
Variable List

578 bytes added, 19:10, 26 February 2008
Sender Fields
* @sendertitle@ - '''Title of sender'''.
* @now@ - '''Current date and time format selected by the user in their personal settings - long date format'''.
== Workflow Specific Variables ==
The following variables can only be used in messages associated with workflows:
* @objectname@ - Name of the object in the workflow. This could be a file name, user name, company name, or an application name.
* @originatorname@ - The name of the person that originated the workflow. For example, this value could be the person that added a file to a workflow enabled SmartFolder, or the name of a person that created a new person record.
* @originatoremail@ - E-mail address of originator.
* @originatorphone@ - Phone number of originator.
==Web Form Variables==