the '''Description ''' field is enabled on the '''Upload - Multiple Files Storage''' custom field.
====Test to production To Production (T2P)====
Some unneeded tables are no longer included in the T2P comparison.
====Integration Key Management====
Updates to the Integration Key Management screens including layout and labels changes for SFTP/FTP and Private Key Files.
====Archiving Activities====
Standard field '''Associated Parent ''' will now be available in the activities file when archiving.
====UTA File Search====
'''UTA admins Administrators''' will now have access to the UTA file search feature.
==Service Packs==
===June 9th 2022 (202206.01)===
* Fixed an issue where the annotation pop-up panel was being displayed behind the footer bar.
<!-- 137314 - Annotation Unavailable for some fields -->
* Fixed an issue where the '''Deny Add Field''' was not being applied on the '''Association''' standard field when the '''Use Classic Association Entry View''' was toggled off under '''Global Settings''' > '''Classic Options''' tab.
<!-- 137734 - Lookups People and organizations in associations list views -->
* Fixed an issue where an administrator’s default language would switch to the language of an emulated user after the session was terminated.
<!-- 137312 - System changes language randomly -->
* Fixed an issue where a custom batch update button used to assign group contacts to a record was not applying the selected roles.
<!-- 126675 - Batch Update Button - Add Group as Contacts, role doesn't attach -->
* Fixed an issue with the search on media library in portals where searching on fields was not returning results.
<!-- 137188 - Media library search in portals not working as expected -->
* Updated the default display size of the '''Upload - Image''' fields on web page views to be 500 pixels wide.
<!-- 136852 - Additional issue - Display of image upload field in application pdf #135922 -->
* Minor additions, bug fixes and security enhancements.
<!-- 136978 - Vulnerable Library - jquery-confirm -->
<!-- 136540 - HP Fortify - Missing invitetoken Encoding -->
====Other Changes====
* Added a new setting to flag organizations into acting structurally like a holding folder rather than a true organization with hierarchy permissions. Users assigned to this organization would be restricted from seeing any other user or organization profiles except for their own. This feature prevents inadvertent security breaches. To set this flag, go to '''Menu Icon''' > '''Organizations''' > Edit an '''Organization''' > '''Actions''' > '''Edit Categories and Access''' > Toggle on '''Container'''.
<!-- 135759 - Ability to flag organization as container -->
* Added a new setting to the '''Lookup - Autocomplete Options''' custom field that allows any entity profile links to be restricted by role. To set this up, create or edit an existing '''Lookup Autocomplete Options''' custom field and toggle on '''Enable Dynamic Content'''. Once toggled, a new role lookup will be surfaced called '''Restrict Entity Link'''.
<!-- 136422 - Missing Restrict Organization Open link in the lookup field -->
* Updated the CKEditor for rich text to version 4.19.0.
<!-- 137563 - Netcraft Pentest Scan - V1. Outdated JavaScript libraries - CKEditor -->
===May 19th 2022 (202205.03)===
* Fixed an issue where the status dropdown was populated again on load and losing the selected stored value.
<!-- 137273 - Deliverable status did not change to 'past due' after the due date has passed -->
===May 16th 2022 (202205.02)===
* Fixed an issue where P3 Script was attempting to use the application ID from the script object instead of the application ID passed along from the triggered point.
<!-- 137328 - P3 Script not working -->
===May 12th 2022 (202205.01)===
* Fixed an issue where mobile file uploads were not being processed because the file type extension was case-sensitive and was rejecting valid file types with capitalized extensions (Example: .MOV instead of .mov).
<!-- 136613 - video upload on mobile phone -->
* Fixed an issue with variable processing on group emails where a variable in the body of the email displayed the value of the first record as the value for all records.
<!-- 137005 - Group Email Didn't Pull Correct Information -->
* Fixed an issue with '''Word Merge''' where tables were not displaying if the Word document template contained multiple sections separated by page breaks. '''Word Merge''' will now look at the index of tables in the whole document instead of multiple sections separated by page breaks.
<!-- 108722 - Can't get tables in Word merge -->
* Updated '''System Performance Summary''' severity from “Medium” to “Low” when parent syntax is used inside list syntax. A check for the number of occurrences of list syntax, sslogic, sscalculation, and '''ReportProperty''' was also introduced.
<!-- 124260 - System Performance Summary -->
* Fixed an issue where a status trigger for a Provider UTA triggered on a specific Consumer UTA also changed the status of other Consumer UTAs.
<!-- 133817 - Provider's status trigger on specific consumer UTA also changes status on the other Consumer UTA -->
* Fixed an issue with the instruction text on the '''Contact''' standard field on the '''Organization''' profile not using the defined translation settings based on the selected language preferences.
<!-- 135252 - Instructions Translation on Org Contacts Standard field not displaying. -->
* Fixed an issue with the '''Text Box - Multiple Line''' custom field used in conjunction with '''DocuSign''' where line breaks were not being preserved.
<!-- 135939 - Health Award Letters not populating correctly. -->
* Fixed an issue where the '''Start Date''' and '''End Date''' standard fields were not updated when using the '''Quick Edit''' feature.
<!-- 135763 - QA Issue: Unable to update the start date using Quick Edit -->
====Other Changes====
* Updated the look of the server maintenance and''' Record Lock''' messages.
<!-- 94811 - record lock on level 1 looks poor / 86355 - server maintenance message -->
* Added ability to cancel e-signatures requests via workflow.
<!-- Added ability to cancel e-signatures requests via workflow. -->
* Added tooltips to the left hand navigation captions on record pages so the full caption can be read in the tooltip if it gets truncated.
<!-- 136231 - UI issue around standard field tabs on left hand side -->
===April 21st 2022 (202204.02)===
* Fixed an issue where using the <code>@object.inRole(Rolename)@</code> variable syntax was not resolving correctly when the user's role is updated using a signup page from an invitation.
<!-- 135157 - Signup Page for UTA Invitations not adding role correctly.-->
* Fixed an issue where using <code>ssEscape</code> syntax was not resolving correctly when used in the '''Advanced Data Table''' field.
<!-- 135996 - project participants table - organization column -->
* Fixed an issue related to the '''People''' list view when the Catalan language was selected.
<!-- 136223 - Portal doesn't work in catalan language -->
* Fixed an issue related to the country and state options when the Japanese language was selected.
<!-- 136137 - Country and State options showing in English when they should be in Japanese -->
* Updated the options in the''' State''' / '''Province''' standard field for the country Scotland.
<!-- 136003 - List of states for Scotland not correct -->
* Fixed an issue where the current date variable (<code>@datetime(currentdate)@</code>) was not resolving in scheduled export files.
<!-- 136549 - Current date variable not resolving in scheduled export file -->
* Fixed an issue with the [ API dev tool] where API samples were not loading.
<!-- 136843 - API.smartsimple is blank-->
====Other Changes====
* Updated certain parameters for internet enabled templates to match the parameters of regular record pages to enable SmartCheck validation to run as expected.
<!-- 136706 - SmartCheck validation not working on online form-->
===April 14th 2022 (202204.01)===
* Fixed an issue where line breaks were not being preserved for '''Text Box - Multiple Line''' fields when used as a variable and exported as a PDF from a '''Web Page View'''.
<!-- 135635 - URGENt - Review Manager - External Review -->
* Minor additions and bug fixes
====Other Changes====
* Added a Hebrew language option and updates to several translation files.
<!-- 126188 - Hebrew -->
* Enhanced security on the document generator used to create .DOCX files to only accept encrypted sources.
<!-- 135609 - Home Depot Pentest finding - SSRF vulnerability (docxWriter) -->
* Added support for alternate login pages on password reset and password change notification emails. If an external user needs a password change, they will be redirected to the URL they originally registered under rather than the main instance.
<!-- 136011 - URLs with Alternate Pages -->
* Updated the '''Text Box - Multiple Lines''' field on emails to preserve line breaks for content processed from variables. This change applies for both email composition and for workflow-generated emails.
<!-- 136093 - Auto generated emails -->
* Updated the YUI Library for file uploads to version 3.18.1.
<!-- 135132 - Update Build - YUI Library -->
* Updated the CKEditor for rich text to version 4.17.2.
<!-- 135133 - Update Build - CKEditor 4 -->
* Updated the Select2 plug-in to version 4.0.13.
<!-- 135134 (Update Build - Select2 4) -->
* Deprecated the '''Portal''' link found under the '''User Menu'''.
<!-- 124674 - Deprecate the Portal Link under the user menu -->
===March 24th 2022 (202203.03)===
* Fixed an issue on the '''Contacts''' tab of the Level 1 record where the contact lookup modal was not closing after selecting a user.
<!-- 136108 - QA Issue: Not able to add Contacts to UTA records using Lookup button -->
* Fixed an issue with editing personal filters where navigating to '''User Menu''' > '''Filters''' would display an “Access Denied” message.
<!--135799 - Unable to edit user personal filter-->
===March 17th 2022 (202203.02)===
* Fixed an issue with the display of consumer list views when a new column was added.
<!-- 135810 - PAI - Consumer list view is broken on Program Manager-->
* Fixed an issue where setting copy restrictions for a particular role on one UTA would be cleared when setting up copy restrictions for the same role on another UTA
<!--135705 - Role settings not retaining for copy restrictions-->
* Fixed an issue on the first page of a web page view of a Level 1 where the header did not display as expected when the web page view contained a '''Select Many – Checkboxes''' custom field.
<!--135375 - First page in SmartFields WPV on L1 isn't showing header-->
* Fixed an issue with SmartCheck validation configuration where clicking '''Add to Source''' button in the '''Code Builder''' was displaying a blank tab.
<!--135276 - Add to Source not working when configuring SmartCheck Validation-->
* Fixed an issue with error messaging for the '''Website''' standard field on organizations where custom validation messages were not appearing as expected when custom SmartCheck validation was used.
<!--134871 - Org Website standard field validation-->