

77 bytes added, 19:22, 14 November 2019
Change to CAPTCHA Bypass Setting
====Change to CAPTCHA Bypass Setting====
Change to the CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) bypass function previously used to disable CAPTCHA functionality for users by country. Instead we've re-introduced an older CAPTCHA feature of ours that will apply a simple CATPCHA test that is verified locally on the server instead of reaching out to our Google reCAPTCHA integration that was being blocked by some countries. Instead of outright disabling CAPTCHA functionality for a country, this setting will now instead supply users in selected countries with a SmartSimple CAPTCHA in order to always present some challenge to malicious automation out there.
<!--71605 - Ref to ticket 71008 - Captcha Response Error upon completing the registration, please enhance.-->
Smartstaff, administrator