

148 bytes added, 18:06, 8 February 2022
Service Packs
* Updated list view record visibility conditions for users who are added to a UTA record role with a '''Deny''' permission applied. These users will no longer be able to see the record in their list views.
<!-- 133253 - Users added in a UTA role that has deny access permissions are still able to see the record in the list view -->
===January 2021 (202111.06 and 202111.07)===
====Internal Update====
* Updated internal functionally to support configuration statistic gathering
===December 13th 2021 (202111.05)===
<!--133021 - Unable to Update/Save Workflow Termination Triggers if More than 42-->
===November 26th 2021 (202111.03)===
* Fixed an issue with the contact lookup on the '''Authenticated Member Configurations''' page which was displaying a blank modal.
<!-- 132825 - Authenticated Member Config Contact lookup page is blank -->
* Fixed issue where the variables provided as parameters for a report property syntax containing special characters that were sanitized with our XSS output filter which caused the reports to not return any results
* Fixed issue where the variables provided as parameters for a report property syntax containing special characters that were sanitized with our XSS output filter which caused the reports to not return any results
<!-- 132825 - Authenticated Member Config Contact lookup page is blank -->
* Fixed an issue where a blank screen was displayed when opening an application from the organization or user profile due to an error if the content being passed within the sscalculation syntax is empty
* Fixed an issue where a blank screen was displayed when opening an application from the organization or user profile due to an error if the content being passed within the sscalculation syntax is empty
<!-- 132844 - Cannot open applications from the Organization/User profiles -->