no edit summary
The '''Personal Settings '''of a user's profile will control many aspect of the [[User|user]]'s interaction with their [[SmartSimple]] system.
==Configuration - Essentials==
===Accessing Personal Settings===
In order to access your personal settings, simply click the '''icon '''of your name on the top right corner of the screen.
:: [[File:Personal settings.png|200px|border]]
===Editing Profile===
In order to edit your profile, simply click on the '''Profile '''link from that menu.
||Workstation Configuration'''Zip/Postal'''||View Company||Search Internet||Print PreviewThis field will differ depending on the '''Country '''that is chosen - this will indicate the zip or postal code of the person, if different from their organization ||Pin Board||Organization Chart
'''Note: '''Any field that has been configured with a red asterisk next to it is ''mandatory ''and must be filled out in order to publish the person's profile.
==Changing the User’s Company or Address==