
Auto Loader

228 bytes removed, 14:13, 17 September 2019
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* Click the New Autoloader tab.
==='''GENERAL''' tab===
: [[File:Auto6b.PNG]]
* '''Loader Name''' – set the name for the Autoloader
* '''Folder''' – select the SmartFolder where the file will be located
* '''File Type''' – select the file type of the file for processing
* '''File Encoding''' – select the file encoding of the file for processing
* '''Record Type''' – drop-down list that allows the user to select what object to process
* '''Item'''or '''App Level''' – drop-down list of items from the '''Record Type'''. Caption will appear as Item when Record Type set to Contact or Company. Caption appears as App. Level for UTA specific Record Types.
* '''Activate''' – enables the Autoloader. Until this check box is enabled the Autoloader will not execute.
* '''Connection Type''' – drop-down list that allows the user to select the connection type of the external data source.
* '''Frequency''' – drop-down list that allows the user to select when the Autoloader should be run. Options are '''On File Upload''' or '''Scheduled'''.
* '''Launch Hour''' – only displayed if '''Frequency''' is set to '''Scheduled'''. Sets the time on a daily basis that the autoloader will execute. This should be a comma delimited list of the hour values in 24-hour format.
====Setting the Autoloader Name====
As you can define any number of autoloaders each autoloader process must be uniquely named.
: [[File:Auto3.PNG|thumb|none|400px]]
 ====Setting the SmartFolder====
* Click the Folder Lookup button to display the [[SmartFolders Overview|SmartFolder]], list.
* Select the folder where you plan to add the file.
The folder name will be added to the Folder box.
====Setting the File Properties====
The File Type can be a CSV,Text file, an XML file, Fixed Length, or JSON data.
: [[Image:AutoFile.png|thumb|none|400px]]
 ====Defining the Record Type====
The Record type can be Company, Contact, Resource or a [[Universal Tracking Application]].
: [[Image:Auto5b.png|thumb|none|400px]]
==Additional Settings==
You must set the following additional settings:
==='''GENERAL''' tab===
: [[File:Auto6b.PNG]]
* '''Loader Name''' – set the name for the Autoloader
* '''Folder''' – select the SmartFolder where the file will be located
* '''File Type''' – select the file type of the file for processing
* '''File Encoding''' – select the file encoding of the file for processing
* '''Record Type''' – drop-down list that allows the user to select what object to process
* '''Item'''or '''App Level''' – drop-down list of items from the '''Record Type'''. Caption will appear as Item when Record Type set to Contact or Company. Caption appears as App. Level for UTA specific Record Types.
* '''Activate''' – enables the Autoloader. Until this check box is enabled the Autoloader will not execute.
* '''Connection Type''' – drop-down list that allows the user to select the connection type of the external data source.
* '''Frequency''' – drop-down list that allows the user to select when the Autoloader should be run. Options are '''On File Upload''' or '''Scheduled'''.
* '''Launch Hour''' – only displayed if '''Frequency''' is set to '''Scheduled'''. Sets the time on a daily basis that the autoloader will execute. This should be a comma delimited list of the hour values in 24-hour format.
==='''File Layout''' Tab===
'''NOTE:''' If the Item or App Level option is set to one of the Association options then you can only have Associations ID as identifier. The system we will force the Identifier when Associations ID is selected in mapping, and will only alert them when they try to set any other columns as identifier.
==='''PROCESS''' tab===
: [[Image:Auto6.png]]
* '''Workflow before loader starts''' – drop-down list that contains a list of all workflows in the system. It defaults to No and if users wants to have a workflow execute before the Autoloader adds the data to the system they should select the relevant workflow.
* '''Trigger Workflow''' – drop-down list of all workflows related to the '''Record Type'''. It defaults to N/A.
* ''' Trigger On All Records ''' - check-box that is populated if you wish to have a workflow execute against all records, whether new records or updated records.
==='''HISTORY''' tab===
==Updating Account Owners==
When you are updating company type information you can automatically associate an account field to a user field in order to establish “account ownership”. This section is only displayed at the bottom of the Autoloader page if you have set the Record Type to Company and Item to company.
==External Data Source==
This section allows for the configuration of an external file source if the user does not want to manually upload the file.
[[Image:Autoloader_DS1.png ]]
* '''Disable processing. Download file only''' - if checked then the system will only pull the file across into SmartSimple, but will not load the contents of the file
* '''Disable processing. Download file only''' - if checked then the system will only pull the file across into SmartSimple, but will not load the contents of the file
For example, an '''address''' or '''company name''' could contain ampersands, so should be included as:
<pre><primarycontact> <firstname>JaneJaneSmith</firstnamepre> <lastname>Smith</lastname> <address><![CDATA[145 Main Street]]> </address> <companyname><![CDATA[Acme & Friends]]></companyname></primarycontact></pre>