

1,262 bytes added, 20:22, 15 July 2020
New Form Completion Indicator
====Deprecated Special - Password Protected Text Custom Field====
Deprecated the '''Special - Password Protected Text ''' type custom field as it is using outdated encryption methodology that is no longer secure. The current custom fields will continue to work as before, but you will not be able to create new fields of this type.
<!--112573 - Netcraft VA 202002 issues - V15 Weak encryption scheme for password-protected text fields-->
====Changed the Arrangement of Options Context Menu====
Updated the arrangement of options within the action menu bar for improved organization and ease of use of the menu. The previous '''Options ''' menu has been separated and grouped into three new menus '''Actions''', '''Tools''', and '''Logs ''' in order to better separate the type of functions that you can perform for a record. Some functions have been migrated into the pre-existing '''New ''' menu, and the '''New ''' menu has been swapped in position with the Edit/View action.
<!--91709 - Option menu changes-->
====Changed Behaviour and Updated List of Currency Fields====
Updated the list of available currencies, as well as behaviour of select input for various currency selectors throughout both admin configuration pages, a as well as end user interface pages. Currency fields, including the UTA Level 1 '''Currency ''' standard field, have been updated to a more recent listing of global currencies. The field has been updated to show you both the currency code as well as full name of the currency, also now allows you to search on either text, and lastly the sorting has been updated to be fully sorted alphabetically. The stored value of the field will remain the same, and it is only the display value seen on screen that has been updated. Note, that the currency for French Canadian has also been removed from the list, as this should instead be determined by a combination of Canadian currency, and the user's language and address locale.
<!--88659 - Expand the list of currencies available in the UTA L1 SF Currency-->
====Changed Behaviour and Visibility of SmartFolders for SmartFolder Manager Users====
Updated the visibility of SmartFolders to always be visible to users that possess the '''SmartFolders - Manager ''' this permission is found under '''System Feature Permissions''' > '''Action Permission'''. Previously, users with this manager role were still able to access SmartFolders regardless of what role permissions were set on the SmartFolder, however the SmartFolder interface was not correctly displaying these folders as visible. An update has been made to correct this so that the SmartFolder interface now correctly shows all folders as visible since SmartFolder Manager users already had access to these. The effect is that SmartFolder Manager users may now see more SmartFolders in their list than they did previously since they have the access to modify all folders.
<!--91896 - Global Admin cannot view SmartFolder that they do not own-->
====Updated Interface for Greater Screen Real Estate====
New '''Compact ''' Mode introduced for users who wish to view and work with more information on screen. This setting is labelled Enable/Disable Compact '''Display Density''', and is found under the user menu '''User Menu''' at the top right of the header, and then '''Personal Settings'''. Within the '''Display''' tab you can switch to a compact display density. This will improve the amount of workspace for users that are comfortable with a higher density of information on screen. This was designed with staff and power users in mind that work day to day with lists and large forms. Also, some minor updates have been made to the interface for all users to create more screen real estate. Specifically, the spacing and font sizing in the top header bar has been slightly reduced to grant you more usable screen real estate.
<!--110413 - UI Changes for more working space-->
[[File:2020-07-ticket-110413-1.png|thumb|none|500px|List view with the default display density.]]
[[File:2020-07-ticket-110413-2.png|thumb|none|500px|List view with compact display density on where you can see twice as many records per page.]]
[[File:2020-07-ticket-110413-3.png|thumb|none|500px|UTA level 1 such as a grant with default display density.]]
====Changed Behaviour of Variable Processor Replacement of Display - Image Custom Fields====
Changed the variable replacement of '''Display - Image ''' custom fields. Previously, when this type of custom field was referenced from a list syntax in the variable processor, e.g. using '''[#(?object=)#]''', the path to the thumbnail image was returned. The variable processor has been updated to instead return the path to the original image, and a new syntax has been created to reference the thumbnail version. Specifically, '''Display - Image ''' custom fields that were referenced in a list syntax, like '''[#(?object=) $field.value$#]''', used to return the path to the thumbnail image. This will instead return the path to the full image after this upgrade, and if you wish to reference the thumbnail you can do so with new syntax like '''$field.thumbnail$'''. This may impact the size of file, and result in larger files, for any documents that you currently generate that reference these fields in this manner.
<!--113439 - Displaying images from image upload-->
====Changed Behaviour of System Configuration Lock====
Updated the '''System Configuration Lock ''' feature to no longer require a static password to lock or unlock the system, but rather just verify the user's current account password. As this feature is only available to Global Administrators via the '''Global Settings''', we've removed the requirement for a static password for ease of use, as this was never designed as a security feature but rather as an added confirmation before locking or unlocking the system.
<!--110171 - System Configuration lock update-->
====Enhanced Password and Activation Settings Page====
Enhanced the '''Password and And Activation Policies''' settings pages for improved navigation, ease of use, as well as stronger default security settings. The interface for these pages has been updated in line with a left navigation menu. Some settings now have updated labels, and descriptions, and may have been re-organized between tabs to be more intuitive to find. The password policy and complexity has been updated in order to easily configure your password complexity requirement. Previously, the password complexity would be a compiled logic statement, which can still be made via a custom policy, however now by default the password complexity is a set of toggles and options that is easy to both set as well as read. Also, with the new '''Default ''' password complexity type, we've updated the interface to validate a user's password as they type to provide a better user experience when updating their password. We encourage you to review your password complexity settings and easily switch over to the new '''Default ''' complexity type. Please note that the options for minimum character requirement have been updated from a minimum of 6 instead up to 8 characters now.
<!--109890 - Password and Activation Policies - Password Pattern-->
[[File:2020-07-ticket-106654-1.png|thumb|none|500px|The updated password settings page showing the new "Default" complexity interface.]]
====Deprecated Support for Classic Interface====
Deprecated the Classic interface, and removed the ability to re-enable the Classic interface, and will no longer be supporting the Classic interface. A previous upgrade would have automatically converted any instances still using Classic interface to the current Arcadia interface so there should be no impact to most clients. This will however, force all instances to the newer Arcadia interface with no more ability to revert back to Classic interface. We have fully removed the option in '''Global Settings ''' -> '''Classic Options ''' -> '''Disable Classic Mode ''' that would have allowed you to revert back to the Classic interface.
<!--113575 - QA Issue: Classic Interface on User Profiles-->
New MS Word parser function available for file upload custom fields. Similar to the previously released Excel parser function, this feature allows you to upload templated Word files which the system can read and perform updates to custom fields, and even create or update records as well. In order to use this feature you will need to first create a Word template with set inputs and tables. Next, configure the file upload custom field with the definition and mapping between the table names and SmartSimple fields.
<!--111029 - MS Word Parser-->
[[File:2020-07-ticket-111029-1.png|thumb|none|500px|The MS Word Parser functionality as seen on a UTA level 1 such as a grant.]]
===Minor Updates===
====Updated Personal Dashboards with Ability to Link Shortcuts to List Views====
Updated personal dashboards with the ability for you to link aggregate shortcuts and charts to list views. Users with personal dashboards will now find the '''Link to List View ''' option available to them when editing a aggregate-shortcut in a card set to the type item of '''Aggregate''' in their dashboard.
<!--83521 - Personal Dashboards - Sections link to list views-->
====Updated Personal List Views with Ability to Bulk Download Files====
Updated personal list views with the ability to bulk download file attachments. Introduced the option to '''Enable File Download ''' when editing a personal list view.
<!--88221 - Enable Download Files for Personal List Views-->
====Updated Global Listing of Email Templates====
Updated the global list of email templates to include configured email templates from more system areas. This list can be found in '''Global Settings ''' -> '''Communications ''' -> '''System Emails ''' and conveniently displays a list of all the email templates configured throughout the system, allowing you to easily review and update these as necessary from this central list.
<!--109816 - All emails in one place phase 2-->
====Extended the Standard Rich Text Editor for all Email Template Configuration====
Updated the consistency of areas used for composing emails. Standardized the two options for the format of Email Body content, and the Editor that you wish to edit the email body with. This introduces the Rich Text Editor for the editing of email templates in areas that previously didn't have support for the Rich Text Editor.
<!--108384 - invitation templates use rich text builder-->
====Extended Display of Record Type and Status Color to Provider/Consumer List Views====
Extended more base functionality for Provider/Consumer list views to display '''type ''' and '''status ''' colours for the records listed, as well as advanced search functionality.
<!--53589 - Consistency in consumer/provider list view-->
====Additional Fields Made Available for Batch Update====
Added additional fields available to Batch Update in List Views. You can now use Batch Update to update certain standard fields such as UTA record '''Start Date''', and '''End Date'''.
<!--106035 - Batch Updating Standard Fields-->
====Extended Ability to Copy UTA Type and Status Configurations====
Extended the copy function for the configuration of UTA types and statuses. You now have the ability to copy an existing type or status and its current settings in order to create similar types and statuses faster. This option will appears as a '''Save As ''' button when viewing an existing type or status.
<!--90248 - Save As Function for Type and Status-->
====Updated Sorting Options for Notes Panel====
Updated the '''Notes ''' panel with an option for you to select the order to list the Notes in, either newest '''Newest to oldest Oldest''' or oldest '''Oldest to newestNewest'''.
<!--85559 - Enhancement Request - Notes section Sorting on ascending order-->
====New Ability for Users to Opt Out of System Emails====
New personal setting for users to opt out of system emails. When set, this will prevent the system from sending any emails to the user where they are the main recipient in the '''TO ''' field. Note that this will prevent the email from being sent entirely so any other parties in the email CC will also not receive the email. Also, this setting does not affect the sending of emails where the user is included in the email CC, password resets, or manually constructed emails such as Group Emails.
<!--109645 - (DUB) Opt-out emails from the system-->
====Fixed Issue with Visibility of Personal Settings Link in User Menu====
Fixed an issue with the visibility of the personal settings '''Personal Settings''' link to now correctly be hidden from the user menu '''User Menu''' in the top menu bar if the Visibility Permission for hiding the user settings menu is true. The setting to hide the Personal Settings Link can be found under '''System Visibility Permissions''' > '''User Logic''' > '''Hide Settings Menu'''.
<!--111245 - Should Personal Settings be hidden from User Profile and User Menu-->
====New Title Bar Navigation Panel====
New Title Bar Anchor Navigation feature allows you to display a navigation pane on forms that allows users to easily navigate between various titled sections of a form. The setting has been introduced as a global instance-wide setting found in '''Global Settings ''' -> '''Branding''', and when enabled will manifest a navigation pane with links to the various '''Title Bar ''' custom fields that you have configured on your forms.
<!--111287 - Improved tabs and record completion-->
====New Form Completion Indicator====
New Form Completion Indicator feature allows you to display the current percentage completion of a form as the user fills it out. The setting can be configured granularly for UTA records, users, or organizations, for example in the UTA Settings -> Level 1 Settings -> you can define the user roles that see this indicator, and for which record types and statuses. This provides end users with a visual estimate of how much work they've completed and how much is left. This feature will automatically calculate the percentage complete based on the number of fields available for input by the user, and indicates both the overall form completion as well as per section as defined by fields contained within each custom field of type '''Layout - Tabbed Section'''. You may even adjust the default weighting of each '''Layout - Tabbed Section ''' against the overall form completion. In regards to the total completion value this is calculated based on the total number of fields that need to be filled in. For example, if you had two tabs with 5 questions in each tab, the total completion percentage would be (5+5)/10. If you changed the weighting of the first tab from 1 to 2, the total value complete percentage would be [(2x5)+5]/15. Note the total complete percentage is based on all fields you can fill in both mandatory (required) or optional.
<!--111287 - Improved tabs and record completion-->
====New Option to Configure Duplicate Check of Rows in Advanced Data Table Fields====
New ability to configure a duplicate check across columns within the sections of a '''Advanced Data Table ''' custom field. This setting will allow you to enforce uniqueness across the rows of a section. You can select one or more columns to include in this by toggling the '''Enable Duplicate Check ''' setting per column.
<!--91097 - Enable Duplicate Checking Configuration within dynamic XML sections-->
====Extended Language Translation Functionality for Advanced Data Table Sections====
Enhanced the '''Advanced Data Table ''' custom field with the ability to configure language translations for each section. You can now configure different language translations for this field much more easily.
<!--85747 - Advanced Data Table XML sections with multi language support-->
====Extended Contact Invitations for use in Linked Record List Fields====
New option in the '''Special - Linked Record List ''' custom field type to be able to connect to contact invitations. You can now have a greater ability to configure the display, and access to invitations.
<!--91418 - Expand Linked Record List Field to Include Invitations-->
====New Option to Limit Available List Views for use in Quick Assignment Pane====
Enhanced the Quick Assignment feature with option to use a configurable set of list views. You may now specify a set of default list views to be used for the Quick Assignment panel for easier and more intuitive use.
<--105966 - Quick Assign enhancement, default list view per type for Contacts/Applications-->
====New Integration with Scopus Publication Database====
Smartstaff, administrator