

12,630 bytes added, 17:13, 20 May 2021
Service Packs
Watch this video to get a general overview of the new features in this release.
''To watch this video in full screen, please click on the '''full screen''' button on the bottom right.''
===Major Updates===
====Removed Base API Key for Signority E-Signature Integration====
Deprecated the default system API key that is used for Signority e-signature integration services when no authentication credentials are configured. Going forward, in order to use the Signority e-signature integration, you will need to engage our partner vendor Signority in order to obtain a license and API key for use in your SmartSimple Platform3 instance. Clients currently leveraging our Signority integration would have already been contacted by a SmartSimple account manager to coordinate this transition, but if you currently have an integration with Signority enabled but have not transitioned to your own license key, please contact our support team for assistance with this. The Online Signature Provider setting can be found at '''Menu''' Icon > '''Global Settings''' > '''Integrations''' tab.
<!--107486 - Remove smartsimples Signority account credentials-->
====Deprecated Classic-style Calendar====
Deprecated of the Classic-style Calendar. Previously, we introduced an update to the Calendar interface to update it inline with the latest Arcadia styling and behaviour. We also introduced a setting within the '''Global Settings -''' > '''Classic Options''' area to allow you to continue using the previous Classic-styled calendar. However, for maintenance reasons we'll be removing this Classic Calendar option and again update your system to use the latest Calendar interface. If the setting for Classic Calendar within the '''Global Settings -''' > '''Classic Options ''' area is not enabled in your instance, then this change will have no affect on your system.
<!--120665 - Deprecate the classic calendar-->
[[File:2021-03-ticket-120659-1.png|thumb|none|800px|After the upgrade, alerts messages will be styled like the image on the right and will no longer say "Hey, first name".]]
====New Limitation to Max Number of Records Returned by SmartConnect API Call====
New limit has been introduced to cap the number of records returned by a single SmartSimple API call to 10000 records. This limit has been introduced in order to improve the response speed of API calls. If the criteria of your API call matches more than 10000 records, you will need to leverage the pagination parameters in order to make multiple calls to page through the results and return the full data set.
<!--122236 - SmartConnect API need to apply limit of 10000 records-->
====Updated Interface for Association of Records====
====Extended Group Email Functionality for Associated Companies of UTA Records====
Extended Group Email function to be available for contacts within associated companies of a UTA Level 1 record. Previously, the Group Email function could only target contacts directly associated with the Level 1. Now, instead of having to connect contacts directly to the Level 1, you can email various contacts of the companies associated to the Level 1. The setting for this is located in the desired UTA > '''Configuration Settings''' > '''Security''' > '''Feature and Function Permissions''' > Level 1 item > '''Enable Group Email'''.
<!--41820 - Group Email In Company Section of UTA-->
Added the aggregate count of associated records within the left menu when viewing contact and company records. Some of the menu tabs representing activities, and UTA Level 2, and UTA Level 3 records associated to contact and company records did not have record counts displayed. These have been updated now to show you a count of these record types per contact or company.
<!--116930 - No count on profile for activities-->
[[File:2021-03-ticket-116930-1.png|thumb|none|800px|Aggregate count for activities added in left navigation as seen on the user profile.]]
====Added Ability to Export Configuration Error Log====
New Shopping Cart feature allows for the tracking as well as processing of payments from users. When this feature is configured, it will allow users to process payments towards organizations, or UTA Level 1 records. This feature was designed with end user donation purposes in mind and will allow you to process payments directly via our integration with our partner Stripe, or through an integration with your own financial system by way of payroll deduction. Users may choose from one-time payments to multiple payment plans. For system administrators, this feature can be enabled in the Global Settings area through settings called Shopping Cart. You can define what system objects are available to for inclusion within an order, and multiple payment forms as well to specify different attributes for different methods of payment. For example, you can include a flat processing fee, and either choose to display or hide this from the user's order summary screen. For end users, when they navigate the records made available for payment towards, they will be presented an option to add to their shopping cart, from which they may check out when done.
<!--119405 - Shopping Cart - Payroll and Fees-->
[[File:2021-03-ticket-119405-1.png|thumb|none|800px|Donating to an organization using the shopping cart.]]
[[File:2021-03-ticket-119405-2.png|thumb|none|800px|Choosing payroll or credit card payment options on the shopping cart summary screen.]]
[[File:2021-03-ticket-119405-3.png|thumb|none|800px|The confirmation screen for a recurring payroll donation in the shopping cart.]]
====Added Additional Themes and Templates Available to Portal Configuration====
Added additional themes and templates available for use in portal configurations. Three new themes are now available. Five new templates have been added for use within these new themes. These templates have been tailored for use with audiences in those respective areas and allow you to setup well -designed tailored portals in a snapfor specific audiences and focus areas.
<!--120769 - Portal Templates-->
[[File:2021-03-ticket-120769-1.png|thumb|none|800px|Three new themes (looks) were added for use in portals as well as a visual picker. Note that the "Default" theme has been renamed to "Traditional".]]
[[File:2021-03-ticket-120769-2.png|thumb|none|800px|Five new Templates (predefined layouts) were added for use in portals.]]
====New Integration with ORCID Research Database====
====New Ability to Generate Fillable PDF Forms for E-signature====
New Added new ability to generate configure Web Page View custom fields with custom content that will include fillable forms on a system-generated PDF forms for sent through an e-signingsignature provider. Currently, this feature is only available for integrations with DocuSign at the moment, you now have the ability to configure Web Page View custom fields with custom content that will generate a fillable PDF.
<!--117380 - E-Signature Document With Fillable Form-->
Updated the default settings for any newly created instance to enforce stronger and recommended settings. Some of these default settings involve security settings, such as deprecation of plain text passwords in email reset template, and enforcement of SmartCheck server-side validation, Organization and User Security matrix, CAPTCHA validation, and cookie usage acceptance message. Some of these default settings involve interface settings, such as disabling of Classic-type interface options, enabling of compact header, and title bar navigation pane. Some of these default settings involve enforcement of configuration standards such as restriction of special characters and spaces in field names, and deprecated support for some variable syntax including reportproperty variable syntax in custom field options, as well as list variable syntax within group functions in template formulas.
<!--54549 - default settings for new instance-->
==Service Packs==
===May 20th 2021 (202103.09)===
* Fixed an issue where the record limit setting on a report was affecting the personal settings for the number of records per page displayed in a list view.
<!--124321 - List View Records Per Page-->
* Fixed an issue where '''Global Administrators''' were unable to emulate the sessions of user accounts that had two-factor authentication enabled.
<!--125089 - System Admin can no longer utilize the Emulate Session feature for users once the Two-Factor Authentication is applied-->
* Fixed an issue where the user was able to see links in their portal they did not have permission to see when they had the main menu page stored as their home page. Additional permission checks were added.
<!--125449 - portal visibility issues-->
===May 6th 2021 (202103.08)===
* Fixed issue where the most restrictive permission was applied on the availability of Note types if the user had a role that was enabled for both '''View Only''' and '''View & Create''' permissions when entering a new note.
<!--124959 - Note type permission follows most restrictive-->
* Fixed issue where the activation link page was not displaying the CAPTCHA validation correctly when the '''Global CAPTCHA Validation''' was enabled.
<!--124912 - Alaska - Password notification link not working-->
* Fixed issue where eSignature documents were not properly stored in the storage field when the '''Display - Text and Variable''' field of the document source was configured to store a parent-level custom field of a different type.
<!--124996 - eSigned document not being stored to field-->
* Fixed issue with the formatting of the phone standard field for sign-up pages containing pre-defined input formats.
<!--124583 - Standard Field Phone Not Updating On Individual Signup Pages-->
* Fixed issue with the workflow tasks triggered on a Level 3 object where the Level 1 associated contacts were being retrieved as the targeted users for the workflow action when the '''Use Assigned UTA Role''' option was selected.
<!--124691 - People Association (Remove) not working on L3s-->
====Other Changes====
* Updated autoloader to handle import files containing the number sign ( # ) when they are enclosed in double quotes.
<!--124725 - Data Import - Data with # signs-->
===April 29th 2021 (202103.07)===
* Fixed an issue with role permissions on the '''Note''' type where the permissions for creating a note and also denying viewing access was not working as expected
<!--124505 - Assessors are able to see Notes from 'Note to Report Admin'-->
* Fixed issue where files were not being uploaded properly, despite successful confirmation message.
<!--124378 - Seeing issues when uploading files to recently created records-->
* Fixed issue with the default sort order of selected documents exported to a Word merge document
<!--124410 - QA Issue: potential issue with ordering of records in list view or word merge document-->
* Fixed issue with question set fields where the word "None" was prepended to the data entered when the number format was not set
<!--124601 - Application questionnaire field error-->
* Fixed issue with the '''Countdown''' field type permission settings not saving properly under certain scenarios
<!--124606 - Issue with Countdown Field type-->
===April 22nd 2021 (202103.06)===
* Fixed potential issue where the pagination on a report/list view would not display the total amount of pages and records accurately under certain circumstances.
<!--124470 - Listview/Report page navigation bar issue-->
* Fixed an issue with the upload permission on '''SmartFolders''' that was triggered under certain circumstances.
<!--123589 - SmartFolder Upload Browse Option broken after Upgrade-->
* Fixed rounding issue on columns set to comma numeric format types on basic data table fields.
<!--124476 - QA Issue: Issues with rounding comma columns in basic data table-->
* Fixed an issue with portal shortcuts where the record count did not match the number of records in the list view.
<!--124318 - Portal Shortcut counts do not match list view counts-->
* Fixed an issue with linked record list where the list view filter was not applying correctly on a list of contacts.
<!--124271 - Linked Record List does not apply list filter-->
* Fixed an issue that blocked the creation of personal filters when the system lock was enabled.
<!--122237 - System Lock prevents Personal Filters-->
* Fixed an issue in the GuideStar workflow task when the workflow was triggered from a signup page.
<!--123873 - GuideStar Workflow Task not Triggering-->
* Fixed a number of missing configurations after cloning or importing a Platform3 instance.
<!--123454 - Cloning Bugs-->
====Other Changes====
* Updated the database connection mechanism for '''Archive Schedule''' to reduce the amount of resources it consumes.
<!--124471 - Scheduled Data Archives are failing at LaCaixa-->
===April 15th 2021 (202103.05)===
* Fixed an issue with referencing multiple list syntax on an advanced data table (with a row index) where the row index did not reset to 1 when listing the items from the second list syntax onwards.
<!--115298 - Iteration of ~Index~ variable-->
* Fixed an issue on the template page where if the user clicked '''Submit''' and then failed the validation, all subsequent '''Save Draft''' and '''Save''' operations still went to the confirmation page.
<!--24130 - Save button Submits record-->
* Fixed an issue where a blank modal was returned when assigning a consumer record to a provider record when using the batch update feature.
<!--124225 - Assigning to Provider Connection not working-->
* Fixed an issue within the Level 1 status settings page where if a type was removed from the '''Enabled on Types''' setting, all the statuses in the '''Available Status''' setting on that type would also be removed.
<!--124221 - Grant Type Available Status settings wiped-->
* Fixed an issue where multiple confirmations and contract requests were being sent to Signority from the platform when the initial response from Signority was delayed and the platform failed to update the status of the submission record.
<!--124096 - Multiple requests being sent to Signority-->
====Other Changes====
* Updated pagination on classic reports to use the same pagination style as other list views.
<!--122661 - BUG - Pagination not working correctly on Report 18015 on ADMS-->
* Updated CAPTCHA validations on template pages so when the user is saving without submitting the form, it will not ask them to enter another CAPTCHA for the subsequent '''Save and Submit''' operations for the rest of the session.
<!--122956 - Issue in internet enabled Level 1 template-->
* Updated server hosted files being served on its own browser window (e.g. PDF) to show the browser's default favicon.
<!--124059 - favicon shown-->
===April 8th 2021 (202103.04)===
* Fixed an issue with the validation engine that would intermittently begin failing, and blocking the submission of records. The issue was apparent when users would encounter a validation error blocking them from submitting records, or sign up pages. Messages such as "There are some issues with the form validation. Please contact your system administrator." would have been encountered.
<!--123921 - Validation error-->
* Fixed an issue with the permission validation for ability to create a UTA level 3 record. The system would incorrectly block the creation of a Level 3 activity when the user did not have view access to the level 1, where it should instead check for access to the Level 2.
<!--123800 - Error Message on Apply-->
* Fixed an issue where a field configured with both a number formatting of '''Percent''', and a precision, would round numbers incorrectly in view mode.
<!--123302 - Percentage Number field rounding incorrectly-->
* Fixed an issue where currency values were not storing correctly within an advanced data table for certain number formats. The number value was being incorrectly formatted for users with a locale that specified number formats without a comma symbol as the thousands separator, and a period symbol as the decimal separator. For example, a Spanish speaker entering a Euro currency formatted number as "1.234,56" would encounter an issue where the system did not correctly transform the number to the expected North American raw number format during calculation.
<!--123771 - XML calculations not working-->
* Fixed an issue where organization signup pages configured with verification services for National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) were unable to select an organization, and copy the organization details to the signup form.
<!--123430 - NCES Integration not working on Sign up page-->
* Fixed an issue where the sort order setting of an '''Upload - Multiple Files Storage''' field would be reset when navigating to another tab and re-saving within the custom field settings page.
<!--123915 - Multi-File field; Sort order being reset-->
* Fixed an issue where clicking on the new activity button on the activity list view incorrectly opens the page in the background screen when working from a modal window.
<!--123261 - New activity shows in background when L1 is opened in modal window-->
* Fixed an issue where selecting a user or contact association through the lookup modal window would not automatically close the window when the record was selected.
<!--123769 - No submit button in contact association modal window-->
* Fixed an issue where the language setting of an advanced data table section may be cleared during configuration of the sections, when built in a certain sequence.
<!--123954 - BUG: XML Section overwriting settings-->
====Other Changes====
* Updated list views to now render line breaks from the stored values onto the web browser.
<!--121411 - Line breaks are not preserved in list view columns-->
* Updated the default message shown for linked record list field type when creating a new record from "Click Save before using linked record list" to "Click Save before using FIELD_CAPTION".
<!--122306 - Update linked record list message on new record-->
* Updated the invitation import feature to support the use of role caption. Previously it only supported role name.
<!--121333 - invitation Import requires role name instead of role caption.-->
* Updated the configuration of advanced data table sections to no longer accept commas within a node name.
<!--123899 - Saving button on ADT is clearing the form instead of saving it-->
* Updated the PDF generator engine to cache and load images from temporary files instead of fully within system memory while compiling the PDF file. This is intended to reduce memory usage from the PDF generation process and improve overall system performance.
<!--123638 - CA & Com server PDF Generation-->