
Client Categories

812 bytes added, 17:51, 21 June 2019
Client categories are analogous to [[roles]] for [[contact]]s. The categories to which an organization belongs are visible in the organization's [[profile]].
 :: [[File:Categories on org profile.png|700px|border]] Clicking on the icon labelled '''Categories''' will enable the categorization of the organization to appear on the right hand side. In this example, the organization falls under the Category '''Cause'''.
:: [[File:Category as cause.png|230px|border]]
==Changing Categories== 
Categories can be added or removed from an organization by selecting the '''Options '''button on the top left of the page. This will enable a drop-down of features; under the heading '''Properties '''is the option to modify '''Categories.'''
:: [[File:Changing categories.png|250px|border]] 
Organizations can have numerous categories. A good tip is to have a '''System Object '''category that can be used for miscellaneous or system-based organizations that might not have purpose otherwise; for example, if you have created an Organization of [[Global User Administrator|System Administrators]] in order to know who has high-levels of access and security permissioning in your system, you can categorize this organization under '''System Object '''and helpfully exclude it from ordinary [[Image:CategoriesOnProfile.pngAdvanced Search|link=searches]].
Categories can be added or removed from an organization by going to Settings  :: [[File:Choosing categories.png|600px|border]]<br /><br /> Categories on the profile page.
[[Image:EditCategoriesLinkClick '''Save '''when you are done modifying the categories for an organization.png|link=]] 