

13,438 bytes added, 15:01, 22 March 2022
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'''Email Access '''is provided within [[SmartSimple]] from two different features. Regardless of which technique you use, you are always able to store incoming emails with the contact that sent the messages, provided that contact exists within your [[SmartSimple]] system. Contact activities include all emails as well as other types of activities. When you save an email address to a specific contact, it will become visible to anyone who has access to view that contact.
* See here to learn [[User#Configuration - Essentials|how to add users and contacts]]. 
==Accessing Email from the Menu==
1. Click the 9-square menu icon on the top right of your page.
:: {{Icon-Menu}} 
2. Under the '''Communications '''heading, select '''Email. '''
3. The '''Email '''feature will open. 
:: [[File:Email menu emmy.png|600px|border]]
:* A section later on in this article titled [[Email#Email Menu Options|Email Menu Options]] will provide more information about the functionality of the Email feature. 
==Accessing Email through Message Center==
The second method of accessing email is through the '''Message Center'''. When you click on any person's email address, regardless of the [[application]] or feature you are using (such as by viewing their [[profile]]), you will launch the Message Center which allows you to compose and send an email message. 
:* A section later on in this article titled [[Email#Creating a New Email from the Message Center|Creating a New Email from the Message Center]] will explain how to create and send an email through this method.
==<span id="Types_of_Email_Services" class="mw-headline">Types of Email Services</span>==
:* You can access email accounts in SmartSimple provided the type of account is either '''POP3''' or '''IMAP'''.
:* You cannot access other types of email services that are not configured to operate as '''POP3''' or '''IMAP'''.
:* The accounts you wish to access must have been previously established with some other service.
:* SmartSimple does not provide an email server; however, you can send emails from within SmartSimple if your email service is unavailable.
For more help about email services, contact the SmartSimple [[How the SmartSimple Support Desk Works|Support Desk]]. 
Find out all of the options you have for emailing through different domains from our [[Email Options]] page.
=Configuration - Essentials=
The ==Email Menu Options==::: [[File:Email menu emmy.png|600px|border]]{| class="wikitable"|-||'''Accounts'''||Existing email accounts will be listed. To create a new account, read further for the [[Email#Setting Up an Email Account|Setting Up an Email Account]] information.|-||'''Templates'''||Existing [[Email#Creating a New Message center Template|Message Templates]] are listed.|-||'''Email Received'''||Emails that you have received are listed.|-||'''Email Sent'''||Emails that you have sent are listed.|}===Setting Up an Email Account===On the '''Accounts '''tab of the '''Email '''feature, click the '''+ '''icon on the top right to create a new account. The New Account Window is displayed. :: [[File:New email account.png|700px|border]] The fields used to display premake a new email account are as follows:   {| class="wikitable"|-||'''User Information'''||'''Account Name - '''Specifies your email account name, which will usually be the same as your email address to the ''left ''of the @ sign. '''Email Address -defined message templates in  '''Specifies the email address you use to receive and send messages (must have an @ sign followed by email domain).  |-||'''Login Information'''||'''Username - '''The "friendly" name associated with your email address. '''Password - '''The password assigned to you by your '''Internet Server Provider. '''For security, the actual characters will not be displayed on your screen. |-||'''Server Information'''||You are able to receive this information from your '''Internet Service Provider '''or '''LAN Administrator.''' * '''Server Type: '''Select POP3 or IMAP. * '''Incoming Email Server (POP3): '''Specifies your server for incoming messages.* '''Outgoing Email Server (SMTP): '''Specifies your server for outgoing messages.* '''Incoming Port: '''Port for incoming messages.* '''Outgoing Port: '''Port for outgoing messages.* '''Encryption: '''Encryption choices including [[TLS - Transport Layer Security|TLS]] and [[SSL]].  |-||'''Additional Settings'''||'''Set as Default Mail Account - '''This email account will now be your default email account, unless otherwise specified. '''Requires Outgoing Authentication - '''This means that the system must first log you onto the mail server. |}In order to simplify send or read from your email account, you must first '''open '''the newly created account.  Returning back to the '''Accounts '''tab after clicking '''Save, '''select the creation name of an your new account. The email messages that are stored on this email server will be displayed. * If you are using an '''IMAP '''email message and service, the folder on the server used to streamline store your email will be displayed on the emailing processleft of the window. These folders do not exist when using a '''POP3 '''account
==The Message Center==The '''Message Center''' is used to display pre-defined message templates in order to simplify the creation of an email message, and to streamline the emailing process. You can make email templates available to certain roles or create your personalized, user-specific signature to append to your emails. ===Creating a New Email from the Message Center===Accessing By following method 2 of accessing '''Email''' functionality - directly clicking a contact's email address from somewhere in the system - a modal window of the '''Message Center''' will pop up, allowing you to create and send an email to that contact. For example, you can access a contact by finding them from the '''People '''list, found under the '''Organizations '''heading in the main menu (accessed via the 9-square menu icon on the top right of your page).  The contact's email address will appear on their profile.  ::: [[File:Email message center example 1.png|500px|border]]Clicking directly on their email address will allow a modal window of the '''Message Center '''to pop up.  ::: [[File:Message center preview.png|750px|border]]Your first option is to choose a '''Template '''from a drop-down of available Message Templates in the system that your [[User role|role]] has permission to use. This article will provide instructions for [[Creating a New Message Template]] later on.  Your next option is to either send by email or [[Using Instant Messaging|'''Instant''' Message]],''' '''another communications feature within SmartSimple that can be accessed from the main [[menu]].  After confirming those options, you can then click on your next step with one of the buttons:  {| class="wikitable"|-||'''Compose'''||Clicking the '''Compose '''button will bring you to a new email page within the same modal window. The email page looks similar to what you would expect when composing an email in Microsoft Outlook or Gmail. * If you do not select a Template, this page will appear with all fields blank except for the '''To '''field, which will be populated with the email address of the contact whose email you clicked.* If you ''do'' select a Template, any features that have been created in [[Creating a New Message Template|Message Template]] will already be displayed. * No matter the Template, you can still modify your body content via the menu in the body text window, which allows changes to such features as font weight or colour.  |-||'''Compose in New Window'''||Clicking this button will have the same functionality as the '''Compose '''button except that the page will appear as a new window. This window can then be moved around your screen, minimized, or fully closed in order to allow you to continually see and use other SmartSimple functions.|-||'''Preview'''||Clicking the '''Preview '''button will generate a preview depending on the Template you have chosen. The preview will be generated at the bottom half of the modal window, under the heading '''Preview. '''|-||'''Close'''||Click this button to close the Message Center and return to the contact profile whose email address you clicked. |}===Attaching Files to Email===You will have options to '''upload files '''at the bottom of the new email page. You can upload files from [[SmartFolders]] within your SmartSimple [[instance]] or from a Local Disk (your own computer). The '''Local Disk '''option has a max file upload size of 10MB. Click the '''Attach '''button to the right of these options to attach the files selected.  If email is originated from a [[UTA]] item, you have the option to upload '''Files from Custom Fields. ''' A "Custom Fields" button will be available for the [[User|user]] to attach files that have been uploaded into certain fields on the UTA object ([[Custom Field Type: Link – Single File|single file]], [[Custom Field Type: Display Only – Image|image]] and [[Custom Field Type: Link – Multiple Files|multi-file]] upload fields). ===Creating a New Message Template===
1. Click the 9-square menu icon on the top right of your page.
::: {{ DeprecatedPage Icon-Menu}} 
2. Under the heading '''Communications, '''select '''Email. '''
::: [[File:Email from meu.png|600px|border]]
3. Click into the second tab labelled '''Templates.'''
::: [[File:Email templates.png|500px|border]]: :* Any templates that are already available to the system will be listed. Click the '''pencil icon '''on the left of the name of the template if you would like to edit that specific template. 
===Creating a New Message Template===
When you have opened into the list of message templates, you are able to create a new message template.
2. Fill out the form fields to create a new email template.
:::: [[File:Email new template save as.png|800px|border]] 
{| class="wikitable"
You can select from one of the following options: 
::* '''General: '''Email Template will be available in all contexts.::* '''[[Universal Tracking Application|UTA]] Level 1: '''Email Template will only be available when sending an email from a UTA {{ Banner-Billable }}::* '''{{ Banner-UnderConstruction }} ''''''Level 2 & 3: '''Email Template will only be available when sending an email from a UTA <span id="bs_template:@@@TPL4@@@" class="mceNonEditable template" data-bs-name="l2" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="4">{{ l2 l3 }}</span> or <span id="bs_template:@@@TPL5@@@" class="mceNonEditable template" data-bs-name="l3" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="5">{{ l3 UTA }}</span>.::* '''Contact: '''Email Template will only be available when sending an email from a contact record.
The body of the message can be typed here. All types of formatting are supported - you are able to copy and paste information from other programs, including images, into the body window. 
'''View Variables - '''Click this option to see from a list of system-wide variables. These will be autopopulated with the appropriate text based on the recipients. For example, @GrantID@ will autopopulate with the specific grant ID number if you are sending it to the grant recipients from a <span id="bs_template:@@@TPL6@@@" class="mceNonEditable template" data-bs-name="UTA" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="6">{{ UTA }}</span> <span id="bs_template:@@@TPL7@@@" class="mceNonEditable template" data-bs-name="l1" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="7">{{ l1 }}</span>. See the [[Variable List]] for more. 
'''Font/Content Modification - '''Utilize the menu options available in the body text window to modify the content of your email. For example, you can change the font weight (bold or not) and size, as well as formatting of columns and indents. 
===Creating a SignatureTemplate===
A signature template is used to add your user-specific, personalized signature to the bottom of the email messages that you send. 
=Configuration - Advanced=
=Appendix=Email Templates for User Activation and Password==Options You can use '''Email Templates '''to manage the content of notifications sent to users who are either new to the system or require new passwords/password change.  These templates can be accessed and Settings==modified by following these steps:  <!1. Click on the 9-square menu icon on the top right of your page. :: {{Icon-Explain all applicable misc options Menu}} 2. Under the heading '''Configuration, '''select '''Global Settings.''' 3. Under the tab '''Security, '''select '''Password and Activation Policies.''' :: [[File:Password and activation policies global settings that shouldn.png|500px|border]] 4. On the second tab, you will see the '''Activation Email Templates.''' :: [[File:Activation email templates.png|800px|border]] The '''Activation Email Templates '''page has template options for '''New User, ''''''Request Password, '''and '''Password Change Notification.''' * The '''New User '''email message is sent to to a [[User|user]] when you enable their access to your SmartSimple [[instance]] for the first time. * The '''Request Password '''t be explained above hereemail message is sent to a user when they request a new [[Password Policy|password]] from the [[Login page|login page]]. * The '''Password Change Notification '''email message is sent to the user when a System Administrator or themselves have changed their account's password.  <pre> The User Activation and Password Templates can be viewed and modified in either plain text or HTML.--</pre>==Hierarchical User Email Templates=General =A different password activation email can be defined for each company which will automatically apply to all sub-companies in the [[Organization hierarchy]] unless they have defined their own password policy. When viewing a company in your hierarchy, select '''Settings > [[Password Policy]]''' to define the password activation email. If there are no password activation emails defined for a company or the companies above it in the hierarchy, the password policy set in [[Global Settings]] will apply. * See [[Password Variables to Set or Reset User Passwords]] if needed.  ==Email Security=={To configure email security (as well as security settings for the [[Email#Feature: Email Broadcast|Email Broadcast]] feature, see our [[Email & Email Broadcast Security page| classEmail & Email Broadcast Security page]].  ==Email Restriction=="wikitable"'''Email Restriction '''allows the [[Global User Administrator|System Administrators]] to set up a matrix of which roles ({{UTA}}-assigned roles only) are able to send emails to which other roles through [[SmartSimple]]. To configure Email Restrictions, follow these steps: !|Option!|Description1. Click on the 9-square menu icon on the top right of your page.!|Example|:: {{Icon-Menu}} 2. Under the heading '''Applications '''are a list of the {{UTA}}s available to your SmartSimple [[instance]]. Select the application you would like to enable Email Restrictions on. :: [[File:List of UTAs.png|550px|border]]3. When the UTA's page is open, click on the '''cog '''icon on the top of the page to go into '''Configuration Mode. ''' 4. Click into the tab labelled '''Security. ''' :: [[File:Enable email restriction.png|500px|border]] ||5. Toggle on the option to '''Enable Role Restriction. ''' 6. Click into the hyperlink '''Email Restriction, '''which will open up a list of UTA-assigned roles that will allow you to choose which roles should be restricted from the Email functionality.  7. When you are done permissioning roles for Email Restriction, click the '''Save '''button.  ==Integrating Email with UTA==See our [[Integrating Email with the UTA]] page for more information and instructions. ==Feature: Email Domain==The '''Email Domain '''setting is found in the [[Global Settings]] page. It is used to configure a default domain from which users will not have to enter their full email address when logging into [[SmartSimple]]. * For example, if your company's email domain is, any users with an email address that ends in that domain will not have to enter that portion of their email address when logging into [[SmartSimple]]. |}* Any users that have an email domain ''other ''than the other specified as the default will have to enter their entire email address into the '''Username '''field when they log into {[SmartSimple]]. 
1. Click on the 9-square menu icon on the top right of your screen.
===Display Settings===:: {{| class="wikitable"|Icon-Menu}} !|Option!|Description!|Example|-|||||||}2. Under the heading '''Configuration, '''select '''Global Settings.'''
=Examples=<!--3. Under the tab '''Branding, '''you will see a field box populated that is labelled '''Email Domain. '''
{:: [[File:Email domain.png| class="wikitable"!550px| Optionborder]] !| Description!| Example|-||==Feature: Email Broadcast==The '''Email Broadcast '''feature enables you to send messages with or without attachments, targeted to specific roles either [[Internal|internal]] or [[External|}external]] to your organization.
To use the '''Email Broadcast '''feature, ensure that [[User role|roles]] have been created so that you can communicate with everyone you need to easily. 
You can attach calendar links, documents, images, or anything else you need your contacts to receive. You can also track who has opened your email in the '''Reader Log. '''
Sample Syntax Format:Empty space at start of line to highlight the row, italicize any variables that the user would fill in (as opposed to literal words that need to be used in syntax)Learn more about [[Overview_of_the_Email_Broadcast_Application| Email Broadcast Application]]. 
@sectionLearn more about [https://www.''SectionNodeName''| formatting email broadcasts]
* '''Tip: '''If you use the email broadcast feature regularly for your SmartSimple [[instance]], you can create a [[Portals#Shortcuts|shortcut]] on your home page for quicker access. 
==Feature: Email Anything==
With the '''Email Anything '''feature, you have the ability to generate unique email addresses tied to various objects or records. This adds the convenience of attaching emails directly to the relevant object or record.
Sample Code Block:When you want to write an example block of code, you should highlight it '''Email Anything '''ensures that all claimants' or applicants' emails are tracked and also escape any special characters that might be construed as HTML formatting stored in their own unique record and outputted incorrectly by the Wiki by using assigned email address - this eliminates lost or misplaced communications coming into a pre (pre-formatted text) taglarger, communal email inbox. 
<preu><?xml version="1.0"?><Company> <Name>Oranges Inc.'''Some functions of Email Anything'''</Nameu> <Description>Peel. Eat. Repeat.</Description></Company><Company> <Name>Bananas Ltd.</Name> <Description>You're going to go "bananas" over our product!</Description></Company></pre>'': '''
:* You can configure the '''Email Anything '''feature so that when your external users send an email to a record, a '''sub-record '''is created on that record.:* Emails sent to an organization record can also create contact records in the system.:* Emails sent to a {{UTA}} record can create an '''activity '''on that record; users are then able to interact with and create records on your online database without even logging in.:* The system will automatically record all incoming and outgoing activity on the source record so all communications are properly tracked.
Unordered list<pre> This feature is also searched as the following:Objemail, eMail Everything, object email, @objemail@ </pre>When listing information with bullet points in no order===Configuring Email Anything===[[File:Objemail.png|@objemail@ example]]
* Point 1* Point 2* Point 3 The syntax (@objemail@) can be used to generate a unique email address for objects in SmartSimple.<br /> This will attach the email as a sub-record to the record from which is has been triggered.<br /> The status of the email record is controlled by the '''Received Activity Status '''setting. If there is a [[Workflow]] defined on that status it will be triggered when the record is added.
'''<u>Use Cases</u>: '''<br />* '''Review Forms''' - A reviewer can send an email to the application<br />* '''Project Management''' - Staff can send email to community contacts while keeping the communication on file, eliminating the need for Outlook Plugin<br />* '''Letters of References''' - Applicant will enter referee email address, which will allow the Referee to respond back with the letter of reference attached<br />* '''Support Tickets''' - A client can email a ticket directly<br />* '''Anonymous Email Address''' - Users can inquire about opportunities without revealing their email address - similar to what online trading-places have
Ordered list:
When listing information with numbers to denote ordered steps
# Step 1# Step 2# Step 3'''<u>Example Usage</u>: '''<br />You can create a [[Custom Field Type: Read Only – System Variables|Read Only – System Variables]] Custom field with the following contents:
<script>// <![CDATA[
function copyToClipboard(element) {
var $temp = $("<input>");
// ]]></script>
<span id="objEmail"><a href="mailto:@objemail@">@objemail@</a></span> <a>(Copy to Clipboard)</a></pre>
Clicking on the email address will open a new email with your default email program<br /><br />Clicking '''Copy to Clipboard''' will copy the email address to your clipboard so you can paste it (Ctrl-V) into your email program etc.
Sample Page Header Banners:Deprecated Feature<span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL0@@@" data-bs-name="Deprecated" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="0"><span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL0@@@" data-bs-name=" Deprecated" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="0"><span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL0@@@" data-bs-name=" Deprecated" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="0"><span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL0@@@" data-bs-name=" Deprecated" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="0">{{ Deprecated }}</span></span></span></span>Deprecated Page<span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL1@@@" data-bs-name="DeprecatedPage" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="1"><span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL1@@@" data-bs-name=" DeprecatedPage" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="1"><span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL1@@@" data-bs-name=" DeprecatedPage" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="1"><span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL1@@@" data-bs-name=" DeprecatedPage" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-idSee Also="1">{{ DeprecatedPage }}</span></span></span></span>Professional Services* [[Email Options]]<span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL2@@@" data-bs-name="Banner-Billable" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="2"><span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL2@@@" data-bs-name=" Banner-Billable" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="2"><span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL2@@@" data-bs-name=" Banner-Billable" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="2"><span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL2@@@" data-bs-name=" Banner-Billable" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="2">{{ Banner-Billable }}</span></span></span></span>* [[Email & Email Broadcast Security]]Page Under Construction* [[Email Designated as Spam]]<span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL3@@@" data-bs-name="Banner-UnderConstruction" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="3"><span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL3@@@" data-bs-name=" Banner-UnderConstruction" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="3"><span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL3@@@" data-bs-name=" Banner-UnderConstruction" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="3"><span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL3@@@" data-bs-name=" Banner-UnderConstruction" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="3">{{ Banner-UnderConstruction }}</span></span></span></span>* [[Message Queue]]
Smartstaff, administrator