

108 bytes added, 22:09, 18 February 2020
no edit summary
3. Click on the '''pencil icon '''next to the name of the report that you want to delete to go into '''Edit '''mode for that report. 
4. The report details will be displayed, and at the bottom will be a '''Delete '''button among a row of other buttons. Click on the '''Delete '''button.
:: [[File:Delete report.png|800px|border]]
5. A confirmation message will pop-up on your screen. Click '''Yes '''to confirm the deletion.
The report will be deleted. Your page will refresh and you will be brought back to the list of reports, now updated to reflect your deletion.
||Provide a name for the '''Total '''column. See [[Using Total Group Options in Report Builder]] for more./ 
||'''Other OptionsEnable Translation'''
'''Enable Translation - '''Allows report headers and associated charts to use translation options in the system's [[Language Library]].
* See See [[Using Language Translation in Reports]] for  for more. 
|-||'''Enable Straight Join '''See ||See [[Straight Join]].|-||'''Enable Pivot View '''Enables || Enables pivot functionality; this means that when grouping by two different columns, you now have the option to perform an aggregate function and pivot the grouped columns across the x-/y-axis. 
[[File:2019-05-ticket-85865-1.png|thumb|none|500px|This example report is using "Pivot View" with the data grouped by "type" and "status". The user can choose which group options they wish to view via the drop down.]]
|-||'''Merge Sub-Reports '''See ||See [[Merge Sub-Reports]]. |-||'''No Name URL Parameter '''See ||See [[Enable URL Parameter Encryption]]. |-||'''Hide Custom Export '''||This will hide the ability for a user to to [[Custom Export]] this  this reportby hiding the custom export icon {{ CustomExportIcon }}.|-||'''Hide File Export '''||This will hide the ability for a user to to [[File Export]] this  this reportby hiding the export icon {{ FileExportIcon }}
===Report and Field Caching===